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  1. Grand Historian

    Hundreds of Chinese families seek wartime compensation from Japan

    Japanese denying comfort women,Nanking massacre,Unit 731 etc are equivalent to Holocaust deniers.
  2. Grand Historian

    Hundreds of Chinese families seek wartime compensation from Japan

    No it isn't its comparing apples to oranges,this is about Japan not China under Mao.
  3. Grand Historian

    Hundreds of Chinese families seek wartime compensation from Japan

    No, it isn't the Japanese atrocities and Communist wrongdoings are seperate. Japanese intended to murder,pillage and rape while the Mao didn't plan to starve his people.
  4. Grand Historian

    Hundreds of Chinese families seek wartime compensation from Japan

    Chinese bashers always bring up this up,this is about Imperial Japan not Communist China evils.
  5. Grand Historian

    Book Club Thread -Lets read more and talk less

    The ones I listed are pretty standard however some are dry and all are informative. As long as you don't touch history dealing with WW2 and after most of its fine.
  6. Grand Historian

    Book Club Thread -Lets read more and talk less

    Some of the texts are quite dated so there are inaccuracies,however it is a good outline for the overview of a certain dynasty. There certainly isn't any oriental despotism or human wave stereotypes or condescending attitudes towards Chinese history. Though if you wanted to dig deeper ie...
  7. Grand Historian

    Book Club Thread -Lets read more and talk less

    Keep in mind these are books I have read there are plenty of other hidden gems though these not about international relationships. For a general overview of Chinese history: 24 histories Cambridge history of China History of Imperial China series For the history of Chinese population/census I...
  8. Grand Historian

    Armed Police Begin Antiterrorism Patrols in Beijing

    So copying makes you a slave? I suppose Vietnamese are still mentally enslaved since they copied so much from the Chinese.
  9. Grand Historian

    Xinjiang Province: News & Discussions

    Hokkien Supremacy,degeneration of Northern Han as barbarians etc is not patriotic whatsoever.
  10. Grand Historian

    South China Sea Forum

    Are you kidding me,阮,陳,黎 etc are derived from Chinese surnames only a delusional fool will think otherwise. I already debunked your various lies however your inability to digest sources is not my problem.
  11. Grand Historian

    Taiwan affairs

    Taiwanese Han such as me don't even look close to a Malaysian. We look no different from Fujianese. Your theory about Fujianese being Siniczed Malays is nothing more than nonsense. Taiwanese Aborigines =/= Malaysians.
  12. Grand Historian

    Taiwan affairs

    You are not Taiwanese you are some mixed Chinese Malay who is confused about his heritage. There is no such thing as Taiwanese race,Taiwanese DNA is forms a cluster with Fujianese. I have a ROC passport and you don't,Hokkien supremacy is a minority platform not a majority one.
  13. Grand Historian

    South China Sea Forum

    Nope,Vietnamese Sinicized under Chinese rule and influence,you have only yourself to blame for your Chinese surnames.
  14. Grand Historian

    Vietnamese nationalist fabrications

    How many times do I have to address this,this is autosomal DNA not Y DNA. I'm not going to argue that Southern Han's are descended maternally from the natives however our paternal side is from the central plains. Lets debunk each of your lies one by one. Rechoice logic:Van Lang existed...
  15. Grand Historian

    Vietnamese nationalist fabrications

    I created this thread to address historical fabrications,name international scholars that recognize Van Lang or Gojoseon prior to Weiman. How many times do I have to drill it in your head being Han or not is not a matter of bloodline but cultural identification. I already addressed your lies...
  16. Grand Historian

    Vietnamese nationalist fabrications

    Keep on deluding yourself that Vietnamese invented gunpowder:cheesy:
  17. Grand Historian

    Vietnamese nationalist fabrications

    It doesn't matter what your history books,Koreans claim that Gojoseon was older then Shang dynasty yet we have no archaeological proof whatsoever ie similar to Van Lang. Then why do you claim all all Baiyue as Vietnamese? Luoyue characters resemble later day Tai characters,you are just...
  18. Grand Historian

    Vietnamese nationalist fabrications

    I'm an ethnic Han Chinese that resides in the US, yet I have dual citizenship from the US and the ROC. If you have ever traveled to Sinitic speaking areas you would see that Chang Jiang is much more common then Yangtze. Can you please rephrase you answer. Van Lang never ruled Southern China,I...
  19. Grand Historian

    Vietnamese nationalist fabrications

    I can't believe you would stoop so low to make up history like your Vietnamese compatriots. Cantonese are considered Han,by the Ming dynasty all Southerners were considered Han as well as Northerners. Some Southern Chinese call themselves Tang ren that because of the splendor of the Tang...
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