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  1. Grand Historian

    "Chinese" demand apology as Indonesian communist-purge film gets Oscar nod !

    How asinine,a tragedy is a tragedy besides these are all keyboard warriors has the Chinese government demanded anything? Modern day countries are were built by the sword,Turkey is no different except that modern day Anatolian Turks are mostly descended from the natives and merely adopted the...
  2. Grand Historian

    "Chinese" demand apology as Indonesian communist-purge film gets Oscar nod !

    Ah,thank you showing this now I see the root of Lux de Verita's agendas. His own claim: "I come to conclusion that I am a Sinicized Malay, as all Fujian Chinese are." This is my speculation,due to Lux de Verita lineage being part Malay he seeks to project that identity on his non Malay...
  3. Grand Historian

    Southern Han Chinese and their relationship with the Baiyue

    The only leg you're standing on is Vietnamese texts written thousands of years after the events. I can recognize untrustworthy sources when I see them especially if they are ingrained in myth and legends. I already asked you these questions and ever single time you ignore them. 1.List a...
  4. Grand Historian

    "Chinese" demand apology as Indonesian communist-purge film gets Oscar nod !

    First off I have no affiliation with PRC other than having some relatives who reside there. My grandfather sent plenty of money due to the harsh circumstances some of his relative had to go through and also his way to repay his deceased uncle. Whether or not your relatives sent money back has...
  5. Grand Historian

    Southern Han Chinese and their relationship with the Baiyue

    Sigh this is pointless,you have no proof of your Vietnamese myth yet you try to present it as historical fact. A book written thousands of years later is hardly conclusive proof,show me research papers and Sinologists who agree with your claim. For the last time the natives of Southern China...
  6. Grand Historian

    Southern Han Chinese and their relationship with the Baiyue

    Yue=/= Viet Despite what EastSea says the Yue state of Goujian has nothing to do with the Yue of Vietnam. I already stated that the there was no pan-Yue identity back then. Not all Baiyue's are Vietnamese but Vietnamese are part of the Baiyue. Prove that the Yue in Guangdong and Guangxi ever...
  7. Grand Historian

    Southern Han Chinese and their relationship with the Baiyue

    That's rich coming from you,in the end you are nothing more than a hypocrite you called Northern Chinese bastard's of Mongols and Manchus. "Northern Chinese are bastard Mongols and Turks." You state there was a large influx of nomads so Northern Chinese are now Xianbei,Mongol and Manchu now...
  8. Grand Historian

    Southern Han Chinese and their relationship with the Baiyue

    Exactly,I ask Vietnamese members to name one reason why it was Vietnamese and then all of sudden they disappear.
  9. Grand Historian

    Southern Han Chinese and their relationship with the Baiyue

    Thank you for providing the source. Sigh,I said relevant sources not sources written almost 2000 years later. No Chinese source has ever mentioned Xich Quy,Van Lang or the Hung kings... You've been recycling the same debunked claims over and over again,I've already stated numerous times why...
  10. Grand Historian

    Southern Han Chinese and their relationship with the Baiyue

    So a single test is supposed to justify that Southern Chinese are inherently smarter? Give me a break Northern,Central and Western China are not as developed as the coastal areas,I'm sure there are plenty of Northern Chinese that are smarter than you. Yes you are culturally Chinese,that...
  11. Grand Historian

    Southern Han Chinese and their relationship with the Baiyue

    Which Chinese forum member has claimed that Han/Huaxia people never mixed with anyone? Now you do a complete 360 you previously stated that Northern Hans are dumb because they are mixed with nomads now all of a sudden minorities are some miracle drug that can save China. Each dyansty is great...
  12. Grand Historian

    Southern Han Chinese and their relationship with the Baiyue

    That doesn't mean on a case by case basis that Northern Chinese are innately dumber. You said so yourself that you have Malay blood but you still claim to be Chinese,I have nothing against Malays rather I have issues when people try to claim what they aren't. The gist of what I'm saying is you...
  13. Grand Historian

    Southern Han Chinese and their relationship with the Baiyue

    Yet both the nomads and southern natives were several times dwarfed by Han Chinese there's a reason why Han Chinese still exists today and Baiyue and Xianbei/Xiongnu doesn't. You are the one insinuating that Northerners are somehow dumber and how they aren't Huaxia. I detect some racism from...
  14. Grand Historian

    Southern Han Chinese and their relationship with the Baiyue

    Name one time when nomads outnumbered the native Han Chinese in Northern China You do realize even if the Sui-Tang emperors had Xianbei mothers they still claim descent from Han Chinese,even the Turkiphile Tang prince was ostracized because of his behavior. You are a Malay with an ax to grind...
  15. Grand Historian

    Southern Han Chinese and their relationship with the Baiyue

    Chinese is not solely Han,there are plenty of important minorities throughout history. Yes the Yue were non-Chinese at the time however that doesn't make them Vietnamese. You also forget the amount of Qin convicts and soldiers that were under Zhao Tuo's commands. The kingdoms culture was also...
  16. Grand Historian

    Southern Han Chinese and their relationship with the Baiyue

    I agree with you there is no singular Chinese identity back then however the states of GouWu,YuYue,Ba,Shu and Chu orbited the Chinese world order. They did this by Sinicizng themselves,fabricating or stating genealogies to Zhou kings or Chinese sage kings(which was accepted by the the other...
  17. Grand Historian

    Southern Han Chinese and their relationship with the Baiyue

    Hegemon is different from Emperor,Goujian did not have the ambition to conquer all of the other warring states and uproot the Zhou king. No,WuYue has nothing to do with Vietnam Dai Viet su luoc was written in 1377,Goujian reigned in 496-465 B.C. The text is written almost 2000 years later...
  18. Grand Historian

    Southern Han Chinese and their relationship with the Baiyue

    No,during Goujian's era there was no concept of Huangdi only Wang you're free to prove otherwise. Why are you avoiding my questions? You either have proof or you don't. Either way YuYue has absolutely nothing to do with Vietnam.
  19. Grand Historian

    Southern Han Chinese and their relationship with the Baiyue

    Show the quotes in Hanzi. Where do these books quote the information from? For the umpteenth time show relevant textual records(books written 1000 years later is hardly objective) and archaeological proof. Your irredentism is getting on my nerves,look back at my older posts to see why your...
  20. Grand Historian

    Southern Han Chinese and their relationship with the Baiyue

    Goujian was never emperor,Qin Shihuang was the first to use this title. Show the quote in Hanzi first. Notice how 吳越春秋,越絕書,史記 etc never mention this event. Most likely its a fabrication unless you can prove otherwise. EastSea you're contributing nothing to the thread except aggravating...
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