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  1. manlion

    Kashmiris concerned by plans for Hindu satellite cities

    not sure is your version of minimum ? no one knows the exact no of Indian troops in occupied JK to maintain "law and order' estimate is somewhere between 500,000 to 1 million, with allegation of gross human rights violation e.g a) extra judiciary killing b) disappearance, abduction / torture c)...
  2. manlion

    Kashmiris concerned by plans for Hindu satellite cities

    Article 370 was stipulated for various reasons one of which a compromise on the plebiscite , if India is to revoke Article 370 than its only fair to conduct a plebiscite. Since plebiscite is not possible and “Kashmir problem " has not been "satisfactorily resolved", there is no question of A...
  3. manlion

    Kashmiris concerned by plans for Hindu satellite cities

    It was Sheikh Abdullah, who persuaded Nehru to give special status to J&K under article 370, as Pakistan had occupied 1/3 of JK, and the pending UN plebiscite. Ayyangar the drafter of Article 370 Understanding Article 370 - The Hindu Similar articles of Protection do exist for states like...
  4. manlion

    Kashmiris concerned by plans for Hindu satellite cities

    Pakistan is never hostile to finding a solution to Kashmir issue but India seem to place all stumbling stocks to peace . India with the 2nd largest pop should take the initiative first to hold a UN plebiscite and the rest will fall in place Don't bother thanking me , I am just doing my duty
  5. manlion

    Kashmiris concerned by plans for Hindu satellite cities

    the pre -condition also means - India need to withdraw it forces from IOK
  6. manlion

    Kashmiris concerned by plans for Hindu satellite cities

    you seriously need medical help, we are on Indian occupied Kashmir not Lanka etc you can't just do a flip flop on Art 370 as it suits your fancy
  7. manlion

    Kashmiris concerned by plans for Hindu satellite cities

    inferior ?? aren't the Hindi speakers Nordic Aryans ? back to topic, will India hold an UN sponsored Plebiscite in Indian Occupied Kashmir ???
  8. manlion

    Only 25 pc in India claim Hindi is their mother tongue

    Ancient Dravidian Civilization The Survival of Brahui; a Dravidian language, spoken even today by large numbers of people in Baluchistan and the adjoining areas in Afghanistan and Iran, is an important factor in the identification of the Indus Civilization as Dravidian. Brahui belongs...
  9. manlion

    Only 25 pc in India claim Hindi is their mother tongue

    don't let the Indians bluff you , Tamil identity was never based on birth, that's the Hindu caste system , Tamils had close culture links with China -- 3000 yr ago, Bogar's guru the father of Tamil religion was a Chinese - not sure if he was Han , Hainanese or Hakka ..
  10. manlion

    Only 25 pc in India claim Hindi is their mother tongue

    This cultural /historic link is between the people of Pakistan and the Tamil Indian need to keep off. Hindu is an identity given by Persian /Arabs , later adopted by the British, Dravidian Tamils religion is different and not Baniya's Hinduism This is another issue to be taken up in Tamil...
  11. manlion

    Only 25 pc in India claim Hindi is their mother tongue

    Addressing the annual convention of All India Muslim League, held in Madras in 1941, Muhammad Ali Jinnah said, IVC was a Dravidian Tamil civilization - e,g fish seal, Brahui language Pakistanis need to use different lens when dealing with Tamilnadu, Tamilnadu is different from the rest of...
  12. manlion

    Tamilnadu fights back Modi's Hindi Imposition

    Elevating the pride of Aryan invaders at the expense of indigenous dark skinned Tamil speaking Dravidians ? Like English , Hindi too is of foreign origin, British brought English and Mughals introduced hybrid Hindi , some 600 yr , a Persian / Arabic mix
  13. manlion

    Tamilnadu fights back Modi's Hindi Imposition

    Kiran Batni's Blog : Imposition of Hindi as the 'national' language makes me believe that Karnataka is an independent nation .
  14. manlion

    Only 25 pc in India claim Hindi is their mother tongue

    Tamilnadu protested Afzal Guru's death sentence . Tamilnadu is against death sentence unlike the rest of India and Yasin Malik is popular figure in Tamilnadu -
  15. manlion

    Only 25 pc in India claim Hindi is their mother tongue

    Tamilnadu supports Kashmir's freedom and Kashmir supports Tamilnadu - live wth it losers
  16. manlion

    Only 25 pc in India claim Hindi is their mother tongue

    the destruction was confined to Tamil homeland - Eelam, no harm was inflicted to the Sinhala majority - Sri Lanka The army and Sinhalas (rest of the world - India ) could not accept the truth - minority Tamil fought for a separate country and did not want Sinhala Buddhist rule, so the hatred...
  17. manlion

    Only 25 pc in India claim Hindi is their mother tongue

    Tamil freedom rally in Tamilnadu
  18. manlion

    Only 25 pc in India claim Hindi is their mother tongue

    Tamilnadu supports Kashmir, protest against Afzal Guru's death sentence
  19. manlion

    Only 25 pc in India claim Hindi is their mother tongue

    I am just a Tamilnadu watcher - Tamils nationalists will be grateful to the gesture , Tamils don't see Pakistan as their enemy their eternal enemy is Lanka and neigbouring states - Kerala , Karnataka - sample these to feel the anti Tamil vibe .
  20. manlion

    Only 25 pc in India claim Hindi is their mother tongue

    Tamils supported the formation of Pakistan so moral support from Pakistanis will boost the formation of Tamilnadu ( ex Madras Presidency) I can't reveal to much - numbers and name /details of groups/individuals, etc advocating breaking away for their own safety and survival (TADA) in a forum...
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