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  1. Albatross

    Israeli False-Flaggers Flown in for Boston Shoot-Out?

    Had you possessed a brain that functions humanly you wouldn't have asked this question after reading the article..schumuk
  2. Albatross

    Israeli False-Flaggers Flown in for Boston Shoot-Out?

    Cant understand the reasons why this title made indians jump like mad dogs anyhow this article is from US veterans today journal and it did raise valid points based on logic and proof. Israeli False-Flaggers Flown in for Boston Shoot-Out? | Veterans Today
  3. Albatross

    Israeli False-Flaggers Flown in for Boston Shoot-Out?

    Were Israeli false-flag terror experts – maybe even some who helped pull off 9/11, the operation that Mossad operative Mike Harari bragged about – flown in to Boston to set up a shoot-out as dénouement to the Boston Marathon bombing? At this point it’s just a hypothesis. But suspicions were...
  4. Albatross

    The story you're not told in Kashmir

    I wonder why ISI is delaying sending its trained and much awaited active assets into forcefully occupied kashmir valley with a 97 % muslim population.Why wait for american withdrawal from af'tan ? Atleast we can warm up the scenes by frequently slaughtering A$$$es of indian troops in occupied...
  5. Albatross

    Indian court reopens probe into Sikh riots

    NEW DELHI: An Indian court on Wednesday ordered federal investigators to reopen a case against a ruling Congress party leader over deadly 1984 riots that killed at least 3,000 members of the Sikh community. The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) had earlier cleared Jagdish Tytler and...
  6. Albatross

    2 Policemen killed in Gilgit-Baltistan.

    Because Pakistan is not suppressing them with a 500000 thousand soldiers(Almost 1 armed soldier for every 3 unarmed innocent kashmiri youth of above 16) and you will never hear of curfew in our kashmir proving kashmiries are much happier here and feel like at home unlike indian occupied kashmir...
  7. Albatross

    2 Policemen killed in Gilgit-Baltistan.

    Your dumbness is evident by the fact that chilas isnt part of azad kashmir and it never was a part of kashmir valley .
  8. Albatross

    Swiss Tourist is gang-raped in India

    That poor couple was camping . They must have planned for months collecting money and dreaming of the joy and peace they would feel while on their vacation but they met with a terrible incident . I feel sorry for that couple and as for the animals who did this such men can be present anywhere...
  9. Albatross

    Indian Troops given free hand to kill Kashmiris

    ..Well done and if ISI was involved great that means they are right on plan and let US be out in 2014 there will be a do or die for kashmir and having so many nukes aimed at india would only result in these scumbags leaving 97% muslim populated kashmir valley after getting squeezed from all...
  10. Albatross

    Srinagar: Fidayeen Return to the heart of Kashmir | PKKH.tv

    well done kashmiries keep on killing these bastards who imposes curfews and dont give you freedom of speech and will....Bleed them to death...Well done and if ISI was involved great that means they are right on plan and let US be out in 2014 there will be a do or die for kashmir and having so...
  11. Albatross


    Afternoon ya habibi...what happened I was lately busy with my study and now I come n see naswaristan instead of naswar corner??? what caused this change?
  12. Albatross

    Muslim Brotherhood Denounces UN Women Declaration for Violating Sharia

    As you seem to be sensible I would ask you dont you agree that your fellows killed millions of innocents inside their mothers and that was wrong and before pointing finger at any one else atleast regarding women rights india has to go a thousand miles to first protect her daughters and...
  13. Albatross

    Muslim Brotherhood Denounces UN Women Declaration for Violating Sharia

    You had nothing to defend yourself...All I did was to question your right of blaming someone else to abuse women rights when you yourself belong to a nation who has killed the largest ever population of innocent female babies..And yeah offshooters like you who keeps trolling with a one liner...
  14. Albatross

    Muslim Brotherhood Denounces UN Women Declaration for Violating Sharia

    I had a hindu friend in dubai and he admitted to have killed his four girls when he discovered about their gender during his wife's pregnancy and he went to the extent of saying hinduism allowed him to kill them because he dint want them and it would have burdened him to pay for their dwory and...
  15. Albatross

    Srinagar: Fidayeen Return to the heart of Kashmir | PKKH.tv

    Kill the bastards well done Kashmiries...:pakistan:
  16. Albatross

    DRDO computers 'hacked',

    If thats the case of a critical research dept where all others depts would be standing imagine !!! I hope ISI wont be blamed :)
  17. Albatross

    Time for Pak-US ‘non-allied bond’: Haqqani

    you indeed live in a dream world.. Pakistan doesnt depend on US aid in any way if they want things to run without US its easy and workable and just to enlighten you Pakistan had the best GDP growth rates in recents decades in 90's when it was under immense US sanctions following disintegration...
  18. Albatross

    Haha. This is Hilarious - All Pakistani Users, you should read this

    Look who is trying to give people lecture on aggression and war crimes . Dear the only US president JFK who tried to work for US people in 20th century was killed mercilessly.And here he is openly warning world about that threat and he was killed after signing presidential order 11110 bringing...
  19. Albatross

    Naswar Corner

    Tree camping in Waldseilgarten in Germany , anybody wanna join?
  20. Albatross

    Eight killed in landmine blast triggered by Maoists

    Doesnt it seems as if maoists are getting stronger and high tech with passing time ? Yesterdays bombings in hyderabad and now this maoists stunt looks as if coming times aint that sweet for india's suppressing tactics.
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