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  1. xenon54 out

    Çay Bahçesi

  2. xenon54 out

    Iran helping PKK again in Kandil

    How could i? The thing is the others had too much ayran, they dont even remember how they went home. :p:
  3. xenon54 out

    Turkey lists al-Nusra Front as terrorist organization

    But a pkk source is probably the most credible source regarding Turkey, i mean all the attack and threatenings of ISIS on Turkey, Turkish strike on ISIS convoy and the leaked tape about how our state is looking for an excuse to attack them doesnt prove anything if pkk sources proves othervise...
  4. xenon54 out

    Turkic World Photos/News/Discussions.

    Uzbekistan has problems with pretty much everyone in the region. The particular problem between Turkey and Uzbekistan is that Turkey supported a UN resolution where the Uzbek goverment was condemned of violation of Human Rights after the Andijan massacre where hundreds of protestors got shot by...
  5. xenon54 out

    Turkish Armed Forces Multimedia Center

    Is that in Turkey?
  6. xenon54 out

    Iran helping PKK again in Kandil

    What do you mean with 70 billion $, tourism income? Btw i just noticed that i made a mistake, tourism income of Turkey is about 3-4% of GDP while Iranian oil income is 20% of Iranian GDP.
  7. xenon54 out

    Iran helping PKK again in Kandil

    Your so wrong. Turkish tourism income was about 30 billion $ in 2013 or 3-4% of GDP Iranian oil income was 95 billion $ in 2011 or 20% of GDP, though its dropping because of sanctions. You may check this out for more information. Economy of Turkey - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  8. xenon54 out

    Turkish minorities caught up in the Ukraine whirlwind

    Because we all have the same goal, living in peaceful countrys that can offer you a good life which can not be archieved throught wars.
  9. xenon54 out

    Russia, Kazakhstan, Belarus sign Eurasian Economic Union

    Good catch indeed, i didnt knew about this, Russia and China are actually rivals, as for now they need eachother as counterweight to the West but who knows what will happen in the future.
  10. xenon54 out

    Iran helping PKK again in Kandil

    It was one Journalist who claimed to have evidence, US and Turkey made a official statement where they denied the accusations.
  11. xenon54 out

    Iran helping PKK again in Kandil

    I know about the problems Azeris and other ethnicites are facing in Iran, what im saying is i wouldnt generalize, i cant imagine that all Farsis are racist.
  12. xenon54 out

    Turkish Defence Industry Exports & Updates

    So Simsek is basically a flying target?
  13. xenon54 out

    Iran helping PKK again in Kandil

    What are you referring to?
  14. xenon54 out

    Iran helping PKK again in Kandil

    But i think its more connected to the regime than avarage people, Turkey also had problems with minoritys in the past but this doesnt mean Turks are all racists.
  15. xenon54 out

    Turkish Defence Industry Exports & Updates

    So they wanna buy UAV's for shooting them down if i understood correctly, why dont they use the old F-4 for this purpose, US is doing the same with remote controlled old F-4's, it would also be more realistic than shooting down some UAV's.
  16. xenon54 out

    Iran helping PKK again in Kandil

    I once watched a docu about Iran, i think you also know Ayna Programi, they said most Iranians are watching Turkish TV Channels despite its beeing forbidden to watch foreign channels in Iran, i heard avarage Iranians have mostly positive view of Turkey. Mate i think you are exaggerating it.
  17. xenon54 out

    Iran helping PKK again in Kandil

    Guys would you pls stop generalizing im sure most Persians dont have any problems with Turks i mean last year about 1 million Iranians visited Turkey and this year it will be probably 1.5 million. I also dont like Iranian regime but i wouldnt generalize whole country.
  18. xenon54 out

    Turkish engineers experiment with plasma propulsion (aircraft)

    I wait for the first flight videos before speculating, i dont wanna get too excited over some news, 30. August isnt far away so lets wait and drink tee.
  19. xenon54 out

    Sufism/ Tasawuf (Islamic mysticism)

    Me Sufi? No mate, just interested in Sufism, its peaceful and tollerant thats why i like it. Sufism had great influence in Turkish culture, literature, and arts, Persian Rumi and Turkish Yunus Emre are still very famous, you can ask anyone on the streets in Turkey about them and they will know...
  20. xenon54 out

    WWW Syria presidential election

    It must have been a fair election if North Korea confirmed it. :sarcastic:
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