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  1. H

    Ad shows Syrian girls being sold in KSA

    Ad shows Syrian girls being sold in KSA Reports indicate Syrian girls are being sold in the Saudi capital, Riyadh. A controversial advertisement promoting Syrian girls for sale has been published in the Saudi Arabian capital, Riyadh, reports say. According to reports on Wednesday by Iran’s...
  2. H

    Saudi delegation visits Israel over Iran: Reports

    Or on BBC, CNN and all the other western propaganda machines. People here are deluded or insincere.
  3. H

    US elite benefit from drones

    What about your beloved Saudi and Persian Gulf oil sheiks and Kings? Are they the beaon of democracy? Are you f. kidding me punk? The Wahabi/Western/Zionist mainstream media is better, you're right.
  4. H

    Saudi delegation visits Israel over Iran: Reports

    Saudi delegation visits Israel over Iran: Reports A senior military delegation from Saudi Arabia has visited Israel to discuss a deal recently reached between Iran and the six world powers over Tehran’s nuclear energy program, media reports say. Saudi Deputy Defense Minister Salman bin-Sultan...
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    US elite benefit from drones

    ‘US elite benefit from drones’ The US targeted killings program, carried out by drones, enables Washington to continue the so-called war on terror as it creates more enemies around the world, a political commentator tells Press TV. The use of drones “serves the ‘one percenters’,” in the...
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    US in economic collapse as China, Russia 'moving away from using dollar'

    US in economic collapse as China, Russia 'moving away from using dollar' The United States is experiencing an “economic collapse” because major powers like China and Russia have decided not to use US dollar in trade, a political analyst says. “The American economy is just beginning to collapse...
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    China provides nuclear protection for Ukraine

    Good news, it seems that China has finally woken up.
  8. H

    Iran, Turkey Seeking to Increase Trade Ties to $100bln

    Same with Erdogan... most "Muslims" are like that... I don't believe in their fake Islam.
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    Iran, Turkey Seeking to Increase Trade Ties to $100bln

    No, your Kings just love their dollars, expensive cars and multiple wives :) They would even make deals with the devil to hold on to all of that. That's why they hate democracy and equality so much.
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    Iran, Turkey Seeking to Increase Trade Ties to $100bln

    I think the Americans are planning to dump Saudi Arabia and the little Gulf Kingdoms. I couldn't edit my message, where's the edit button? :D
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    Iran, Turkey Seeking to Increase Trade Ties to $100bln

    Iran might replace Saudi Arabia soon. So when will Saudi Arabia and the Gulf Kingdoms oppose the West? Iran has done more than enough in the past few decades but in the process they have suffered a lot by sanctions. Can you imagine Arab despots opposing western hegemony? How ironic that those...
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    Iran, Turkey Seeking to Increase Trade Ties to $100bln

    Have you converted to Wahabism?
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    Iran, Turkey Seeking to Increase Trade Ties to $100bln

    I suspect that evntually Iran too will be conquered by western capitalists.
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    Iran, Turkey Seeking to Increase Trade Ties to $100bln

    Achievable. Turkey and Iran are the only two stable states in the entire region. Unfortunately, one is still a puppet state and the other becoming one soon.
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    KSA and Qatar fund terrorism to weaken rivals: C. Bambery

    KSA and Qatar fund terrorism to weaken rivals: C. Bambery Interview with Christopher Bambery Press TV has conducted an interview with Chris Bambery, political commentator, London about the violent bombardment of Shia-dominated regions of Iraq to foment instability in this country. The...
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    West defending dictatorships from democracy in Persian Gulf

    West defending dictatorships from democracy in Persian Gulf By Finian Cunningham In a breathtaking display of absurdity, US secretary of defense Chuck Hagel and Britain’s Foreign Minister William Hague were among senior Western delegates to address the annual conference on “regional security”...
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    Inequality has put 100 million Americans below poverty line

    Inequality has put 100 million Americans below poverty line The inequality has put 100 million Americans below the poverty line. The “Inequality Boom” is what social scientist Sheldon Danziger, President of the Russell Sage Foundation here in New York, uses to describe the current condition...
  18. H

    US will not recognize China's air defence zone, Biden tells Xi

    And why on earth should the rest of the world recognize your own countless air defence zones?
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