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  1. Grand Historian

    South China Sea Forum

    Someone must have woke up on the wrong side of bed:cheesy:
  2. Grand Historian

    South China Sea Forum

    Not really,ever since the Qin-Han dynasty there was a concept of one "China" under an Emperor,efforts to revive Zhou era feudalism ie Rebellion of the 7 states were crushed. That is the reason why there are no efforts to establish individual state today ie there are no acts of Chu,Zhao,Qin...
  3. Grand Historian

    Xinjian:13 terrorists shot dead, 3 polices injured lightly

    Quiet hilarious coming from Turkicized Anatolia natives. The truth is that modern day Anatolian Turks have a tenuous claims to ancient nomadic tribes ie Gokturks/Xiongnu/Huns. The earliest proto Mongolic/Turkic tribes were mixed and were recorded to have differing features however if you look...
  4. Grand Historian

    [Request] Source of Sprartly Islands Belonging to China

    How does a Han era embellishment make all of Chinese history fake? Again the earliest text never states where they are from,so how are you going to prove or disprove this event? Save for a time machine it is impossible to determine if the Yuechang that visited the Zhou court is from modern day...
  5. Grand Historian

    China sends note to UN chief to clarify Xisha situation

    Vietnamese fabrication:cheesy: How shameless can Vietnamese be claiming that all Tai Kadai/Austronesian/Austro Asiatic etc are Vietnamese?
  6. Grand Historian

    China sends note to UN chief to clarify Xisha situation

    @Hu Songshan the troll is at it again.
  7. Grand Historian

    China sends note to UN chief to clarify Xisha situation

    Tracing the Austronesian Footprint in Mainland Southeast Asia: A Perspective from Mitochondrial DNA "Comparing the Chams with other Southeast Asian populations reveals that the Chams had a closer affinity with the Mon–Khmer populations in MSEA than with the Austronesian populations from Island...
  8. Grand Historian

    [Request] Source of Sprartly Islands Belonging to China

    When have I stated all of Chinese history is fabrication? I said some later day additions cannot be proven.
  9. Grand Historian

    [Request] Source of Sprartly Islands Belonging to China

    What does Han era texts have to do with modern day events? I'm afraid the title of the biggest liar has to go to the Nationalistic PDF Vietnamese.
  10. Grand Historian

    [Request] Source of Sprartly Islands Belonging to China

    No,just some information is embellished as time goes on ie Yuechang,Jizi Chaoxian etc.
  11. Grand Historian

    [Request] Source of Sprartly Islands Belonging to China

    No its a Han era fabrication otherwise quote a Spring Autumn/Warring States text that states Yuechang was in Vietnam.
  12. Grand Historian

    China sends note to UN chief to clarify Xisha situation

    My nationality doesn't matter one bit,I will lambast any Vietnamese distortions I find. Using a flawed conjecture based on ignorance is not proof,its blatant dishonesty. You don't need a degree anyone able to read Hanzi should understand the meaning of the map. I have already showed Qing era...
  13. Grand Historian

    China sends note to UN chief to clarify Xisha situation

    If you can't read the title of the map then you're not qualified to discuss it,I have already explained it multiple times why certain Qing provinces and lands are not included.
  14. Grand Historian

    China sends note to UN chief to clarify Xisha situation

    No it didn't,the first source (ie Zhushu Jinian) to mention Yuechang didn't mention Yuechang's location therefore the Han era practice of labeling Southern Vietnam as Yuechang is groundless. There is no evidence that the pre Cham natives of Yuechang spoke Vietnamese what we do know is that they...
  15. Grand Historian

    Chinese swear their revenge on Japanese (Sino-Japanese War)

    No,modern day identity should not be applied towards neolithic culture. I think Chinese civilization give or take is around 3,500-4,000 years as I don't believe in Xia or legendary figures. It is recognized across the world that Japanese civilization is younger than contemporary Chinese and...
  16. Grand Historian

    The Chinese 'Invasion' Of Siberia Is A Myth

    Koreans have no claim to Manchuria other than being conquered by Fuyu people. Even their claim to Changbaishan is ridiculous,Joseon era texts call it a "barbarian" mountain and it was only the Altaic Narrative of Shin Chaeho that changed the outlook. However keep in mind Manchuria is a Western...
  17. Grand Historian

    Chinese swear their revenge on Japanese (Sino-Japanese War)

    I have no love for the Japanese or their government,though the current generation cannot be blamed for their ancestor's sins. I do not know whether it is out of sheer ignorance or deceit that the Japanese as a whole are unwilling to atone or acknowledge their ancestor's crimes ie painting a...
  18. Grand Historian

    Chinese ship sinks Vietnamese fishing vessel

    How many more excuses are you going to make up for you incompetence?
  19. Grand Historian

    Chinese ship sinks Vietnamese fishing vessel

    Every ethnicties has myths,the only difference is that modern day Chinese historians don't use them to prove anything unlike the Vietnamese. I've made my views crystal clear anything before the Shang is legendary and are fabricated in my eyes though there is archaeological evidence of palaces...
  20. Grand Historian

    Chinese ship sinks Vietnamese fishing vessel

    Where have I lied about Chinese or Vietnamese history? I used primary sources as well as modern day ones.
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