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  1. scholseys

    Arvind Kejriwal slapped again while campaigning in Delhi

    i only speak bangla and english, no barbarian.
  2. scholseys

    India losing 70% voice and call centre business to Philippines

    :lol:Good now i get to hangup on Philippines. I missed telling Indians "get a real job" over the phone.
  3. scholseys

    Arvind Kejriwal slapped again while campaigning in Delhi

    speak English, i don't speak barbarian.
  4. scholseys

    Arvind Kejriwal slapped again while campaigning in Delhi

    why are indians so uncivilized?
  5. scholseys

    Caste Hindus flee village after locking temple at Uthapuram

    Brahmins made him to it. Which still makes him guilty, low iq indian.
  6. scholseys

    Caste Hindus flee village after locking temple at Uthapuram

    Gujarat is a brahmin state, it grew at the expense of dalit states. Modi was just the puppet and a poster boy.
  7. scholseys

    Caste Hindus flee village after locking temple at Uthapuram

    So what makes Modi a Brahmin slave, working for the Brahmin agenda.
  8. scholseys

    US Forces showing their respect for Iraqi people and all muslims.

    Good for troop morale! they were going to war with iraq...what did you expect them to have on the tarmac? its war, stop expecting hippy crap.
  9. scholseys

    Vikrant sold to ship-breaker for Rs. 63.2 crore

    Good decision by the govt. of India. The money from scrapping this ship will help to tackle the hunger problem in India.
  10. scholseys

    Caste Hindus flee village after locking temple at Uthapuram

    Updated: April 9, 2014 02:38 IST Caste Hindus flee village after locking temple at Uthapuram Dalits chose to stay away from entering the Muthalamman Temple at Uthapuram near here on Tuesday after the caste Hindus fled the village, leaving the temple locked. A posse of police personnel and a...
  11. scholseys

    1000 Minority girls forced into marriage each year : Report

    Good news, thousand girls will have the chance to go to Jannat every year. These are girls are embracing Islam as a way out of Hindutva tyranny. The dalits of India are also escaping the tyranny of brahmins and accepting other religions.
  12. scholseys

    ‘India will deploy army here (Bangladesh)’

    flying lungi brigade to the rescue :rofl:
  13. scholseys

    There’s a guy in India who is addicted to eating bricks

    It appears India has a hunger epidemic.
  14. scholseys

    Narendra Modi raises his voice against cow slaughter

    modi is missing out....no one trusts a man who doesnt eat beef. Hell, your manhood comes in question if you do not eat beef, no wonder modi is not married....explains a lot.
  15. scholseys

    India's fear of Chicken Neck and annexation plan of Nepal and Bhutan

    Even if we gave chittagong free to India, I do not think India will take it....you will get an '8 sister states' and hefazat e islam's base is in Chittagong. Not to forget China would see it as a threat to its access to bay of Bengal. If India wanted, they could have had chittagong right after...
  16. scholseys

    Modi-fying our strategy

    you just proved my point :lol:
  17. scholseys

    Modi-fying our strategy

    How dumb do you feel about your username after your devi diplomat got an anal probe from the US? :lol:
  18. scholseys

    Human Barbie Doll

    Would rail her with the fury of a thousand gods.
  19. scholseys

    ‘India will deploy army here (Bangladesh)’

    i cant take a dude who calls himself doremon seriously, sorry man. :lol:
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