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  1. StarCraft_ZT

    Vietnam is now Apple’s fastest growing market in the world

    Jesus! Indonesians are hella rich!
  2. StarCraft_ZT

    World boozing habits

  3. StarCraft_ZT

    South Korea's Park a 'prostitute' being pimped by Obama: Pyongyang

    It's not China's fault. It's North Korea's dick move. They initiated it. Their leader has direct responsibility for this. Don't blame others please. If North Korea reforms, I can hopefully expect a double figure growth rate for decades, just like what we have achieved. China really hopes they...
  4. StarCraft_ZT

    South Korea's Park a 'prostitute' being pimped by Obama: Pyongyang

    This is old picture. Pyongyang has some light.
  5. StarCraft_ZT

    Danish Queen Margrethe II visits Nanjing Massacre Memorial Hall

    Danish Queen Margrethe II becomes the first incumbent foreign head of state to visit the Nanjing Massacre Memorial Hall in east China. The Danish Queen spent about 40 minutes in the memorial hall Sunday morning and laid some flowers symbolizing peace during the visit. Queen Margrethe II is...
  6. StarCraft_ZT

    Tibet Affairs

    Good job, Mao, we should keep our country complete. Tibetans are very brutal, they have been killing many Han since Tang Dynasty, they are as brutal as Japanese. Mao gave them protection for their own civilization, they should be thankful and grateful.
  7. StarCraft_ZT

    Why is Thailand economically backwards?

    I have nothing against Thailand, but tbh I think it will just stop here, I see no consistency from their development, just like Vietnam.
  8. StarCraft_ZT

    Chinese cell phone brands may dominate Vietnam market

    10 years ago, my phone was similar to this one. vietnam assembled phone has a poor design, low quality, low reviews.
  9. StarCraft_ZT

    Chinese cell phone brands may dominate Vietnam market

    50 bucks a month can afford a second hand Oppo for poor Vietnamese
  10. StarCraft_ZT

    China’s bullet trains facilitate market integration and mitigate the cost of megacity growth

    of course, it;s higher than $50, if you sell one more tshit, you will give one extra buck, it's $51. That's your bonus.
  11. StarCraft_ZT

    China’s bullet trains facilitate market integration and mitigate the cost of megacity growth

    Vietnam so poor, the women can't bear it, so they go abroad.
  12. StarCraft_ZT

    China, Rome, and the United States

    Thanks for presenting his true face, I see his comments in the blog. That guy should be banned permanently, he is a typical traitor. He once insulted me (I am a north Chinese) with low IQ. :tdown:
  13. StarCraft_ZT

    China, Rome, and the United States

    I feel eggache about what you say. You don't know women, maybe you are a virgin. You are not confident about yourselve, so you made that comment. Lux de Virgin
  14. StarCraft_ZT

    China’s bullet trains facilitate market integration and mitigate the cost of megacity growth

    $50 = ¥330 in China, in Guizhou, the statutory lowest salary is ¥1030, in Shanghai it is ¥1620。 But I believe in China, employees at shopping mall earns much higher than that lowest standard. Vietnam is too poor with slow economy growth, no hope for this failed country.
  15. StarCraft_ZT

    China’s bullet trains facilitate market integration and mitigate the cost of megacity growth

    So Vietnamese workers go to China for lowest pay in factories in Guang Dong
  16. StarCraft_ZT

    China seizes Mitsui O.S.K. ship over unpaid wartime contract compensation

    Vietnam should sue the U.S. for the use of agent orange for compensation.
  17. StarCraft_ZT

    Rioting crowd beats 5 China chengguan (area law-enforcer) for killing civilian

    城管,上访,巡视组 should not exist in a civilized country. you start to deviate from the topic again.
  18. StarCraft_ZT

    13 Observations about North Korea by a Western Visitor

    No people on the street, it's as quite as hell.
  19. StarCraft_ZT

    Justin Bieber Apologizes for Visiting Yasakuni Shrine Honoring War Criminals in Tokyo

    Justin Bieber is son of bitch, I mean in the U.S., he drunk a lot, throw eggs to neighbors windows, drive over speed and gets caught by the police.
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