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  1. Raphael

    China Economy Forum

    China's current growth rate is 7.x%. While this may be magnitudes higher than what developed economies are undergoing, it's definitely still the normal rate. What's actually anomalous is China's GDP/capita, which at 6700 is abnormally low. China's economy will continue growing at 7.5%+ until it...
  2. Raphael

    Vietnam pays $1.86mn as first damages to 35 riot-affected firms

    Good. Unlike the delusional Viets on this board who think that rioting, mob violence, throwing jungle tantrums can all be justified, the VN government at least recognizes that this uncivilized behaviour horrifies the outside world, and that VN simply can't endure foreign investment and capital...
  3. Raphael

    "Iran is the most friendly country in the world"

    I don't think so. Post #81 here you cry about my "wild imagination". Post #69 and #83 in the terrorism thread you made the same complaint. But then you expect me to accept your ludicrous accusation? The double standards you expect us to endure are too much. This thread is about Iran, but because...
  4. Raphael

    "Iran is the most friendly country in the world"

    @Sinan You seem to operate by a lot of double standards. When I make obvious logical inferences about your intention and conduct, like in the thread about terrorism, you dismiss it my "wild imagination". But when you make a ludicrous accusation against me, I should accept it as fact and "stand...
  5. Raphael

    "Iran is the most friendly country in the world"

    What are you talking about? I didn't mention Turkey. This thread is about Iran, and I was paying my respects towards Iran's tourism. I noticed you posted several times in this thread, but didn't stick to the topic at all, instead trying to derail it and promote Turkish tourism. Do you actually...
  6. Raphael

    Xinjian:13 terrorists shot dead, 3 polices injured lightly

    It's good you admitted you didn't even read the report. The obvious follow-up question is, why bother commenting if you are not even familiar with the facts? You have no evidence that these terrorists didn't attack the police station, other than your fervent desire not to believe it out of your...
  7. Raphael

    Xinjian:13 terrorists shot dead, 3 polices injured lightly

    You'll have to do better than that to squirm away from responsibility. As I already reasoned, there were no Uighur victims in this terrorist attack. Therefore, you must have been mourning for the terrorists.
  8. Raphael

    Xinjian:13 terrorists shot dead, 3 polices injured lightly

    But some symptoms of psychological abnormality are so obvious that even a layman can diagnose them. Supporting terrorism and looking for a fight are both such symptoms. Post #36: This was a terrorist attack that thankfully avoided any civilians casualties. So you could not be mourning for...
  9. Raphael

    "Iran is the most friendly country in the world"

    From everything I've read, Iran seems like a must-visit destination :tup:. Unlike some of their neighbors, they are not nomadic people, don't have disturbing nomadic habits. Instead, they have a history spanning several millennia, and they have cultivated their land during all that time. As a...
  10. Raphael

    Xinjian:13 terrorists shot dead, 3 polices injured lightly

    No. Hence I can't help you with your problems. I don't suggest you look elsewhere on the internet either. The psychologist needs to talk with you in person. And remember, supporting terrorism and trying to pick a fight are both highly offensive actions in real life too. So don't do that either.
  11. Raphael

    Xinjian:13 terrorists shot dead, 3 polices injured lightly

    As even you have astutely observed, most Chinese don't bother to visit Turkish section or even world affairs. They simply don't care and have no interest in your affairs. So why are coming here to our section, intent on supporting terrorism and picking a fight? You problems sound psychological...
  12. Raphael

    Beijing's View of the Crisis in Iraq

    China's options are limited by its non-interference policies. Nevertheless, its strategy should be obvious: 1. No direct intervention. In a sectarian mess like this, it's best not to attract anyone's attention or wrath by getting involved too directly. 2. Indirectly support Iranian efforts to...
  13. Raphael

    Indonesia's Presidential Election 2014

    Who will our Indonesian members be voting for? @Indos @nufix @Reashot Xigwin
  14. Raphael

    China, Vietnam back new Thai military government after West's disavowal

    @MostProbableExplanation Viet is a typical Viet imperialist who hates Thailand and want to imperialize all of Indochina. See his past comments:
  15. Raphael

    Polish minister says US ties worthless

    It's possible to dislike the Russians and recognize that stable, cordial ties with them are paramount for stability.
  16. Raphael

    Polish minister says US ties worthless

    WARSAW, Poland: Report: Polish minister says US ties worthless | Nation/World | NewsObserver.com WARSAW, Poland — A Polish magazine said Sunday it has obtained recordings of a conversation in which Foreign Minister Radek Sikorski says the country's strong alliance with the U.S. "isn't worth...
  17. Raphael

    Biden to Germans: You are xenophobic :)

    LOL @ this thread. Some nomad suggests that nomad labour was the cause of Germany's wirtschaftswunder. And gets completely shot down by the two Germans on this forum. The reality is that nomads are on the fringes and margins on German society like gypsies. They are utterly despised, and they...
  18. Raphael

    China’s Oversized Aircraft Carrier Ambitions

    Lol, Harry Kazianis is becoming the new Gordon Chang. Every word that comes out of his mouth is utter sh!t. BTW, he already wrote an article about China's aircraft carriers: Why to Ignore China’s Aircraft Carriers | The Diplomat He has instructed us before not to read "rumors" about China's...
  19. Raphael

    Thailand downgraded to be among worst traficking centres

    1. OP, half the topics you post are only very marginally relevant current events. They're better off in the stickies. 2. This decision was obviously politically motivated by the coup.
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