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  1. V

    South China Sea Forum

    At least this guy is being honest about it, unlike CCP's officials and CCP's apologists who sugar-coat everything the regime does. People that are honest get more respect than those that are not. Still, "live by the sword, die by the sword," those who likes war should be the first to enlist...
  2. V

    South China Sea Forum

    What makes you think navy ships do not have water gun? Have you ever been in a situation where someone fire flares at you? Witness it and come back to tell me whether flares can cause fire. There is nothing illegal about fishing in our EEZ. Go to the South China Sea thread to debate me...
  3. V

    South China Sea Forum

    Again, you continue to run away from my evidence exposing that you are wrong by saying "water gun." I gave you picture, statements, and a video clip. I've started to believe that you will cling to a lie even if truth stares at you in the face. Aside from that, are you a sailor? Do you know...
  4. V

    South China Sea Forum

    You said "water gun," stop beating around the bushes. Here is the proof that you want. UK's BBC is many times more reputable than Xinhua News. Chinese propaganda media is bad for your health "the Chinese Navy 786 "Mannings" boat found and chase expelled, chasing nearly 30 minutes, the...
  5. V

    South China Sea Forum

    "According to The News Strait Times, Indian Navy sends 4 warships to south China sea in order to perform a series of operations with the Southeast Asian countries, (coming to Vietnam scheduled beginning on May 29)." Asitimes: Indian warships equipped with ship killer missiles sailing to south...
  6. V

    South China Sea Forum

    Please, your PLA's statements even debunked your point. After several days of "Strongly deny" the incident as "sheer fabrication" by PRC's Foreign Ministry, your Defend Ministry finally coughed up that its ship shot flare at the boat, causing explosion and fire. The water gun was probably used...
  7. V

    South China Sea Forum

    That happened two months ago in case anyone has intentionally "forgotten"
  8. V

    South China Sea Forum

    Some pictures of the damages caused by PRC "hooligan" action in the above incident May 2013. The boat was attacked by a China Marine Surveillance ship hull number 264. Note that the fishing boat was running away from those ships, but was relentlessly chased by a pack of China Marine Surveillance...
  9. V

    South China Sea Forum

    Because I love maps, I will give our PRC friends some pretty maps to look at Everyone in the world has recognized Paracel and Spratly belongs to Vietnam since the early years of their exploration in Asia At the time, Vietnam was separated into two nation-states known as Tunquin (North) and...
  10. V

    Malaysian Police beat ethnic Indian man to death

    I'm basing my comment on the OP's opinion as I'm not too familiar with the issue Thus, my comment was not about this specific incident. The general view is that there is a under-current of ethnic tension in Malaysia. Please prefer to these two threads for more...
  11. V

    Malaysian Police beat ethnic Indian man to death

    Which is a wrong thing to do in a Democracy like Malaysia. Granted that no country is perfect, but Malays can do better than that.
  12. V

    Malaysian Police beat ethnic Indian man to death

    Ethnicity issues are always the hardest to solve. Malaysia is going through that battle.
  13. V

    Central Asia: China also has territorial claims in Tajikistan

    Anyone assuming "happy" relationship should read the first article again: Quote: "Iranian "Press TV" reported in mid April that Tajikistan's National Social Democratic Party stated that Chinese forces had been sighted "deep" inside of Tajikistan. Chinese counter terrorism raids are not new to...
  14. V

    South China Sea Forum

    First of all, it's not about "anti-china," it's about being against People Republic of China and its principal, the Communist Party of China's bullying behaviors toward smaller nations. A country that takes away other's land by force should not be able to claim moral superiority. Most of the...
  15. V

    Central Asia: China also has territorial claims in Tajikistan

    If you call giving up a piece of territory for eternity for some cheap loans from China is a much better deal, then I say it is not :laugh: Here is why China gained insurmountable advantage in this deal Cinema Rasik: Tajikistan Cedes Land to China - A Step Towards Af-Kash-Bet? Quote...
  16. V

    Chinese media confused by futuristic Japanese attack helicopter

    Chinese Newspaper Confuses The Japanese Military With… DeviantArt | Kotaku Australia Considering the accuracy of information from China's newspaper Global Times, article like this should not be news anymore.
  17. V

    Central Asia: China also has territorial claims in Tajikistan

    People's Liberation Army joins ranks of growing number of Chinese organizations in Central Asia, 17 May 2013 Quote from the article: "However, the Chinese claimed large areas of what is today Tajikistan in the early 1800's and have all but forgotten their assertions. In 2011, Tajikistan...
  18. V

    Is China inserting itself into the Taiwan-Philippines spat?

    "China inserting itself into the Taiwan-Philippines spat?" has been a fact for a long time since the incident happened. PRC has unashamedly used the death of a Taiwanese man to escalate military move on the Philippines. Their main objective was to take control of 2 more reefs from the...
  19. V

    South China Sea Forum

    Further questions on Pham Van Dong's letter, read my post here. http://www.defence.pk/forums/china-far-east/253078-pla-navy-patrols-bashi-channel-between-taiwan-philippines-8.html
  20. V

    South China Sea Forum

    Qing Dynasty Map in 1904 printed by Shanghai Publishing House showed that Chinese territory stops at Hainan Islands. End of story Truong Sa, Hoang Sa not belong to China: 1904 Chinese map - News VietNamNet
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