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  1. Grand Historian

    Why is Thailand economically backwards?

    Repeating your daily dose of nationalistic distortion again? I remember asking what is a Yue gene yet every single time Vietnamese nationalists fail to reply. Many Han Chinese migrated to Vietnam,no doubt a significant portion would be ancestors of present day Kinh Vietnamese. You are living...
  2. Grand Historian

    China, Rome, and the United States

    Nationalist Vietnamese logic no source is better then any source,also repeating enough lies makes it true.
  3. Grand Historian

    China, Rome, and the United States

    You don't speak the truth you just spout your own opinions and troll other people. Keep on deluding yourself that Fujianese are Sinicized Malays and that Northern Chinese are bastard nomadic ethnics.
  4. Grand Historian

    China, Rome, and the United States

    Patriotic Chinese indeed:suicide2:
  5. Grand Historian

    China, Rome, and the United States

    How much more crap are you going to spew? The Yuan and Qing adopted Chinese ways of governing,used Hanzi etc,Mongols may have been nomads but I called you out on your blatant lie that Manchus were nomads. You repeat your Han Chinese are slaves propaganda when Manchus had bondservants and Han...
  6. Grand Historian

    China, Rome, and the United States

    Papyrus =/= Paper You reveal your true colors,calling yourself a patriotic Chinese while at the same time degrading Chinese and worshiping the White man:sarcastic:
  7. Grand Historian

    China, Rome, and the United States

    ViXuyen is claiming that the 4 great inventions did not originate in China. I'm well aware that Dai Viet contributed in firearm technology to say that they invented guns is a bit of stretch though. Funny how you are praising Dai Viet for "civilizing" other countries when in fact they warred...
  8. Grand Historian

    China, Rome, and the United States

    You are absolutely hopeless,no one is arguing that the founder of the Yuan or Qing dynasty is Han rather that legitimized themselves by using the mandate of heaven and adopting Chinese government and customs. Neither were the Han Chinese slaves under their administration they reached high...
  9. Grand Historian

    China, Rome, and the United States

    Chinese don't rely on historical fabrications like you Vietnamese nationalists. Keep on dreaming that Vietnamese greatly impacted the world and is the origin of East Asian civilization.
  10. Grand Historian

    China, Rome, and the United States

    There's no source for it,Jianzhou Jurchens(forebearers of the Manchus) and the "Raw" Jurchens had different lifestyles. If you rely on Wikipedia for history then I'm afraid you don't have solid foundation to begin with.
  11. Grand Historian

    China, Rome, and the United States

    EastSea just repeats the same crap over and over again until someone will believe in his nationalistic rhetoric. If you even bother to read historical sources you would see that Manchus are not nomadic and lived out sedentary lifestyles.
  12. Grand Historian

    China, Rome, and the United States

    Guess what? Where is Wuyue,Minyue and Nanyue today? They are gone and the remnants are Sinicized,also they are not Vietnamese.
  13. Grand Historian

    China, Rome, and the United States

    I believe our nationalistic Vietnamese friends are quite upset calling us ethnic slurs and degrading our culture. Credible books already list the 4 great inventions,what have Vietnamese invented throughout their history? The so called "Confushit" culture is what ancient Vietnamese...
  14. Grand Historian

    China, Rome, and the United States

    EastSea it doesn't matter what Dai Viet su Louc stated,international scholars don't recognize it,there is no archaeological evidence and ancient Chinese texts never speak of its existence. Its quite obvious that nationalistic Vietnamese suffer from an inferiority complex,living under the shadow...
  15. Grand Historian

    China, Rome, and the United States

    Including Vietnamese doesn't mean all of them are Vietnamese,are Eskimos and Aztecs the same ethnicity just because they were labeled Native Americans? It doesn't matter who owned the land 2,000 years ago,surely it was not the Vietnamese but various speakers of Tai Kadai/Hmong Mien etc. You...
  16. Grand Historian

    China, Rome, and the United States

    What a blatant lie,gunpowder,wood block printing,compass and paper making are Chinese not Vietnamese in any shape way or form.
  17. Grand Historian

    China, Rome, and the United States

    ViXuyen keep on repeating your delusions that Vietnamese invented high culture and rice domestication,maybe one day they will come true.
  18. Grand Historian

    China, Rome, and the United States

    For the nth time the natives of Fujian got siniczed or replaced its quite boring repeating the same thing over and over again. Not only did I mention what happened after Minyue fell but that the paternal haplogroups are similar to Northern Han. I'm not going to do the research for you look up...
  19. Grand Historian

    China, Rome, and the United States

    The domestication of rice was prior to any modern day ethnic identity,typical of nationalists you seek to project a Vietnamese identity to extinct peoples. Keep on pumping out your propaganda that Southern China was inhabited and ruled by Vietnamese,the whole world can see how ridiculous...
  20. Grand Historian

    China, Rome, and the United States

    Vietnamese invented wet rice cultivation!?:rofl:
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