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  1. Peshwa

    Yeh Bhi Umreeka Hey

    A single act of kindness can change the world....
  2. Peshwa

    Indians Involved In Kabul Bank Fraud

    Stealing from the poor is a crime...even thieves need to have codes... If proven guilty, hope the involved parties are punished accordingly.... Unfortunately, for South Asia, our politicians fraud the poor on a daily basis...hope South Asian countries can make anti-fraud and anti...
  3. Peshwa

    What Are You Listening to Right Now - Round 2

    Catchy Hook...
  4. Peshwa

    New Role for Spark!!

    Congrats Buddy!
  5. Peshwa

    Homosexuals of Pakistan

    I tend to disagree...if it were that simple, an extremely attractive woman or man could turn a homosexual person of the opposite gender to sway is what you're saying... This is absolutely not true! Regarding the bolded part, if a person was "straight" at some point but turned gay later, it...
  6. Peshwa

    Homosexuals of Pakistan

    Are you speaking of the nature vs. Nurture element of homosexuality? I believe its nature and out of control....If it were nurture...children of homosexuals would be inclined to be homosexual no? Even in an unnatural situations like prisons where straight folks tend to turn gay, it is still an...
  7. Peshwa

    Homosexuals of Pakistan

    Certainly wont put them to the sword in the name of religion.... As far as a parent is concerned...Most parents think they know what is right for their child...Its always upon the individual to know what makes them happy... So if my child is gay...whether I like it or not is...
  8. Peshwa

    Indian Military Picture Thread

    WTF is this gun broheim? Is that a sniper rifle or an anti-material gun?!!? Looks good enough to kill a whale....make a lil crater in a human!
  9. Peshwa

    Homosexuals of Pakistan

    Seems you had to learn the hard way eh...LOL! Depends anyone?
  10. Peshwa

    Homosexuals of Pakistan

    Technically a handshake is holding hands....is the concept of shaking hands alien to you? The point im trying to make is, affection and sexuality are two different things... One can hold hands with another person as a sign of affection (very common in eastern society)...not always...
  11. Peshwa

    Homosexuals of Pakistan

    You're absolutely right....Not surprising at all!...Speaks volumes about the difference in our mentalities and tolerance... Somehow its these intolerant posts on this thread that shed light on many of the social problems that plague your country...
  12. Peshwa

    Homosexuals of Pakistan

    So you would rather a kid live as an orphan without the love of a parent? Maybe you dont know what you're talking about because you've had parents who have loved you and have always been there for you.... It is not for you to decide what is best for a parentless child.....Please ask those...
  13. Peshwa

    Homosexuals of Pakistan

    My friend, can you please point out where Allah has enforced this commandment? If god hated the gays, why would he make them in the first place? Please dont impose self proclaimed rules of religion (a man made thing) to be the word of god....God loves all equally. If GOD Would you be...
  14. Peshwa

    'Frankenstorm' bears down on US east coast

    Lower East Side Power is back FYI...East 9th and A just got power So hopefully shouldnt be too long before all of Manhattan is back in beeznass.. Hope those in Jersey and LI get theirs back ASAP.....Make it happen ConED! Its just plain ******* stupid to reallocate any available...
  15. Peshwa

    'Frankenstorm' bears down on US east coast

    Seems my FB petition worked LOL....Social media rules! Its the nice kinda cold so far...the kind that makes coffee and cigarettes taste like heaven..
  16. Peshwa

    'Frankenstorm' bears down on US east coast

    ^^^Right...Its supposed to dip down to the 30s tonight... I pray for all those without electricity or hot water...its going to be a tough next few days. Bloomberg needs to cancel that damn marathon and focus on those people that lost so much and will probably suffer through the elements...
  17. Peshwa

    Invisible India

    There was also no mention of the UK, France, Russia, Germany, Japan etc etc... Does that mean these nations have become irrelevant? Talking about irritants and solutions to those irritants in your foreign policy make for great topics in presidential debates... Talking about like minded...
  18. Peshwa

    Refrain from cow slaughter on Eid, clerics appeal to Muslims.

    Ive explained in my post why "sacrifice" was important in the past...animals played an important part in an agrarian or nomadic life...to sacrifce something essential to you was a way of showing your ability to sacrifice...the sharing of meet was to increase harmony...build a sense of ummah if...
  19. Peshwa

    Refrain from cow slaughter on Eid, clerics appeal to Muslims.

    If we are go by the theory of Karma...which is to me the most important pillar of Hinduism It is equally a sin to kill a chicken as it is to kill a cow...all life is equal..you kill one, you kill em all So to me singling out the cow does not really make any sense....just because Hindu...
  20. Peshwa

    Insight: Mumbai 26-11: NIA’s Demand Another Blow to the Confidence Building

    Well....or instead of talking about how Indian and Pakistani authorities refuse to co-operate on this issue, why not allow an international neutral court to handle the case? After all, this is an international incidence with foreign nationals that were targeted as well.... Indians dont trust...
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