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  1. rcrmj

    China conducted test on ground-based midcourse missile interception

    they have subtitles, but they speak a bit too fast, yo need to pause in order to learn
  2. rcrmj

    China conducted test on ground-based midcourse missile interception

    have a look at those videos, those are in Wenzhou dialects, very funny to us```even though they used some of expressions directly translated from Mandarin (because the way how we structure a sentence is quite different from mandarin)...
  3. rcrmj

    China conducted test on ground-based midcourse missile interception

    yes I am, and it is very difficult for others to learn```when other Chinese trying to imitate our dialect it sounds very funny and stiff```but strange thing if my Japanese colleagues speaking after me word by word, their pronunciations are as if they are from local there is one Wenzhou hua...
  4. rcrmj

    Traditional Chinese Clothing : Hanfu /

    lol,nope they are arguing in Chinese, its bit difficult for us to argue in English when it comes to our tradition, history or modern internet language in China
  5. rcrmj

    China conducted test on ground-based midcourse missile interception

    and CNMD in my language would be '尼 娜 哈 嗯 台 刺 据哦 得--'NNHEDCJD‘ lol these are the closest pronunciation I could find for it``:D
  6. rcrmj

    Aero India 2013

    lol, funny kid``what stuff that we'd acutally interested from India? your Indian Areo 2013 is just like your clownish parade, which is a show of imported rip-off weapons
  7. rcrmj

    Best Tank Made in Asia

    Pokpung-ho ````are you serious? BTW, Type-90 and Type99A is not the best tanks of Japan and China respectively ATM
  8. rcrmj

    China Pass US as TOP Trade Partner for Much of World: Changing Lives Global

    this is good, we need more```trade and banking power is more lethal than guns and missles
  9. rcrmj

    China conducted test on ground-based midcourse missile interception

    then in this case it wont be CNMD, NMD or TMD ```lol
  10. rcrmj

    China conducted test on ground-based midcourse missile interception

    this is all over CJDBY, Tiexue and Feiyang, you know our language is fun to play with```
  11. rcrmj

    Economic development vital to counter China: Gurcharan Das

    kid, stratigic retreat and clueless fleeing are two different things, indians are good at fleeing, you are the best, and please do not make fun of rapes```you know this is another field that you indians are second to none, ( whether being r**ed by others or ra**ng your own arses)
  12. rcrmj

    What should China do if NKorea tests another nuke?

    鸡肋还可以煮汤,现在的北棒子连汤都要我们给他煮。 North Korea was one of the key leverages we had against U.S during cold war and before 1990s (and...
  13. rcrmj

    Economic development vital to counter China: Gurcharan Das

    another one of your high cast owners 'fairy tales' so you inferior complex people can sleep better``:D in terms of running Indians cant even be qualified for any world track field competitions```but when it comes to fleeing from battles, Indians are second to none``lol
  14. rcrmj

    Economic development vital to counter China: Gurcharan Das

    your incompetent high cast owner told you there were 10,000 clueless indians fighting the war and you believed it? :D you know your backstabbing indians had been 'contemplating' this for long, if the real combatant were really 10,000, then your high cast woners were not just being incompetent...
  15. rcrmj

    Economic development vital to counter China: Gurcharan Das

    better change to for ever````has indians ever won a single decisive battle against their foreign rullers?
  16. rcrmj

    What should China do if NKorea tests another nuke?

    really suggest you lot to have a visit of N.Korea, desolated open prison is all what we can describe
  17. rcrmj

    What should China do if NKorea tests another nuke?

    i say we should ditch this trouble Kim, they can do no good to us, but keep putting muds on our face......it will be naive to think that its good to have a nucleard neighbour like this lunatic kim dynasty
  18. rcrmj

    Y-20 heavy transport aircraft News & Discussions

    first achievement of 2013, and more are coming, please fasten your seatbelts
  19. rcrmj

    Over 40% of ALL the world's economic growth comes from China

    apart from ignorance and reading comprehension whatelse do you have? do you even read the article. going by your logic India is worst growth model, as almost no manufacturing sector yet has the worst acid rain and pollution``pathetic isnt it?
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