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  1. E

    Fasting Restricted for Government Employees and Students in Xinjiang

    I am not CCP officials and I think you may try to google such regulations. BTW, we have forbidden religion teaching to those who are less than 18 years old. Those who are less than 18 years old are forbidden to go to religious school. See, it is unthinkable in Afghanistan, Pakistan and etc...
  2. E

    Fasting Restricted for Government Employees and Students in Xinjiang

    I am not sure about fasting. However, there are a lot of restrictions though. Normally, it applies to all China. BTW, if you are not government officials, I think you can fast whatever you want. Actually, I do not think fasting actually is a problem at all though, unless your positions are...
  3. E

    Fasting Restricted for Government Employees and Students in Xinjiang

    Government officials have their duties. They need function well when they are in those positions. It is not only about whether you hurt anyone, but also whether you have the ability to provide the services your role need to when needed. The same applies to students. Any students' behaviors...
  4. E

    Fasting Restricted for Government Employees and Students in Xinjiang

    What is the problem??? That is always the case. In China, the Law of China is the highest order. Any so-called gods, religions or so-called holy books fall behind the rank. Your religious freedom and our religious freedom do not have the same meaning. We do not allow burqa, do not allow...
  5. E

    7 Signs China's Economy Is Headed For Collapse

    No need to care this garbage article and sick comments any more. Just wait earlier next year and see what growth China will post. BTW, if you do believe China will crash, welcome to short China. You will be a SOB if you do not do the Short while you are chanting "China Crashing".
  6. E

    Hillary Clinton criticises Australia for "two-timing" America with China

    What threat does China pose to Australia??? Any territory disputes??? If not, what is in it for Australia to be enemy of China???
  7. E

    Chinese Navy (PLAN) News & Discussions

    China has a long sea line to protect and has a long land border to protect. I really do not think that is built-up. We just did too little to upgrade ourselves in the past 65 years. Now we just try to modernize our weapons and facilities and it is just a start. I do not think why there is such...
  8. E

    Gwadar- turn it into a liberal city.

    muslims do not drink??? I have classmates from muslim families both in highschool and university. They have no problems drinking with us, though most of them do not eat pork though. Well, that is in large cities in China. So I guess it is more liberal than other places???
  9. E

    Islam to become Russia’s predominant religion by 2050?

    That will be disaster for russia. I suppose russia has been aware of such situation and taken active measures to curb this trend.
  10. E

    Chinese company to get Tk 1,200cr this month

    If there are other companies that are capable finishing such project and charging lower price, welcome to assign such projects to other companies. Are there any actually then???
  11. E

    'Allah' for Muslims only: Malaysia's top court

    Still do not understand why it is an issue. Nobody else uses it anyway.
  12. E

    China plans investment bank to break World Bank dominance

    China need manage her money carefully and diligently. Rather than making herself the bank, I would rather China in BRICS Development Bank more. China has the capital but I do not think China has the people yet to face with those challenges.
  13. E

    China’s disappearing farming land

    If that works, we would have already curbed the corruption problems: just give a bullet to whoever takes/gives bribes...
  14. E

    HK police prepare for Occupy Central protest

    HK is great due to the fact it is a financial hub. HK will lose its attraction if it becomes a political hub. BTW, as long as those protestors maintain order, just let them proceed for such march. Just do not cause problems for other people and business to run their normal fairs. Foreign...
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    Obama Seeks $500 Million to Train and Equip Syrian Opposition

    It is hoped that U.S. will not be this stupid to heave the stones onto its feet.
  16. E

    China’s disappearing farming land

    It is very hard to carry out from top to bottom.
  17. E

    China plans investment bank to break World Bank dominance

    You want Karl Marx's communism??? :)
  18. E

    China’s disappearing farming land

    That is always a serious problem. However, there is just not a consistent policy that can be carried out from the top to bottom. Each district, county, city, province.. have its own interest, and the local interest interferes with higher level interest... That is really tough problem to solve.
  19. E

    Obama Seeks $500 Million to Train and Equip Syrian Opposition

    Afterwards, U.S. will spend $500 billion to fight against them. The way it has done for OBL.
  20. E

    China plans investment bank to break World Bank dominance

    I think China has been way more capitalistic than india, don't you think so?
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