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  1. xenon54 out

    Çay Bahçesi

    Im playing Day Z Standalone but its really hard.
  2. xenon54 out

    Do you consider ISIL a Sunni or Pro Sunni group in Iraq ?

    They did it because they are lunatics who like to oppress people, they just stole 400 million from Mosul Bank they dont need money, besides ''mujahedines'' who are fighting for money cant say they are liberators. :blah::blah::blah::blah: I also condemned cruelty comitted by Syrian Regime, Nato...
  3. xenon54 out

    Do you consider ISIL a Sunni or Pro Sunni group in Iraq ?

    Ofcourse im concerned about my brethen, there are two kids among the kidnapped (one of them is only 8 months old) by a group whos known for most cruel execution methods. I have seen enough material on the net to know what kind of people they are and i must say one cant be more evil, and you are...
  4. xenon54 out

    Do you consider ISIL a Sunni or Pro Sunni group in Iraq ?

    Where did i said i dont like Arabs? If you mean my words to Hasani, well it was answering to his racist comments in same manner, apart from the fact that my words was nowhere as bad as his to Turks, other than that there are some Arabs i like, also here in forum. Its not that easy, your bros...
  5. xenon54 out

    Do you consider ISIL a Sunni or Pro Sunni group in Iraq ?

    500'000 sunnis left their homes because of them, i dont think they are acting in sunni interest.
  6. xenon54 out

    Turkic World Photos/News/Discussions.

    Why dont you ask Israelis?
  7. xenon54 out

    Update l Iran deploys revolutionary guards in Iraq!

    Just like 30'000 soldiers ran away from 1000 extremists? Why is Iraq asking US to help them if they dont need any foreign involvement?
  8. xenon54 out

    Çay Bahçesi

    Nah, his days of beeing a Internet Jihadist are numbered, hes going to end up in Gitmo. :) He allready shared his name, picture and location here, its almost like invitation for NSA. @telkon sup dude long time not seen. :cheers:
  9. xenon54 out

    Turkish Space Programs

    They chose Mugla because its closer to equator, Europe is launching their rockets from French Guiana, Usa from Florida, Russia from Kazachstan and Japan from southern Island Kyushu for exsample, you need less fuel the closer you are to equator if im not wrong.
  10. xenon54 out

    Çay Bahçesi

    You should check out his posts from the last two days, he is one of those guys who would kill you for your liberal views.
  11. xenon54 out

    Mosul Consulate Hostage Crisis (Update: All Hostages Have Been Freed)

    Is this really true? How evil can someone be? :o:
  12. xenon54 out

    Çay Bahçesi

    Guys just leave this little terrorist, i used to forgive his personal insults but he died for me after his support for the most evil terror group in the world. Yesterday he supported Iran/Turkey today he hates booth, this guy is a instable lunatic who knows what will happen tomorrow.
  13. xenon54 out

    Çay Bahçesi

    Nah im a PC Gamer.
  14. xenon54 out

    Çay Bahçesi

    COD sucks, play Battlefield 4. :tup:
  15. xenon54 out

    ISIL mouthpiece surrenders to Turkish, Kurdish trolls

    Ahahaha occupys 1/10th of Iraq in 24h, surrenders to Internet trolls,:omghaha: :cheers:
  16. xenon54 out

    Mosul Consulate Hostage Crisis (Update: All Hostages Have Been Freed)

    Lol, i wonder what they was talking about. :) Edit: guys visit the Twitter account of Isil the best comedy. :lol: What can i say? I love our Nation. :rofl: Edit 2: they just locked their twitter account for strangers, ISIL you messed with wrong people. :devil:
  17. xenon54 out

    Will Iran Intervene in Iraq?

    We allready send reconaissance planes and UAV's, they are cooperating with Iraq and share intelligence, the source is also talking about a possible operation. Turkey says investigating reports 28 truck drivers kidnapped in Iraq | Page 8
  18. xenon54 out

    Turkey says investigating reports 28 truck drivers kidnapped in Iraq

    Israelis are actually pretty good in rescue operations in foreign countrys. Operation Entebbe - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia I have seen this documentary, its pretty impressive.
  19. xenon54 out

    Turkey says investigating reports 28 truck drivers kidnapped in Iraq

    The source says they are planning a possible operation, wouldnt that danger the life of kidnapped people?
  20. xenon54 out

    Mosul Consulate Hostage Crisis (Update: All Hostages Have Been Freed)

    They just stole 400-500 million from mosul central bank and tons of weapons, i dont think money can free our citizens.
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