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    Obama throws gasoline on Mideast fire

    Obama throws gasoline on Mideast fire Kevin Barrett Motorists know that if a fire breaks out at a petrol station, you cannot put it out by spraying it with gasoline. But according to recent reports, it seems the American president isn’t that smart. On Friday we learned that Obama is asking...
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    KSA, Qatar, Turkey goals summed up in ISIL: Analyst

    For Turkish speakers: UNDENIABLE EVIDENCE that Turkey is strongly behind ISIL....
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    KSA, Qatar, Turkey goals summed up in ISIL: Analyst

    KSA, Qatar, Turkey goals summed up in ISIL: Analyst Interview with Ali al-Nashmi Press TV has conducted an interview with Ali al-Nashmi, political commentator from Baghdad about the goals of ISIS terrorists in Iraq as the army continues its fight against them in the northern areas of the...
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    Saudi man bombs Beirut hotel, several people injured

    Saudi Arabia and Israel should officially become part of the U.S. Oh wait, they already are....
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    Zionist terrorists target journalists with death threats

    Zionist terrorists are funding and training those Islamic terrorists ;) Also keep in mind; "Terrorism is the war of the poor, and war is the terrorism of the rich" ;)
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    US GDP shrinks 2.9% in first quarter

    The real U.S. economy has been shrinking since the 70's.
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    Saudi man bombs Beirut hotel, several people injured

    Saudi man bombs Beirut hotel, several people injured Lebanese firefighters extinguish a fire at the Duroy Hotel where a man detonated his explosives as security forces stormed his room in the Raouche neighborhood of Beirut on June 25, 2014. About a dozen people, including three members of...
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    Zionist terrorists target journalists with death threats

    Zionist terrorists target journalists with death threats "Jewish Defense League" (JDL). By Kevin Barrett In September 2001, George W. Bush explained: "They hate our freedoms." Bush, of course, was lying. Osama Bin Laden and al-Qaeda never hated freedom. They saw themselves as freedom...
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    Why America favors ‘religious’ extremists

    Why America favors ‘religious’ extremists Militants from the so-called Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) (file photo) By Tim King Touting its commitment to religious freedom like a broken record, US politicians and administrations continue supporting murderous, “religious”...
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    US Army declares war on press freedom

    US Army declares war on press freedom By Gordon Duff The United States Army, operating from a secret base in Arizona, has declared war on independent media through hacking, blocking communications and sabotaging both radio broadcasts. Computer security teams working with Veterans Today...
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    ISIL Discussions

    Iraq victim of imperialistic crusaderism: Analyst Interview with political commentator Randy Short Press TV has conducted an interview with political commentator Dr. Randy Short to discuss the current events unfolding in Iraq. Below is an approximate transcription of the interview: Press TV...
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    ISIL Discussions

    Rand Paul: US arming ISIS terrorists Senator Rand Paul said the US government has been arming ISIS militants in Syria and funding its allies. US Republican Senator Rand Paul has accused the US government of arming the terrorist group Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIS). Paul has told...
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    Rand Paul: US arming ISIS terrorists

    Everyone = U.S. UK, Israel, Turkey and some Arab states of the Persian Gulf.
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    Polish FM: Ties with US worthless

    Polish FM: Ties with US worthless Polish Foreign Minister Radek Sikorski A Polish magazine has reported that it is in possession of recordings of a conversation in which the country’s Foreign Minister Radek Sikorski says Poland’s strong alliance with the US “isn't worth anything”. Mocking...
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    Rand Paul: US arming ISIS terrorists

    Rand Paul: US arming ISIS terrorists Senator Rand Paul said the US government has been arming ISIS militants in Syria and funding its allies. US Republican Senator Rand Paul has accused the US government of arming the terrorist group Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIS). Paul has...
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    ISIL Discussions

    US trained ISIL terrorists at secret Jordan base: Report US military instructors trained Takfiri militants of the so-called Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) at a secret base in Jordan in 2012, informed Jordanian officials say. The officials, who were not identified, revealed to...
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    West seeks fragmenting Arab countries: Commentator

    West seeks fragmenting Arab countries: Commentator Interview with George Jabbour Press TV has conducted an interview with George Jabbour, political commentator from Damascus, about Syria’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations Bashar Ja’afari saying the current tumult in the Middle...
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    Russia Plans War Against US Dollar

    The US actually wants Russia to invade Ukraine, but Russia is a lot smarter than they think.
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    US beating nuclear war drums

    Those extremists are still being funded and trained by the West, Saudi Arabia and Israel. I don't think you are getting your news from alternative media outlets (like most people). There is a global economic war waged by the Western elite on the rest of the world. All those regional conflicts...
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