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  1. H

    What do we love about Pakistan and India?

    Pakistani hospitality is legendary. Having lived all over, I have been welcomed with open arms! And I learnt a thing or two about how to treat a visitor. Why, I had Pakistani bosses who treated me like a brother.
  2. H

    Afridi says anti-India comments ‘out of context’

    My two bits.. I think we should put this behind us. Afridi had viewpoint(s). Lots of us have ranted and raved. Maybe, we should give the chap some rest and let him get on with what he does best - playing cricket.
  3. H

    And India Wins The 2011 Cricket World Cup!

    Thank you Mabs.. I am new here. And been meaning to say this. India has won. But I salute the Pakistani and Sri Lankan team. Well-played cricket alround. Someday the cup will find its way to Pakistan and Sri Lanka too!
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