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  1. xenon54 out

    Iranian Chill Thread

    He visited our section many times, i dont think he has a bad intention.
  2. xenon54 out

    Iranian Chill Thread

    Could any one tel me what is the meaning of dramebazz?
  3. xenon54 out

    Çay Bahçesi

    This one is also great.
  4. xenon54 out

    Iranian Chill Thread

    Whats up @Ostad bro, everything fine?
  5. xenon54 out

    Çay Bahçesi

    I love sufism generally, too bad their peaceful lifestyle got forgotten by many muslims today. This is one of my favourite sufi music.
  6. xenon54 out

    Turkish Engine Programs

    Very good news, Turkey will be a hub for F-35 maintenance for the region if more countrys buy them in future, also it will help us to gain know how for our future engine projects, and last but not least the maintenance of our own fleet will be cheaper. :tup:
  7. xenon54 out

    Turkish Armed Forces Multimedia Center

    Yeah i really liked this one.
  8. xenon54 out

    Turkish Armed Forces Multimedia Center

    You made this one?
  9. xenon54 out

    Iranian Chill Thread

    I provided you neutral sources but you dont want to accept reality. :meeting: I would be mad If Americans, Chinese or Israelis would make fun about our defence industry but some mullah worshipper making fun is just cute. Im amazed about your enthusiasm, seriously, me on my part would have lost...
  10. xenon54 out

    Iranian Chill Thread

    Read carefully.... ....especially this part Project J (J-600T) | Missile ThreatYildirim | Missile Threat And now Burn. :coffee: We booth know which country is known for making baseless claims dude.
  11. xenon54 out

    Turkish Politics & Internal Affairs

    Guys watch this. Maden işçisinden inanılmaz iddialar - HürriyetTV Haber
  12. xenon54 out

    Iranian Chill Thread

    You will understand how senseless your talking once you learn what TOT is. Here is a little help. Technology transfer - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  13. xenon54 out

    Cay Bahcesi

    Hakkimdaki söyletileri katiyyen kabul etmiyorum. :) @Asena_Y hosgeldin.
  14. xenon54 out

    Turkish Politics & Internal Affairs

    AKP supporters are mainly in country side, in big cities its more like 50/50. Also the part of society with bad education tends more to vote for AKP. Many people dont believe his corruption, or they say even if he is corrupt he did something for us, and also a part says simply there is no...
  15. xenon54 out

    Soma Coal Mine Disaster | News and Discussion

    I dont believe they can hide 100 bodies, besides around 400 people got saved, its impossible to keep something like this secret.
  16. xenon54 out

    Soma Coal Mine Disaster | News and Discussion

    Never heard about Syrians in Soma mine. Here is a list of the deceased, seems like there are no Syrians among them. AFAD ölen madencilerin isimlerini açıkladı - Genel Bakış- ntvmsnbc.com
  17. xenon54 out

    Soma Coal Mine Disaster | News and Discussion

    The guy says in his second interview that PM was ''protecting him'' well this must be the new way of protecting someone. The point is he was attacking someone, be it a slap or a nippel twist doesnt matter.
  18. xenon54 out

    Soma Coal Mine Disaster | News and Discussion

    Firstly because a false accusation of our sultan would end with an punishment in our country, secondly we all have seen the video how Erdogan is raising his hands against people in the market. This guy doesnt feel guilty, he just fears a punishment thats why he is talking like this. He is...
  19. xenon54 out

    Soma Coal Mine Disaster | News and Discussion

    Seems like they paid him well after this interview, othervise i cant explain it to my self why he first says he got slapped and now something else.
  20. xenon54 out

    Saudis kissing camels and getting MERS virus!

    Everybody get your popcorn.
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