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  1. Ceonwulf

    China faces barriers in the Indian Ocean

    Well according to the IMF their 2018 projections are short term. In my opinion any projection beyond 2025 is unrealistic and long term. But hey, don't let me stop you from living in your fantasy world.:rofl:
  2. Ceonwulf

    China faces barriers in the Indian Ocean

    Really? Because from what I can see the Indians were expecting an economy of $6 trillion by 2020! But how wrong they were! LOL According to the IMF in 2018 India will still have an economy smaller than Italys HAHAHA 'Indian economy expected to reach $ 6 trillion by 2020' - Economic Times
  3. Ceonwulf

    China faces barriers in the Indian Ocean

    Long term projections are inaccurate and nothing more than pure conjecture. The IMFs short term projections up-to 2018 are much more reliable. You are the fool.
  4. Ceonwulf

    China faces barriers in the Indian Ocean

    According to the IMF, in 2018 the worlds largest economies will be: 1. USA $21.5 trillion 2. China 13.7 trillion 3. Japan $5.9 trillion 4. Germany $4.3 trillion 5. France $3.4 trillion 6. Britain $3.2 trillion 7. Russia $3.0 trillion 8. Brazil $2.7 trillion 9. Italy $2.5 trillion 10. India $2.4...
  5. Ceonwulf

    China faces barriers in the Indian Ocean

    India will also lag behind the USA, Europe, China and Russia in terms of technology too.
  6. Ceonwulf

    China faces barriers in the Indian Ocean

    The Indians on PDF talk as if India is already a superpower! Yet when we look at the facts and figures we see that India's economy is still smaller than Italy and that Indian GDP per capita is lower than some of the poorest countries in Africa. Today, China, France, Germany, Japan, Russia, the...
  7. Ceonwulf

    China faces barriers in the Indian Ocean

    You need to get your facts right, the Europeans still had their Empires in WW2. That's not 2 centuries ago by my calculations. Do the math! It was only 80 years ago when the British Empire was the worlds largest empire and foremost superpower! However, those days are gone, and now China is on...
  8. Ceonwulf

    China faces barriers in the Indian Ocean

    So what if Britain ruled Asia? They still dominated the Indian Ocean you fool! Even against countless wars against the French and the Dutch in the far east. Today, the USA is the dominant naval power in the Indian Ocean. In the future it will be China. India is nothing... India's navy is...
  9. Ceonwulf

    China faces barriers in the Indian Ocean

    The British dominated the Indian Ocean for over 200 years, the Americans have dominated it since WW2. In the future, China will dominate the Indian Ocean. India will dominate nothing... except their dreams
  10. Ceonwulf

    China faces barriers in the Indian Ocean

    The USA will never give up its basing rights on Diego Garcia, it is instrumental to their "Asia-Pacific Pivot" and to project naval power in the region. Furthermore Britain will not give basing rights to India. As Britain needs the American funding to keep Diego Garcia operational... otherwise...
  11. Ceonwulf

    China faces barriers in the Indian Ocean

    Diego Garcia is British.
  12. Ceonwulf

    China faces barriers in the Indian Ocean

    Diego Garcia is British.
  13. Ceonwulf

    We want a United States of Europe says top EU official

    That made me laugh. But seriously, none cares about Russia anymore.
  14. Ceonwulf

    We want a United States of Europe says top EU official

    Just because Turkey has high GDP growth, it does not mean the EU needs Turkey! Turkey has a large population, the vast majority of which is poor. If Turkey joined the EU then a significant proportion of its population would emigrate en masse across Western Europe in search of a better life. But...
  15. Ceonwulf

    Japan Seeks India's Supporton Disputes With China

    It is more political support they are looking for. Japan doesn't need India's help militarily... as lets face it, India's military is weak.
  16. Ceonwulf

    We want a United States of Europe says top EU official

    Exactly, here in Hong Kong/China, we care more about whats going on in the USA and Europe (Britain, Germany etc) as opposed to whats going on in Russia. To be honest, I don't think anyone cares about Russia these days. The Europeans will never let Turkey enter the EU. The EU doesn't care about...
  17. Ceonwulf

    We want a United States of Europe says top EU official

    Well big European powers like Germany, Britain and France have large economies, technologically advanced militaries, high standards of living and are very influential in the world. So it would be wrong to say they have limited influence. India is a LONG way behind achieving the power and...
  18. Ceonwulf

    Turkish LHD Program | News & Discusions

    I want a source that states the Turkish Navy plans on buying 16 F-15Bs. So far you haven't showed me anything. Until you show me a source then everything you say is nothing more than wishful thinking and wild conjecture.
  19. Ceonwulf

    Turkish LHD Program | News & Discusions

    Show me a source that states the Turkish Navy plans to order 16 F-35Bs. American LHDs are over 40,000 tonnes with a 260 meter tempered flight deck. American LHDs also feature heavy aircraft lifts to lift the aircraft from the hangar deck to the flight deck. The future Turkish LHD will only be...
  20. Ceonwulf

    Turkish LHD Program | News & Discusions

    No, Turkey is not purchasing F-35B... the Turkish government is only placing orders for F-35A. Also the LPD will only be 19,000 tonnes and wont have a ski-jump. Therefore it wont be capable of operating a fixed-wing fighter like the F-35B.
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