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  1. manlion

    'We Want Hindi': In Tamil Nadu, New Demand Speaks Language of Change

    Pakistan should fulfill Quaid-i-Azam's promise Addressing the annual convention of All India Muslim League, held in Madras in 1941, Muhammad Ali Jinnah said, In this land of yours (meaning the Madras Province) there is another nation, the Dravidians. This land is really Dravidistan. Imagine...
  2. manlion

    Who is behind Sri Lanka's religious violence?

    Sorrowful Stories of Woe Related by The Victims of Anti-Muslim Violence in Aluthgama-Beruwela « dbsjeyaraj.com Armed Anti-Muslim Gangs Continue to Roam Freely in the Aluthgama Area Restricting Access to Muslim Victims of Violence « dbsjeyaraj.com According to these sources armed gangs of...
  3. manlion

    Who is behind Sri Lanka's religious violence?

    Sri Lankan Riots Claim Fourth Victim; Not A Single Arrest Made Yet | Colombo Telegraph meanwhile , Sinhala Buddhist MP Mervyn Silva offers to marry a Muslim woman to foster communal harmony.
  4. manlion

    Who is behind Sri Lanka's religious violence?

    LTTE as funded, armed and trained by RAW that's an open secret but the Lankan media will blame everyone except themselves , the local Catholic church had no role in the war - it anything its role as providing humanitarian aid to the people affected by the war. Recruited by RAW, trained by...
  5. manlion

    Who is behind Sri Lanka's religious violence?

    The Sri Lankan government has imposed an indefinite curfew in a popular tourist area after a group of Buddhists killed three muslims and injured dozens of others. President Mahinda Rajapakse's government is accused of doing little to prevent this latest violence. It is said to have encouraged...
  6. manlion

    Clinton " I was Mistaken about Syria" - US foreign policy blunders

    The renewed insurgency in Iraq is the result of blunders made by the U.S. The Root of Our Foreign Policy Blunders | John Tirman
  7. manlion

    How Dalit, Shudra and Muslim unity can beat twice born Hindu oppressors in India

    did I say Hindu ? I said Aryan destruction of Dravidian history and culture, since the Aryan invasion , today this invasion takes the form of Hindi imposition by the Aryan supremacists its ethnic not linguistic - Sankaracharya in his words on the origin of Dravidians Dhayavathya dhattham...
  8. manlion

    How Dalit, Shudra and Muslim unity can beat twice born Hindu oppressors in India

    my guess these are recent converts not those who converted 600 yr back
  9. manlion

    How Dalit, Shudra and Muslim unity can beat twice born Hindu oppressors in India

    not sure on that - from what I know - Dalit reserved for Hindu - untouchables before it as harijan a tag given by Gandhi western world was familiar with the terminology - 'pariah'
  10. manlion

    How Dalit, Shudra and Muslim unity can beat twice born Hindu oppressors in India

    may be so, but less prominent with Muslims , the discrimination is more cultural than religious in ancient Tamil religion there was no caste system - it an Aryan import but sadly today Tamils are proud to hang on to an alien culture imposed upon them by the .......
  11. manlion

    How Dalit, Shudra and Muslim unity can beat twice born Hindu oppressors in India

    once they convert they don't fall under the jurisdiction of oppressive Hindu caste system which itself is a relief and the fact is, most converts were from the lowest caste e.g cobblers , weavers etc
  12. manlion

    How Dalit, Shudra and Muslim unity can beat twice born Hindu oppressors in India

    it doesn't matter how much you try to white wash - the truth is Hinduism justifies caste discrimination which is based on color - Varna and glorifies the killing of natives and imposing a foreign language - Sanskrit latter Hindi - upon the natives in the guise of 'integration'
  13. manlion

    How Dalit, Shudra and Muslim unity can beat twice born Hindu oppressors in India

    trying hard to derail the topic ? upper caste Hindus are oppressors of Dalits ad Dravidians - the caste system is embedded in the Hindu scriptures which also celebrates the conquest and subjugation of native Dravidians by Aryan supremacists
  14. manlion

    How Dalit, Shudra and Muslim unity can beat twice born Hindu oppressors in India

    Lots of Dalits have converted to far more progressive religion - Islam
  15. manlion

    Sri Lanka curfew extended as Muslims and Buddhists clashes

    Over 2,000 women and children are seeking shelter inside a school in Beruwala on Monday, June 16, 2014 Two thousand women today are waiting inside the Al Humaizara School in Beruwala. They are waiting on food rations that have been turned away. “Every so often women with black burqas...
  16. manlion

    Sri Lanka Muslims killed in Aluthgama clashes with Buddhists

    Over 2,000 women and children are seeking shelter inside a school in Beruwala on Monday, June 16, 2014 A Twitter debate on #Aluthgama cautions exaggeration and labeling (what counts as a riot?), for fear of an obvious tie to the riots against the Tamil population that started an intractable war...
  17. manlion

    'We Want Hindi': In Tamil Nadu, New Demand Speaks Language of Change

    Anirudh, a class IX student who wants to study marine engineering, says he feels forced to learn Tamil. "If I want a job in north India, I need to know Hindi," the Kannada-speaking teen told NDTV. His classmate, Ashwin, who is from Kerala, says, "I would love to learn French. I could get an...
  18. manlion

    Sri Lanka curfew extended as Muslims and Buddhists clashes

    the back stabbing was done by Sinhalas , Muslims fell for the patriotic card but even Karuna fell for the lure of power, women and wealth not to mention Douglas. I am not short sighted like the rest, I knew the Sinhala Buddhists will came after Muslims after finishing off Tamils , next ??? ...
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