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  1. H

    US mainstream media misleading public

    US mainstream media misleading public By Tim King As Americans reel from one deadly school shooting after another, their fear for the future grows exponentially. They also inescapably know that their national economy has been hijacked and over-exploited to the point of no return due to...
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    US imperial policy in Iraq sees ISIL as friend: Analyst

    US imperial policy in Iraq sees ISIL as friend: Analyst Interview with Brian Becker Press TV has conducted an interview with Brian Becker, with the ANSWER Coalition, in Washington, about the territory gains of foreign-backed ISIL terrorists in Iraq after wreaking havoc in Syria. The following...
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    A Matter of Principle: The True Aims of the Terror War

    A Matter of Principle: The True Aims of the Terror War By Chris Floyd June 11, 2014 "ICH" - The moral insanity of the Terror War continues to spawn more violence, more extremism, more repression, more injustice, and the total subversion of the "Western values," all of which it is ostensibly...
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    Hillary Clinton blasted over occupation remark

    Hillary Clinton blasted over occupation remark Hillary Clinton Former US secretary of state Hillary Clinton has been attacked by CNN over her remarks that Palestinians in the West Bank are living under occupation. Clinton made the comments in her new book “Hard Choices” when she discussed...
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    US pressures El Salvador to buy Monsanto's GMO seeds

    US pressures El Salvador to buy Monsanto's GMO seeds As one of the preconditions to authorizing close to $300 million in aid, the United States is pressuring El Salvador to purchase genetically modified seeds from Monsanto instead of non-GM seeds from local farmers. According to...
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    Hillary Clinton: I wanted to arm Syrian rebels, but Obama refused

    So you want politicians who want more wars and destruction? More aggression, more imperialism, more exploitation, more regime changes, more bloodshed?
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    Iraq turmoil, spillover of Syria war: Analyst

    Iraq turmoil, spillover of Syria war: Analyst The ongoing operations by foreign-backed militants in northern Iraqi cities are a spillover of the West-orchestrated war on Syria, an analyst tells Press TV. “What we’re seeing in northern Iraq is very clearly part of the fallout from the...
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    Clinton reveals how Obama forcibly prevented China's 'secret' meeting with India to isolate US

    What's wrong with isolating the U.S.? That's standard policy of the American regime. The Americans better get used to being isolated because it will only increase as time goes by.
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    UK, US death squads tearing Iraq apart: Analyst

    UK, US death squads tearing Iraq apart: Analyst Interview with Sukant Chandon Press TV has conducted an interview with Sukant Chandon, a political commentator, in London, about the terrorizing of Iraq by foreign-backed militants and Prime Minister al-Maleki’s announcement of a state of...
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    Zionists running Australia’s foreign policy: US politician

    Zionists running Australia’s foreign policy: US politician Interview with David Duke Press TV has conducted an interview with David Duke, a former member or the House of Representatives, from Louisiana, about Australia’s breakaway policy to stop referring to East Jerusalem al-Quds as an...
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    Turkey says investigating reports 28 truck drivers kidnapped in Iraq

    Turkey is meddling in Iraq's internal affairs. Turkey is trying to become an aggressive imperialist power.
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    Turkey says investigating reports 28 truck drivers kidnapped in Iraq

    A Caliphate has nothing to do with Islam my ignorant friend.
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    Ukraine President Once Agent for U.S. State Department

    On the contrary, you may be confusing this with CNN, BBC and all that crap that have completely poisoned your mind.
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    John Kerry Caught in Lie to Promote War With Russia

    Much more honest than your imperialist warmongers who are killing and maiming millions of people around the world. I don't see Putin and Assad doing that. Also, lying is bad regardless of who does it, therefore you should stop making excuses for your oh so democratic and freedom-loving leaders...
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    US seeks to cut Russia off Black Sea: Corrigan

    Of couse it's true....
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    A World War Between Classes, Not Countries

    A World War Between Classes, Not Countries By Ismael Hossein-Zadeh June 10, 2014 "ICH" - "Asia Times" - - Most pundits of historical developments tend to perceive another global war as large scale deployment of military means in pursuit of defeat, destruction or subjugation of contending...
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    John Kerry Caught in Lie to Promote War With Russia

    John Kerry Caught in Lie to Promote War With Russia By Daniel McAdams June 10, 2014 "ICH" - We all remember Secretary of State John Kerry lying through this teeth last summer, when he swore that US intelligence reports proving that Syria used chemical weapons in Ghouta were “as clear as they...
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    Ukraine President Once Agent for U.S. State Department

    Ukraine President Once Agent for U.S. State Department By Michael Collins June 10, 2014 "ICH" - Is he still working for his former masters in Washington, DC? Two diplomatic messages from the WikiLeaks Public Library on U.S. Diplomacy indicate that newly elected President of Ukraine, Petro...
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    Takfirism created to counter Islamic Awakening: Analyst

    Takfirism created to counter Islamic Awakening: Analyst This file photo shows foreign-backed Takfiri militants operating in Syria. The US government and its NATO and Zionist allies have created Takfirism with Saudi Arabia’s oil money in order to counter the Islamic Awakening movement, an...
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