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  1. Raphael

    China Prepared to Settle India Border Dispute, Wang Says

    I'm not confident the border issue can be solved so easily. We're not wiling to give up South Tibet. The best we can do is freeze the issue, leave it for a later day to be resolved, so it doesn't impact bilateral ties too much. Anyway, I don't see what's so bad about the current status-quo...
  2. Raphael

    Poll: Turkey's possible future union

    That would be a shame. Everyday he comes to our section to troll and post articles about China's "imminent collapse". But no Chinese is influence by his propaganda. But because we point out the links between some Uighurs and global terrorist movements (all Chinese recognize that only a minority...
  3. Raphael

    Can Japan show the West how to live peacefully with Islam?

    I'm afraid you're wrong here. If the growth rates stay constant, then Germany's absolute GDP increase will start shrinking relative to Turkey's until they equalize. After that, Turkey's absolute GDP increase will be higher. And after enough time, Turkey's higher GDP increases will push its total...
  4. Raphael

    US GDP shrinks 2.9% in first quarter

    Our slowdown is dropping from double-digit growth to 7.5% growth. It's certainly something we can live with. Anyway, we hope you get a solid, pro-business President come 2016 too. As one of our biggest export markets, it's not in our interests to see you flounder either! If someone like Hillary...
  5. Raphael

    Poll: Turkey's possible future union

    Notice that he said "uighur separatism" not "uighur terrorism". Now the question becomes, why do you reflexively associate uighurs with terrorism so much that you would misread his words like that? ;)
  6. Raphael

    50 Years Anniversary of the forgotten Holocaust, how US bombs killed Millions in Laos & keep killing

    We know why you approve of the bombing campaign. If it never occurred, your application for refugee status would have been rejected. As for the human casualties, possibly including your friends/family/neighbors, you couldn't care less.
  7. Raphael

    US GDP shrinks 2.9% in first quarter

    Canada also experienced the same harsh winter, and they grew at 1.2%, instead of a predicted 1.8%. That seems like a far more reasonable effect of bad weather. I don't think a 2.9% decrease can be blamed on bad weather alone. Canadian economy starts 2014 with weak GDP gain - Business - CBC News
  8. Raphael

    US GDP shrinks 2.9% in first quarter

    BBC News - US GDP shrinks 2.9% in first quarter The US economy suffered its worst performance for five years in the first quarter of 2014, latest figures show. The economy shrank at an annualised rate of 2.9% in the first three months of the year, the third estimate from the US Commerce...
  9. Raphael

    JPost Report: 1,000 Chinese jihadists training in Pakistan

    Correct. They have renounced their homeland by running off to foreign countries, making trouble there, and joining terrorist groups like al-Qaeda and ISIS. These were the kind of people who attacked Karachi airport, and tomorrow they will be the same people who kick around decapitated heads in...
  10. Raphael

    Why Myanmar's plan to acquire fighter jets from China, Pakistan should worry India

    Why should the acquisition of Chinese/Pakistani jets worry India? Is it because India has plans to invade Myanmar, and these jets will put a damper on those plans? It sounds farfetched, but I can't think of another plausible reason.
  11. Raphael

    Hillary Clinton: Reliance on China makes Taiwan vulnerable

    @atatwolf I understand you are arguing with the mod right now. After that, please stick to your word. You have very little honor. Don't destroy the little that is left.
  12. Raphael

    China engineered "proof" of Vietnam Fisheries Resources Surveillence's ramming onto Chinese ships

    1. PISA showed it? Vietnam never participated in PISA. Maybe you are talking about Viet elites in Germany who managed to grab their children and flee the jungle? They don't represent the general Viet population. If German media praises you, it's because Viets are a docile and obedient people...
  13. Raphael

    Hillary Clinton: Reliance on China makes Taiwan vulnerable

    @Hu Songshan Requesting a thread ban for the agitator. This is an important topic concerning how a future Clinton administration might approach the China-Taiwan balance. I don't want it to be derailed any further.
  14. Raphael

    China engineered "proof" of Vietnam Fisheries Resources Surveillence's ramming onto Chinese ships

    1. You will never be able to construct a nuclear bomb. Don't forget your average 94 IQ. 2. Your idea of "annihilating armies" is making sporadically successful resistance over the span of 1000 years of subjugation and tributary state status :rofl:. Why is Viet definition of success so modest?
  15. Raphael

    Hillary Clinton: Reliance on China makes Taiwan vulnerable

    Maybe she is actually the troll who posted below you? :lol:
  16. Raphael

    Hillary Clinton: Reliance on China makes Taiwan vulnerable

    Reliance on China makes Taiwan vulnerable: Clinton - Taipei Times Former US secretary of state Hillary Rodham Clinton said the government’s push for closer cross-strait ties could lead to Taiwan losing its economic and political independence and becoming vulnerable to over-reliance on China...
  17. Raphael

    Filipino WW2 rape victims demand justice from Japan

    I feel very sorry for these victims. They will probably take their suffering to the grave, with no apology, as long as the PH is ruled by a wh0re government which ignores Japanese and American war crimes, but instead focuses on a country that has never touched Filipino territory.
  18. Raphael

    Uighur Support Thread

    To be fair, it's just one person spamming the same George Friedman article, or conspiracy theorist article everyday. That person also claimed that withdrawing all the kebab stands in Germany would cause its economy to collapse. :)
  19. Raphael

    India raises concern over Russian attack copter sale to Pakistan

    Not a reasonable understanding anymore. India has been diversifying its suppliers for quite a while now. But Russia can't diversify its buyers?
  20. Raphael

    Will China Export The Next Chernobyl?

    Lol what an idiot, trying to drag China in the mess the USA made. China is far too far-sighted to fall for such a cheap trick.
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