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  1. Kiss_of_the_Dragon

    Russia And China 'In Agreement' Over Ukraine

    :lol: We chinese are indeed a parasites that your gorvernement can't afford to ignore and helplessly other than welcome us with open arms. And to add insult to injury, we're not only there to milk America but to spy American's high tech and bring back home as well :lol:...America is such a...
  2. Kiss_of_the_Dragon

    Gazprom: Russian Gas Share in Europe now up to 30 % from 25.6 % in 2012

    Such pathetic statement, what China will gain more? more likely China will be the next target if Russia looses, no wonder you you Indian are inferior in geopolitic gameplay.
  3. Kiss_of_the_Dragon

    Russia And China 'In Agreement' Over Ukraine

    We chinese are pragmatic, consider U.S is still a good place to milk, we will be there until the milk is dried up :lol: And your gorvernment sure agree with me, that how China and India learn to cooperate when facing western's pressure over climatic or financial issue.
  4. Kiss_of_the_Dragon

    Ukraine financial fall-out exposes Russia's economic weakness

    There is nothing wrong for Russia and China to look after it own interest, every nation do that. but face commun threat, we have greater interest to work in cooperation rather competition...and certainly Russia's fall is not China's interest.
  5. Kiss_of_the_Dragon

    Russia And China 'In Agreement' Over Ukraine

    ^^^ China did not explicitely back Russia nor condamn it neither, but the general view of Chinese people is quite clear, after been piss off by U.S in pacifc, we're looking forward to return U.S some favor. And it's not China's interest to see Russia down, next will be likely to be China.
  6. Kiss_of_the_Dragon

    Ukraine financial fall-out exposes Russia's economic weakness

    China will alway be there where US expect the least : China and Russia can alway come to an agreement on how we can complemented each other.
  7. Kiss_of_the_Dragon

    China's 294 megatons of thermonuclear deterrence

    Nuke one city is not the same as destroy the entire country many times, only MAD will make insane person sleep well;)
  8. Kiss_of_the_Dragon

    Ukraine Prepares For War. Troops on High Alert

    To all Chinese brothers, when we have issue with Japan with US in Pacific, did Russians come to support us? let Russians to fix their own problem, better take care of our own. :coffee:
  9. Kiss_of_the_Dragon

    akash SAM successfully testfired 3rd time in 5 days

    Oh my bad, i though it was TOT because this missile seems to be 1950s tech, why not buy the license of S300 or better?
  10. Kiss_of_the_Dragon

    akash SAM successfully testfired 3rd time in 5 days

    We're so envy of India, Russians are willing to TOT the entire SAM-6 to India and not China :cray:
  11. Kiss_of_the_Dragon

    akash SAM successfully testfired 3rd time in 5 days

    What is difference between Akash and SA-6? :lol: Akash SA-6
  12. Kiss_of_the_Dragon

    Indian Rivers Inter-link

    Have you ever hear of BD gorvernment complain about us? :lol:, they're well aware of what you guys are doing in the other side of the fence. I think BD people will be glad to see China to administrate India with the same treatement that they're received.
  13. Kiss_of_the_Dragon

    Indian Rivers Inter-link

    Don't worry, we will teleport water to our BD friend :D if your people are happy with our plan then everything will be fine :lol:
  14. Kiss_of_the_Dragon

    Indian Rivers Inter-link

    Very interesting justification for water inter-link , we Chinese can maybe start with Bramaputra, this will regulate the water flow with the rest of our rivers :lol: After our South-Noth water inter-link, we will take care of water resource in Tibet.
  15. Kiss_of_the_Dragon

    China refutes Modi's 'expansionist mindset' remark

    What you expect for us to repeat 1962? We have enough to hear these Pinoys and Vietnameses cry that China became too assertive in SCS and we don't need Indians to do the same with our South Tibet :lol: ..not as yet:coffee:
  16. Kiss_of_the_Dragon

    How Communist China freed the Tibetan People and gave them Human Rights

    Sure mate, sure mate :rofl:, empty stomach animal alway claimed to have moral high than well fed animal :lol:
  17. Kiss_of_the_Dragon

    How Communist China freed the Tibetan People and gave them Human Rights

    Your Indian logic is totally wrong, such IQ, he tried to say that animal in our side is well-fed than India's side.
  18. Kiss_of_the_Dragon

    China refutes Modi's 'expansionist mindset' remark

    You dare to do that because we're busy elsewhere and have much important score to be set, Your temporary occupation of our south Tibet doesn't mean you're able so swallow and digest it, we will fix you when time is right, nothing is irreversible.
  19. Kiss_of_the_Dragon

    China’s bullet trains facilitate market integration and mitigate the cost of megacity growth

    China’s bullet trains facilitate market integration and mitigate the cost of megacity growth By 2015 China plans to extend the network to 19,000 kilometers (about 11,800 miles), with a mixture of new and existing infrastructure. On the dedicated high-speed lines, trains can exceed 300km/h...
  20. Kiss_of_the_Dragon

    South North Water Transfer Video (南水北调)

    It's in Spanish, I have no clue what they said but enjoy the video to see the mega-project of South North water tranfer. If anyone find the english version, please add to this thread.
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