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  1. Cambodia Spirit

    UAV monopoly was broken China's most notable achievements

    The Korean and Japanese can make great cars, I don't think they can't make good fighter jet!!! :lol: China need to work very hard to secure your place, even undeveloped India can follow you neatly behind!? :lol: P.S.: Indonesia just bought some T-50s from South Korea and the two countries...
  2. Cambodia Spirit

    US is coaching Vietnam to internationalize South China Sea issue

    Since Vietnam has been admitted as an ungrateful nation, they will sleep with anybody that can give them some interests!!!
  3. Cambodia Spirit

    UAV monopoly was broken China's most notable achievements

    So according to your point of view, Chinese are smarter than the Japanese, and Japan the country that leading World technology has no knowledge about both civilian and military space science!? Even if Japan can't make UAVs like China but they have money and they can buy from the West freely...
  4. Cambodia Spirit

    China, Japan, S.Korea agree to further strengthen trilateral cooperation

    It seems like some fake England trolling around PDF!? Is that Indian sneaky troll!?
  5. Cambodia Spirit

    China tests space station module for 2011 launch

    :enjoy: Chinese Space Industry 中国太空产业 - Page 11 - SkyscraperCity
  6. Cambodia Spirit

    China, Japan, S.Korea agree to further strengthen trilateral cooperation

    What a fake relation between these countries, they hate each others deep in their blood, how can the be ally lie the West!? :disagree:
  7. Cambodia Spirit

    UAV monopoly was broken China's most notable achievements

    Hey you seem too sensitive and begin so defensive!!! You are the one who pissed off by my question and can't give me a good answer!? Don't be a stubborn!!
  8. Cambodia Spirit

    UAV monopoly was broken China's most notable achievements

    Admit the truth, you look down on Russian weapons but most of your weapons are based on the Russian technology and the quality of Chinese weapons are about 70% of the Russian made ones. Even a small country like Vietnam don't see your Chinese achievement in arm industry a big problem!!! Japan...
  9. Cambodia Spirit

    China will deploy a national missile defense system in 2020

    Russian ABM shield ready to cover Eastern Europe: Voice of Russia
  10. Cambodia Spirit

    China’s ‘eye-in-the-sky’ nears par with US

    China is still far lag far behind the USA but hey where is the Japan!? They are not bad in these fields!?
  11. Cambodia Spirit

    China’s ‘eye-in-the-sky’ nears par with US

    So besides the USA and Russia, Japan is the third power in space science right!? China is just ahead India and Brazil in some points!? :rolleyes:
  12. Cambodia Spirit

    Bomb blasts in Mumbai

    Terrorists have strong feeling and supporting for terrorists, they are both "evils" so they love each others!!! Gay hood!!! :rolleyes:
  13. Cambodia Spirit

    China tests space station module for 2011 launch

    I got the information from the Japanese!!!
  14. Cambodia Spirit

    Bomb blasts in Mumbai

    Indian seem too sensitive in this incident, no one try to smile at the victims of any terrorist attack but your Indian did smile at somebody else such as Chinese victims during the earthquake in Sichuan China. India is also concluded that support terrorist organizations in Southeast China and...
  15. Cambodia Spirit

    China tests space station module for 2011 launch

    China is only doing well in launch vehicles this time, they are still lag far behind the Japanese space science research. Just let see how many probes that Japanese and made and sent to others and Chinese have none!? Even a country underdeveloped like India still have it own launch vehicles...
  16. Cambodia Spirit

    Vietnamese military parade 2010 VS Chinese parade 2009

    You guys talking about me!? :what: You better stop your stupid blame to me, I am the one that support your Chinese and against the Vietnam aggressor. What I criticize about the Chinese is just a normal advise, why you conclude I am "insulting" you!? If your Chinese don't open your mind and...
  17. Cambodia Spirit

    Vietnamese military fighter pilot defected to China 10 people riding

    Nice, China must reproducing that helicopter, it is great for transportation!!! :smitten: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I don'tknow why Viet love to drag ASEAN to their side without any shameful feeling, do the Viet forget what they did...
  18. Cambodia Spirit

    Why China denied Philipines ' suggestion to ITCLOS ?

    Those helicopters have strong radars detector devices and long range missiles that could easily find you and grill you in hell fire. Don't bring that sh.t to scare people today, this is 21st the modern tech is far from the old days and you cannot guarantee that you will have that sh.t with...
  19. Cambodia Spirit

    Vietnamese military parade 2010 VS Chinese parade 2009

    Your Viet used to claim that you only standing by your feet but why dragging a third party, Soviet Union here!? :lol: Is that saying one way and acting opposite way!? :lol: Don't you ever dare to pull our country Cambodia and my fellow Lao to your "evil empire", Vietnam! :angry: Who you think...
  20. Cambodia Spirit

    Why China denied Philipines ' suggestion to ITCLOS ?

    No problem, we don't need your Yuon sticking your nose to help us in our disputes; in fact, we have been solving the problem very well, the happy ending is almost!!! But did you know that both Thais and Cambodians hate your Vietnamese deeply in blood!? After solving our problem, that will be...
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