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  1. Soryu

    Japan rolls out 105mm MCV prototype

    Japan has very many many business relations with many countries in the world. I think Indonesia will chose ROK's stuff.
  2. Soryu

    Japan rolls out 105mm MCV prototype

    It'll be very hard, since you are close friend with PRC and Japan under umbrella of USA. MCV is look like Centauro which is 26 tons, also. Look better than PTL-02. MCV PTL-02 P/S: of course when we compare between this two type is not equal challenge...
  3. Soryu

    South China Sea Forum

    Our political system is different from Chinese's structure, although we both are communist. Best way is improve yourself power, first is culture, education, and follow it will be economy, technology, military ... Culture is very important, Chinese know it, they have a mighty culture and...
  4. Soryu

    Legendary General Vo Nguyen Giap dies, aged 102

    Ask !? PRC leader want to "use" Vietnam like North Korea to counter USA, to protect itself. What did PRC say to USA in Korea War !? - "Don't attack to our and Korean border." ("well, USA can bomb North Korea to stone age, we ok with it") What did PRC leader say to Vietnamese Leader in Vietnam...
  5. Soryu

    US signs nuclear technology deal with Vietnam

    And you discuss with crazy people, you're crazy too . :P
  6. Soryu

    Vietnam Defence Forum

    I think we do. example is Viettel or Hồng Hà, Sông Thu company. We need the time
  7. Soryu

    South China Sea Forum

    Các anh chọc mem mới ghê quá, để người ta quen sân đã chứ .... :D
  8. Soryu

    Legendary General Vo Nguyen Giap dies, aged 102

    So you believe PRC government help us and North Korea for free !? LOL, Is it said by any Chinese leader !? :ashamed: PRC was backstabbing on us in 1954, 1972 (you shake hand with Nixon and agreed for USA bomb North Vietnam to Stone age) , 1974 (attacked and robbed Hoang Sa Islands) and 1979...
  9. Soryu

    US signs nuclear technology deal with Vietnam

    He just want to troll you. You know his attitude :P.
  10. Soryu

    South China Sea Forum

    We know that, bro. No need to teach us what's store in Chinese head. :D And of course, no need to tell us what's Vietnamese Government viewpoint. If you want to explain it to Chinese member, well... it's seem like a impossible mission, :P. P/S: read more in this box, and find out what's...
  11. Soryu

    South China Sea Forum

    Maybe he is sale employer of China shipbuilding company, so he need to advertise for them if he want to sell those cheap products :lol: P/S: mà thế quái nào các đồng chí VN quay ra cãi nhau nhỉ. :D
  12. Soryu

    Legendary General Vo Nguyen Giap dies, aged 102

    This bastard insult to a man was respected by almost everyone in this thread and in the world, his troll and flame post was not a first time, you should ban him and his mouth forever, PDF Staff.
  13. Soryu

    Legendary General Vo Nguyen Giap dies, aged 102

    We never deny that PRC helped Vietnam so much in the War. We also know nobody help the other for free. But many of you just keep saying like we're ungraceful, betrayer, ...etc. LOL, Look at history, you want the best path for yourself, but we saw the other way for us, so we didn't follow you...
  14. Soryu

    Legendary General Vo Nguyen Giap dies, aged 102

    LOL, bro. This is standard in your head: "Chinese was help Vietnamese for free", "Chinese is good side, Vietnam was helped by Chinese and pay nothing for China", "China help Vietnam and didn't demand any price, any cost ...", "Chinese help Vietnam was not for China interests ...", " PRC attacked...
  15. Soryu

    Legendary General Vo Nguyen Giap dies, aged 102

    Why did you don't say same thing to Chinese member !? :rolleyes: I said it many times, we remember your big and importance help, but ...... well, you know history .... :whistle: Who's that one !? :what: We should plus another one is Quang Trung Emperor, I think. :D
  16. Soryu

    Legendary General Vo Nguyen Giap dies, aged 102

    Well, Like I know, Vietnam could has the limit settle at further of the south, but PRC participation made the limit line place at 17th parallel. VN leaders can't disagree with PRC because their role is very importance to Vietnam at that time. It's true. Big mistake in that time by Communist...
  17. Soryu

    Legendary General Vo Nguyen Giap dies, aged 102

    you can bla bla bla .... like you want, we see a dog got muzzle ... :wave: Thanks bro ... :D LOL, Ho Chi Minh gone for long time ago, General Giap gone out power long time ago, and we fighting each other a long time ago until now. So, nothing related to General Giap or anyone that you mean...
  18. Soryu

    Russia’s Growing Ties with Vietnam

    LOL, Hey, look at Chinese, Japanese, Korean and their music: Are they have english and foreign Language in their music and their life !? Yes ! Do you know: "A Love before Time" by Coco Lee !? And "Endless Love" by Kim Hee Sun and Jacky Chan !? It's normal in global world, nowaday. P/S...
  19. Soryu

    Vietnam Defence Forum

    Joint patrol by VPA and PLA on Vietnam - China border
  20. Soryu

    Japan's ATD-X "Shin-shin" start static trials

    likely so much off topic here ...... :D
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