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  1. scholseys

    Why not claim the entire Bangladesh, Mr Swamy?

    India has been stealing our water, we should do some calculations and claim land from West Bengal.
  2. scholseys

    Who will Win in a BD - Myanmar Naval War?

  3. scholseys

    Who will Win in a BD - Myanmar Naval War?

    In a BD and Myanmar war...India will balkanize....
  4. scholseys

    BJP leader’s dangerous affront to Bangladesh

    :enjoy:Hindus worship cow eating muslim slaves
  5. scholseys

    BJP leader’s dangerous affront to Bangladesh

    bow down to your muslim god, Hindu:lol:
  6. scholseys

    BJP leader’s dangerous affront to Bangladesh

    We muslims are the gods of hindus be dafult, hindus worship their cows and then sell them to muslims for them to eat. hindus are worshipping muslims....:lol: Modi fears a ‘pink revolution’ - The Hindu
  7. scholseys

    BJP leader’s dangerous affront to Bangladesh

    :enjoy:we catch fish for you, you worship your cows for us to eat. Such neighborly love...who says we can't live in harmony!
  8. scholseys

    World's-largest flat panel manufacturer LG is built on stolen Taiwanese technology

    :enjoy:i buy Blackberry, but mine is made in Mexico. At least i am based in Mexico.
  9. scholseys

    Black people protest against discrimination by police in Guangzhou

    :enjoy:okay nationalist chinese
  10. scholseys

    Black people protest against discrimination by police in Guangzhou

    You are still not getting the point. I dont care about the chinese, blacks, indians, bangladeshis..or whoever or illegal immigrants....point is the original poster of this thread labelled the thread " Black people protest against discrimination by police in Guangzhou" therefore it is safe to...
  11. scholseys

    'ISI kept Osama as asset, knows where Mullah Omar is'

    This dude has been dead for 3 years. The world needs a new bad guy..Putin seems legit.
  12. scholseys

    Black people protest against discrimination by police in Guangzhou

    certainly not, you are not getting the point.. these are africans who are protesting for being discriminated against. Rightwingers/nationalists will find reasons to be strict, and the liberals will 'feel' for them. I am not saying it is right or wrong. Hope you understand what I am trying to...
  13. scholseys

    Black people protest against discrimination by police in Guangzhou

    thats not the point..this is a war mongering, right wing, nationalist forum. I am sure the natives do it as well, but the blacks in whole are being labelled.
  14. scholseys

    Teesta water flow suddenly exceeds 3,000 cusec

    তিস্তায় পানির উদ্ভট তথ্য সরকারের পাতানো তথ্যের ফাঁদে মির্জা ফখরুল রংপুর অফিস ২৩ এপ্রিল ২০১৪, বুধবার, ৬:৩৯ মৃত তিস্তায় পানির ব্যপারে সরকারের পাতানো ফাঁদে পা দিয়েছেন বিএনপির ভারপ্রাপ্ত মহাসচিব মির্জা ফখরুল ইসলাম আলমগীর। তিনি মঙ্গলবার বিকেলে গাইবান্ধা গোবিন্দগঞ্জ লংমার্চের পথসভায় বলেছেন...
  15. scholseys

    Happy Bengali New Year

    akbar was worse than an idol worshipper.
  16. scholseys

    Teesta water flow suddenly exceeds 3,000 cusec

    until the agreement is signed, we will continue it. If required our lungi brigade in assam, tripura and our jamaati and muslim brothers will seize the northeast.
  17. scholseys

    Teesta water flow suddenly exceeds 3,000 cusec

    No dhoti Indians :lol:
  18. scholseys

    Teesta water flow suddenly exceeds 3,000 cusec

    Indians only understand the power of fear Gave?:lol:Indians and giving in one sentence does not fit. Its our rightful demand, Indians got scared and gave in. He tries too hard, i wonder if he its a female. His memes are very feminine. In that case if its a good looking female, she can carry on...
  19. scholseys

    Teesta water flow suddenly exceeds 3,000 cusec

    :lol:Indians caught with their dhotis down.
  20. scholseys

    BJP leader’s dangerous affront to Bangladesh

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