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  1. scholseys

    BBC panorama - Muslim first British second

    Britain to be part of the ummah :lol:
  2. scholseys

    India tops global remittances at $70 billion

    One can look at it like the countries with the most poor people...just sayin :lol:
  3. scholseys

    Jinnah's blood line thrives in India : The greatest failure of Two Nation Theory

    Jinnahs were rich as ****. stop twisting reports, if they were thriving they would be billionaires now.
  4. scholseys

    33% Poor Peoples of the world living in India-World Bank

    3 crore Bangladeshis? :lol:...what are you smoking, hindu? you guys just want to push the muslims into Bangladesh. :lol: Indian stats?
  5. scholseys

    33% Poor Peoples of the world living in India-World Bank

    its 2009, we have come along a long way
  6. scholseys

    Do Russian Tanks Suck?

    They have always been target practice for the west.
  7. scholseys

    33% Poor Peoples of the world living in India-World Bank

    its a lose lose situation for poor indians...they can die in cold or die out of hunger. I think they'll pick the former :lol:
  8. scholseys

    Indian man with 39 wives and 127 children is a decisive 'votebank'

    Mans a proper player, I can't even handle one with her dramas and tantrums, this man is handling 37...i'd buy him a beer...respect!
  9. scholseys

    India's fear of Chicken Neck and annexation plan of Nepal and Bhutan

    :lol:Chittagong is the mullah capital of Bangladesh. You want an 8 sister states with access to the sea with Myanmar bordering it? Go ahead....:enjoy: same reason India did not annex chittagong in 1971, it is poison. Annexing chittagong will lead to balkanization of India.
  10. scholseys

    Arvind Kejriwal should be prime minister of India

    not worried, Modi is a weird man who is possibly a homosexual. Its curiosity that how so many Indians are raving about him and he will likely fail since India is a lost cause. He will make the process of balkanization sooner rather than later, its will be a spectacle to watch.
  11. scholseys

    Pakistan to Train Kuwaiti Military

    pakistan must nuke kuwait over this visa issue...what are nukes for? show em whos the boss in the greater middle east!
  12. scholseys


    all tamils should be sent back to tamil nadu, sri lanka for sinhalese.
  13. scholseys

    The Guardian says Modi as PM 'will bode ill for India' in open letter

    :lol:Salman rushdie has signed the petition, it means Modi will get a lot of muslim votes. Great move..i'm in!
  14. scholseys

    Mulayam's shocker on rape: 'Boys make mistakes, why hang them?'

    if a rapist is likely to face the death penalty, wouldn't he rather kill the victim? death penalty for rapists just make the women more vulnerable. So if tax payers do not want to foot the bill then there shouldn't be 2nd degree murders, burglary, arson or any kind of crime..just send them all...
  15. scholseys

    Mulayam's shocker on rape: 'Boys make mistakes, why hang them?'

    I wouldn't want death on someone, life imprisonment maybe an option depends on the brutality of the rape. Hypothetically, If I raped a girl and knowing if i was going to get the death penalty, I wouldn't leave a witness. Would you have a raped girl with a bloke in prison? or a dead girl with no...
  16. scholseys

    Mulayam's shocker on rape: 'Boys make mistakes, why hang them?'

    guy gets to live branded as a rapist, the girl should move on. I dated a girl for 3 years who was raped, she certainly didn't wanted to be looked as a victim, but a survivor. She didn't like sympathy, I am sure no girl would.
  17. scholseys

    Arvind Kejriwal should be prime minister of India

    i like Kejriwal's views on J&K and the red states...Kejriwal to be PM, if not today then after this.
  18. scholseys

    Arab League pledges $100m to Palestinians

    This charity nation's chapter should be closed soon. Its been a long time and this is just annoying.
  19. scholseys


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