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  1. H

    Obama comes out against Crimea self-determination

    Those matter only when they benefit the West. Even then they still don't matter of course, but you know what I mean.
  2. H

    Vladimir Putin Nominated For Nobel Peace Prize

    Even Erdogan can for destroying Syria...
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    Vladimir Putin Nominated For Nobel Peace Prize

    If Obama can receive the nobel peace prize everyone on the planet can.
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    Obama comes out against Crimea self-determination

    Obama comes out against Crimea self-determination By Paul Craig Roberts Pro-Russian activists stand near the Crimean Parliament building in Simferopol, Crimea, Ukraine. (File photo) The White House Fool has repeatedly declared erroneously and foolishly that it is “against international law”...
  5. H

    No money, no jobs: Europe’s growing desperation

    The size of the economy is irrelevant, what matters is whether it's a healthy and sustainable economy managed properly and where wealth is distributed fairly among the populaton as a whole.
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    The Looting Of Ukraine Has Begun

    The Looting Of Ukraine Has Begun By Paul Craig Roberts March 07, 2014 "Information Clearing House - According to a report in Kommersant-Ukraine, the finance ministry of Washington’s stooges in Kiev who are pretending to be a government has prepared an economic austerity plan that will cut...
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    Turkish FM greets meet in Kurdish in north Iraq

    Well, it's kind of hard to develop your counry under brutal occupation when you're deprived of your own water resources, electricity and many other basic human needs. Even olive trees are destroyed and fishermen are targetted by those friendly Zionist occupiers. You would talk very differently...
  8. H

    Russia warns of dropping US dollar as reserve currency if US imposes sanctions

    We can only hope that most people in the world will realize this soon because it's a global phenomenon. Germany is not alone if that's any consolation.
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    Russia warns of dropping US dollar as reserve currency if US imposes sanctions

    Well, duh. The elite in most countries in the world are not working for their own people in case you didn't know (you seem surprised). There may be a few exceptions of course, like Cuba and Libya under Ghadaffi and some other countries. But exceptions don't break the rule.
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    Dubai police: Hezbollah behind attack in Bahrain

    Bahrani regime is incredibly brutal, do we ever hear anything on mainstream world media? That evil regime won't survive long thank God.
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    Al-Qaeda, asset of Zionism in destabilizing Mideast

    ‘Al-Qaeda, asset of Zionism in destabilizing Mideast’ Press TV has interviewed Kevin Barrett, editor of the Veterans Today from Madison, to discuss the crisis in Syria.Below is an approximate transcription of the interview. Press TV: Kevin Barrette do you agree with George Lambrakis? I mean...
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    Israel after civil war in Lebanon

    ‘Israel after civil war in Lebanon’ Interview with Gordon Duff Press TV has talked with Gordon Duff, a senior editor at Veterans Today from Ohio, to discuss the role of Israel in fanning the flames of terrorism in Syria. Below is an approximate transcription of the interview. Press TV...
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    America’s staggering hypocrisy in Ukraine

    America’s staggering hypocrisy in Ukraine In Ukraine, a neo-Nazi-led putsch – representing the interests of the western part of the country – overthrew the democratically elected president. Robert Parry, Consortium News Since World War II – and extending well into the Twenty-first Century –...
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    Has Russia Invaded Ukraine?

    Has Russia Invaded Ukraine? Propaganda Rules The News By Paul Craig Roberts March 05, 2014 "Information Clearing House - Gerald Celente calls the Western media “presstitutes,” an ingenuous term that I often use. Presstitutes sell themselves to Washington for access and government sources and...
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    NATO helping boost Afghan heroin production: Russia

    NATO helping boost Afghan heroin production: Russia A US-led trooper check details of a poppy field in an area of Afghanistan The head of Russia’s Federal Drug Control Service has blamed the US-led NATO forces for the surge in Afghanistan's drug production. On Wednesday, Russia’s drugs tsar...
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    Seriously, what?! Kerry tells Russia 'you don't invade a country on completely phony pretexts'

    Good war for us? You are an inhumane asshole. A worthless piece of shit. I hope your China gets obliterated one day so that I can say it was a good war for me.
  17. H

    How can US accuse Russia of violating international law?

    How can US accuse Russia of violating international law? Dave Lindorff, Counterpunch If you want to make moral or legal pronouncements, or to condemn bad behavior, you have to be a moral, law-abiding person yourself. It is laughable when we see someone like Rush Limbaugh criticizing drug...
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    Seriously, what?! Kerry tells Russia 'you don't invade a country on completely phony pretexts'

    How can US accuse Russia of violating international law? Dave Lindorff, Counterpunch If you want to make moral or legal pronouncements, or to condemn bad behavior, you have to be a moral, law-abiding person yourself. It is laughable when we see someone like Rush Limbaugh criticizing drug...
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    Ukraine at loss by leaving socialism for capitalism

    Ukraine at loss by leaving socialism for capitalism By Paul Craig Roberts No Capitalism In 2004 Hungary joined the EU, expecting streets of gold. Instead, four years later in 2008 Hungary became indebted to the IMF. The rock video by the Hungarian group, Mouksa Underground, sums up the...
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