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  1. Grand Historian

    Vietnamese nationalist fabrications

    No they didn't,Shang and Zhou are viewed as legitimate dynasties and the foundation of Chinese culture. The Chinese looked down upon the Nanman because they were in their eyes culturally inferior and had less material wealth then the Central states. You don't have a shred of evidence that the...
  2. Grand Historian

    Vietnamese nationalist fabrications

    Ladies and Gentlemen this is exactly what I'm talking about,even in the face of overwhelming proof of Han migrations and the explanation that Han is a culture we still have trolls trying to say that Southern Han Chinese are fake Chinese.
  3. Grand Historian

    Vietnamese nationalist fabrications

    There was no such thing as Han Chinese in the Shang and Zhou dynasty,both of them are considered to be the ancestors of Han though. Anthropological studies show that the Han dynasty skeletons cluster with Zhou and Shang era skeletons.
  4. Grand Historian

    Vietnamese nationalist fabrications

    No its just means that the Shang and the Zhou saw each other as different people,though which is more Chinese is up to debate.
  5. Grand Historian

    Vietnamese nationalist fabrications

    How can one be a fake Han Chinese,if they view themselves as Han and practice Han culture then they are Han. You haven't even bothered to read my original post have you? Southern Han Chinese are paternally descended from Northern Han,the Sinitic languages Southern Chinese speak are descended...
  6. Grand Historian

    Vietnamese nationalist fabrications

    I'm not angry quite the contrary,I'm here to educate people on analyzing sources and to root out nationalism whether it be Chinese or Vietnamese. Academic dishonesty is a trademark of nationalists. As for the territorial disputes I have a neutral opinion I'm not convinced by either side at the...
  7. Grand Historian

    Vietnamese nationalist fabrications

    Under Vietnamese nationalism there is an attempt to wipe out all Chinese influence and history and instead fabrications are made. Chinese nationalism isn't much different though they come in different flavors ie Han Chauvinism ie Qing would be viwed as a barbarian dynasty instead and Manchus...
  8. Grand Historian

    Papers prove Japan forced women into second world war brothels, says China

    Armenian Genocide ring a bell? You are absolutely disgusting, show some respect for the dead.
  9. Grand Historian

    Vietnamese nationalist fabrications

    As we all know the trolling by nationalistic Vietnamese and the counter trolling by Chinese members have gone on for quite a while,today I will address the root of the cause ie various rumors that are spread throughout the internet and taken as the truth while in reality they are nothing more...
  10. Grand Historian

    South China Sea Forum

    Yes,but not all of it.
  11. Grand Historian

    South China Sea Forum

    Ngo Si Lien quoted from a book of fairy tales,yet Ling Nam chich quai quotes from nothing showing that part of the Dai Viet su ky toan thu is full of fabrications. Yes it is propaganda,Dai Viet sought to project a history rivaling China and in the process they made up the myth of the Hung Kings...
  12. Grand Historian

    South China Sea Forum

    A Third party can shed new light on historical events. Taylor has a PHD and BA in History something which you lack. What outrageous claims,Nationalistic Vietnamese can't accept that the Sincized Kinh welcomed the Ming while the unruly Trai didn't. You claim Ming Shi said this Ming shi said...
  13. Grand Historian

    South China Sea Forum

    Keith Weller Taylor has much more credibility then a random forum user such as you. What a hypocrite,you,EastSea and Rechoice are always whining about lost Baiyue land and how Southern Han should embrace you as brothers.
  14. Grand Historian

    South China Sea Forum

    Exactly that 's what I appreciate what you doing,you are also quoting third party sources ie Western Historians who would be less influenced by either Chinese or Vietnamese nationalism. The Vietnamese on PDFclaim a lot of things yet they usually rely on Wikipedia or their own delusions.
  15. Grand Historian

    Taiwan affairs

    What a joke quoting from Wikipedia again,name ancient/medieval sources that say Ly Bi's ancestors were Baiyue. Show the text in Hanzi or Chu Nom that shows that Ly Bi's ancestors specifically came from Nanyue.
  16. Grand Historian

    China, Rome, and the United States

    Just some clarification,Changbai mountain was not holy to Koreans until Shin Chaeho wrote a bunch of historical fabrication. The Jurchens and other minorities were the true worshipers,look at Joseon era texts they call it a barbarian mountain etc. I don't know what is wrong with former Chinese...
  17. Grand Historian

    China, Rome, and the United States

    I already explained that the revolutionary view was not shared by the majority of Chinese,fabricate history as much as you want nothing is going to change.
  18. Grand Historian

    China, Rome, and the United States

    Indic's argument makes no sense,the British did not situate their capital in the Indian subcontinent,adopt Hinduism/Jainism/Buddhism etc,call themselves Indian,forced Christianity and English learning,directly asorb Indians into the British upper class and many more. Furthermore the anti Manchu...
  19. Grand Historian

    Vietnamese conquest of Muslim/Hindu Cham and their current situation

    I don't see why I would fabricate my origin,regardless I consider myself as a Chinese American.
  20. Grand Historian

    Vietnamese conquest of Muslim/Hindu Cham and their current situation

    Once your compatriots stop complaining about lost Baiyue land...
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