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  1. xenon54 out

    Çay Bahçesi

    Yes ofcourse, its our school after all.
  2. xenon54 out

    Iranian Chill Thread

    Because there are almost only Tamils from south asia here.
  3. xenon54 out

    Çay Bahçesi

    Whom are you referring to?
  4. xenon54 out

    Iranian Chill Thread

    I have seen a tamil mass fight here once, that was some sick sh*t i tell you. :D @Azizam
  5. xenon54 out

    Çay Bahçesi

    What is this? I have seen many shias in Turkish mosques here, mostly Iraqis, there is no chance a Turkish Imam can spread hate because even European mosques get their Imams from Turkey. The Imams get paid by state and they can be fired if they spreads racism and separatism. Yes but they are...
  6. xenon54 out

    Çay Bahçesi

    I allready mentioned it earlier, i know about 10 people who became radicals on my work place, almost all of them are from Balkans, one of them said ''you Turks are doing everything wrong like prayer or Adhan'' even though that this guys ancestors became muslims thank to Turks. :lol: I heard...
  7. xenon54 out

    Iranian Chill Thread

    And the black guy won right? :D
  8. xenon54 out

    Çay Bahçesi

    Well, todays Islam is more like the opposite of what Sufism teaches us IMO.
  9. xenon54 out

    Iranian Chill Thread

    Yep its true, acam means non Arab muslims if im not wrong, thought i never heard Turks beeing called acam by Arabs, we on our part refer to Persinas as Acams, but not in a negative meaning as you know, although its a little bit stupid if you ask me because we are also non Arabs and technically...
  10. xenon54 out

    Çay Bahçesi

    The first clip i have posted has lyrics, he is singing about Yunus Emre, the most famous Turkish sufi, mystic and poet. Yunus Emre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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