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    China, the other side

    I read somewhere that most of the debt is local government debt and private debt. It is kept so like that artificially to boost investor confidence. So me thinks, if one large one support pillar falls, the bridge goes. Unless that trillion dollar forex reserve kicks in.
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    Dhaka third least liveable city: EIU

    Is it worth getting your thing sliced off in the pursuit for the pink taco in that part of the world? :D
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    The Plight of the Adivasis, Indian State Terrorism & the Moist Rebellion

    why? because it is not possible logically or just because we guys dont have the balls to do it?
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    The Plight of the Adivasis, Indian State Terrorism & the Moist Rebellion

    How about declaring an extremely fragile situation in those areas, to keep the media out and taking the help of security forces to move all the tribals to another location, build permanent houses for them, give them land and assistance and let them do farming(cuz i dont think they ll be able...
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    The Plight of the Adivasis, Indian State Terrorism & the Moist Rebellion

    I think we need to shift to a qualitative approach. The only reason for non-compliance is discontent. So basically, you take the element of discontent out of the people, they will comply. On this naxal uprising thing, I think the Govt of India should have promised and delivered a rehabilitation...
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    Nepal-India ties make China wary

    :rofl: Finding it difficult to get a hard-on with stupid India shaking hands with all the sane neighbours isnt it? I can see all the frustration. and regarding poor people, what are you talking about? You People cant cross provinces without permission of CPC in your country. Look at it this way...
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    Indian Air force Test flight videos in Bangalore 19th June 2011

    I am just gonna sit and wait for people to carefully compare the turn rate and rate of climb and all that and come and troll here. I m waiting.........:shout:
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    India developing first civilian aircraft

    :rofl: 2 inch hard on! like the way you put it. :D
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    The Plight of the Adivasis, Indian State Terrorism & the Moist Rebellion

    As if blowing up schools and hospitals is going to do any good to the adivasi community. There is a big difference between blowing up things for change and trying actually change something. That was something Gandhi taught us. If we replace peaceful protests by the Indian People with...
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    Your fellow Indians need your help to be saved

    dude, I am in Singapore. I just tried calling them. It tells me that the number is invalid
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    Military aircraft engine must be quickly developed: IAF chief N A K Browne

    Something tells me Browne is someone who is really capable making things work. It is good that the Air Chief is really emphasizing the need of indigenous research and development. :cheers:
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    Army converts one infantry division into RAMFOR

    OMG, did you really say putting army men in A&N is a move against pakistan?:rofl: or was it just your fingers brushing your keyboard unknowingly as you were sleeping? :azn::azn: Do you even know where A&N Islands lie? If I were you, I wouldnt go exposing the flaws of the Pakistani educational...
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    Shaukat Aziz becomes Advisor to Indian Business Giant Mittal

    Dont you get it! He became the Financial Advisor because he sold the steel mill to Mittal Corp. On a serious note, I hope Mittal kicks out the A$$ soon. Job cutting perhaps? :D
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    Thank You India

    Next Indo-Pak or Indo-Chinese war: Chinese/Pakistani platoon: xin / jabr platoon reporting. We have arrived at the coordinates. But there is no airbase here. Control Centre: No way! The stupid Indians had put the coordinates up on the tender they floated in 2011. Chinese/Pakistani...
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    120 Army and Paramilitary officers to join IPS

    I hope they are trained to spank corrupt police a$$ses. Oh well! worst case, atleast they know how to take a gun, aim and shoot.
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    China threatens Delhi

    yea right! UNSC seat. you kidding right? India doesnt give a $hit about what IAEA has to say about its nuclear programme. We dont really need a membership in a poser organisation to get our $hit done. I think that is evident from the nuclear deals and the South China Sea deals. Cheerios mate...
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    India To Deploy Brahmos Cruise missiles To counter China Threats.

    I knowwwww!!!! it is like **** for you isnt it? :D :D
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    India and Vietnam: The great game in the East

    men who dont get laid often weild hard power.
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    India and Vietnam: The great game in the East

    Indian command over english surely is a boon to weild soft power abroad. Unlike, Inglish, Chingarish bery difficulr folm of engarish to understanduh! :P
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    Indian Economy-News & Updates

    In whose interest? The paranoid fear of inflation has forced the government to obey the RBI’s diktat IT HAS been apparent to every businessman for more than a year that the spurt of growth that India experienced in 2009-10 is over. The only exceptions are the ‘policy entrepreneurs’ who...
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