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  1. GCTom

    Philippine warship in stand-off with China vessels

    I am not sure if there was any resisting, violent or not,on the fishermens part when the Filipinos soldiers boarded the ship. However, the arrest didn't happen when the Filipinos fled back to their Warship when the two unarmed coastguard ship arrived at the scene. When did Philippine started...
  2. GCTom

    Philippine warship in stand-off with China vessels

    Because military arresting civilians on disputed area in this case is wrong and China's CG ships arrived to protect them? Falkland is further from UK.
  3. GCTom

    Philippine warship in stand-off with China vessels

    PHL Navy in standoff with Chinese surveillance ships in West PHL Sea | GMA News Online | The Go-To Site for Filipinos Everywhere Yupe. You guys already knew about the fishermen there and decided to dispatch the biggest warship you have into the disputed area and arrest civilians.
  4. GCTom

    Philippine warship in stand-off with China vessels

    The Filipinos cause this incident when it send its biggest navy warship to arrest civilians on disputed area. proximity doesn't dictate right of claim. Look at Adaman Islands, Falkland, Guam.
  5. GCTom

    Philippine warship in stand-off with China vessels

    Not according to your Navy Admiral and President. China sends reinforcement in standoff with PH Navy | The Inbox - Yahoo! News Philippines If Philippine can prove those items on those fishermen's boat were indeed from recognized Filipino water then you can confiscated them on your...
  6. GCTom

    Philippines, China eye compromise to end standoff

    It is a disputed territory so it is not international water. The fisherman was there to avoid bad weather. Filipino's biggest warship shouldn't be in a disputed water, and to arrest civilians.
  7. GCTom

    Philippine warship in stand-off with China vessels

    It doesn't matter if those boats were load with golds and diamonds, the fact is your Navy are still trying to arrest the Chinese on an area they called as their own. You over zealous captain at any time can called Filipino Coast Guards to handle this but he insisted on using the Navy's biggest...
  8. GCTom

    Philippine warship in stand-off with China vessels

    No. You guys detected those fishermen long before your soldiers boarded their boats. At any time between the detection and boarding you guys could have send a CG/"white ship" but your over zealous navy warship Captain wanted to show off his newest ship and underestimated the Chinese resolve to...
  9. GCTom

    Philippines pulls warship from China standoff

    This have nothing to do with Pakistan, Bangladesh or India. This issue is taking place in a disputed area between China and Philippine. Neither China nor Philippine will allows its citizens be arrested in a disputed area if they can help it. Both country already said they will resolve this...
  10. GCTom

    Philippines, China eye compromise to end standoff

    China will do it again not because the Filipinos "couldnt do sh@t all about it" but because it is China's right and resolve to protect its sovereignty and its people.
  11. GCTom

    Sri Lanka to raise Indian nuclear plant issue at IAEA sessions

    It won't be on the island itself. It will be a floating Nuclear Power reactor, out in the water, right next to India's nuclear power reactor. :) Just kidding, having a little fun with you guys. lol But yes, if a nuclear mishap happens in India nuclear reactor can affect Sri Lanka then India...
  12. GCTom

    Philippine warship in stand-off with China vessels

    If China wanted to make tension worse, it would have send its biggest navy warship; like what your Filipinos did.
  13. GCTom

    Philippines, China eye compromise to end standoff

    I don't think both country should just sweep this issue off and ignore that it have happened. It will sure happen again if they don't come to a acceptable solution to both country. This is a very good opportunity for both country to, either violently or diplomatically, a final solution, once...
  14. GCTom

    Philippines 'withdraws warship' amid China stand-off

    It was kinda ridiculous to send your biggest and baddest navy warship to handle fishing issues in a disputed area. Now the Filipinos finally found out and doing a quick change.
  15. GCTom

    Philippine warship in stand-off with China vessels

    Timetravel, there are more than 3 threads on the World Forum on this subject. why don't you go there? ===================================================== Nope. It seems the Philippine Warship is still there. The Filipino troops returned to their ship and didn't take any chinese fishermen...
  16. GCTom

    Philippine warship in stand-off with China vessels

    Given the above variables, what do you guys think of the possible steps can be taken by both countries and what likely outcomes? Now that China and Philippine both have side that area is an part of their sovereignty so it will be very hard for them to back off from it. Philippine have to...
  17. GCTom

    Philippine warship in stand-off with China vessels

    Guys, lets keep the FLAMES and TROLLINGS OFF this thread, we already have many threads for those in the World Affairs forum. And don't bring India, Pakistan, South Korea into this. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ So far, we have fishermens...
  18. GCTom

    Philippine Warship in Standoff With China Vessels

    Peaceful Rise is good and all but China shouldn't hold back its resolve to defend its sovereignty. China's sovereignty worth much more than the diplomatic relationship with Philippine. If it comes to blows, then China must defend itself with whatever reasonable and possible.
  19. GCTom

    Philippine Warship in Standoff With China Vessels

    Peaceful Rise is good and all but China shouldn't hold back its resolve to defend its sovereignty. China sovereignty worth much more than the diplomatic relationship with Philippine. If it comes to blows, then China must defend itself with whatever reasonable and possible.
  20. GCTom

    Philippine Warship in Standoff With China Vessels

    Peaceful Rise is good and all but China shouldn't hold back its resolve to defend its sovereignty. China sovereignty worth much more than the diplomatic relationship with Philippine. If it comes to blows, then China must defend itself with whatever reasonable and possible.
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