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  1. xenon54 out

    Turkish Naval Forces (DZKK)

    We too but wrong thread. :)
  2. xenon54 out

    Iranian RQ-170 Real or Fake ?

    Lol. :lol: Are you allowed to tell what you saw in TAI?
  3. xenon54 out

    Çay Bahçesi

  4. xenon54 out

    Çay Bahçesi

  5. xenon54 out

    Just see Wahhabi religious movement spreading in China ,What do u think ?!

    Why dont you ask Presidency of Religious Affairs? :lol: T.C. Diyanet İşleri Başkanlığı | İman | İbadet | Namaz | Ahlak
  6. xenon54 out

    Çay Bahçesi

  7. xenon54 out

    Just see Wahhabi religious movement spreading in China ,What do u think ?!

    Well, whether you like it or not, these mosques are going to get their Imams from somewhere, so better you educate them to avoid the spreading of extremism, thats the policy of secular Turkey since its creation. Thats why Turkey, which is laicistic by its Constituion, has a Ministry of...
  8. xenon54 out

    Çay Bahçesi

    He isnt a new member you know him. :)
  9. xenon54 out

    1700 Iraqi Soldiers executed.

    Turkish mosques dont spread radicalism, the Imams are beeing educated by the state and they have to respect the laws such as anti racism and anti radicalism.
  10. xenon54 out

    1700 Iraqi Soldiers executed.

    I dont know, he actually sweared to Isis in Cay Bahcesi. :D
  11. xenon54 out

    1700 Iraqi Soldiers executed.

    Nah, he is a Turk.
  12. xenon54 out

    1700 Iraqi Soldiers executed.

    @Oublious you are aware that Isis kidnapped 80 Turks?
  13. xenon54 out

    Çay Bahçesi

    You allready forgot what you did to Neptune? Well, Sinan will have a much harder time than him if she reads your post here. :D Bizim Siyah Kan bu hatirlamadinmi?
  14. xenon54 out

    Çay Bahçesi

    @Kaan söyle fetoya kapatsin cihazlari, isimiz var. :lol: Oh the multi tasking problem, same happens to me in Skype. :D
  15. xenon54 out

    Çay Bahçesi

    Guys she made his day to hell because of a green light in Facebook and your asking him to make party with you, do you wanna kill him? :lol:
  16. xenon54 out

    Çay Bahçesi

    Abi geldigi ülkeye baksana, kendi sitelerinden baskasina izin vermiyorlarmis. o_O
  17. xenon54 out

    Çay Bahçesi

    Watch this, its hilarious :rofl:
  18. xenon54 out

    Çay Bahçesi

    He thinks its goint to be like this.... But the truth looks like this. :rofl:
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