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  1. GCTom

    China's 'Jade Rabbit' lunar rover declared dead: Report

    Based on the length of day and night cycle and the temperature differences between the two extremes, the radiation levels and enviornmental hazards, the moon is much more hostile to man made objects like rovers.
  2. GCTom

    CNN reporter got arrested by the police in Beijing

    There are open and close trails in other countries. If it is a close trail and any reporter barge into the court room after being warning will get arrested and fined. In this case, the delimited area is around the whole court building and this reporter refused to obey the laws of the country...
  3. GCTom

    CNN reporter got arrested by the police in Beijing

    This reporter intentionally went there to make news rather than report them. The reporter used forceful body contacts again the polices to break thru police line after he refused to listen to their orders and resisted arrest afterward. Like many have said, if he have done the same thing in...
  4. GCTom

    South China Sea Forum

    US tried to use military powers to coerce China to abandon its ADIZ by sending their B-52 Bombers, American Warplanes, and Japanese Warplanes into the China's ADIZ. But China stood its ground. US tried with hypocritical political powers, by sending Biden to China to force it to abandon its...
  5. GCTom

    Putin vows to boost Russian military supplies to Vietnam amid South China Sea dispute

    Russia can sell as much weapon to Vietnam as it like. Nothing really concern China about that. Vietnam have a sovereign right to buy what it like. China also didn't complaint at all when when Russia sell weapon to India or US sell weapon to Japan/Korea. Because China knows the best way to...
  6. GCTom

    Chinese jets shadowed US and Japanese planes in new air defense zone

    This is a good action for China. It shows China is non aggressive and follow procedural norms regarding ADIZ.
  7. GCTom

    China establishes air-defence zone over East China Sea

    Exactly, most western media deliberately confused their readers regarding china's ADIZ and most of their readers, not know better, just went along with the circlejerking; as shown by many posters on these forums.
  8. GCTom

    China sends warplanes to newly established air defense zone

    As China's ADIZ is not China's sovereign air space, therefore US can send as many bombers and jet fighters into it as often as they like. However, China will Identify and Observe their actions. If needed, China could send up their own jet figthers to intercept and escort foreign...
  9. GCTom

    China establishes air-defence zone over East China Sea

    Well, Raul Hernandez obviously doesn't know what AZID is.
  10. GCTom

    China sends warplanes to newly established air defense zone

    Exactly! If China hadn't set up this ADIZ then western and japanese media would scream their head off how China is violating and threatening Japan's airspace with scary warplanes. However, now China just sending its own military crafts into its own ADIZ. And after few more time of this this...
  11. GCTom

    Aircraft carrier Liaoning begins drills in sensitive South China Sea with battle group

    China never assumed US is Weak and is declining. As a matter of fact, China knows US is still the sole superpower in the world and will continue to be for long time to come. However, other nations like China, Russia, India and Brazil is also getting stronger. And as these nations get stronger...
  12. GCTom

    Japan, S.Korean military planes defy China's new defense zone

    Maybe their will arrest more American ships and claim they are Chinese. lol
  13. GCTom

    China establishes air-defence zone over East China Sea

    China's first ADIZ have nothing to do with India and the few posters here doesn't represents Indians in general either. China did what it did wasn't to humiliated India. India was encroaching into China's area and threatening China's national security so China pushed them back as any country...
  14. GCTom

    China establishes air-defence zone over East China Sea

    China's ADIZ is not China's air space. Any military can fly their airplane into it but China will reserve the right to sent their planes to intercept, observe and escort those airplanes. Just like how Russian send their Tu-95 Bombers into American's ADIZ and the American send fighters to...
  15. GCTom

    Aircraft Carrier Liaoning is drilling in the South China Sea

    Well, no. Liaoning is still a training ship. No country except the China knows what and amount of systems have installed in the AC. Also, all of Liaoning's personnel are still in training. However fast they are learning, it still won't be fully ready for many years. As China already stated...
  16. GCTom

    China establishes air-defence zone over East China Sea

    No big deal. Russia does this all the time with the American ADIZ. When China is ready , China will send fighters jets for escorts.
  17. GCTom

    U.S. Flies B-52s Through China’s Expanded Air Defense Zone

    There is no need for China to take any aggressive reactions to this show of power by the US. How, this just give China the precedent to do the same in Japan's and American's AZID in the future.
  18. GCTom

    China establishes air-defence zone over East China Sea

    Ping: "Make sure you deploy your Su-27s or Su-30s in those zones. Else the JSDF F-15s wont even take your Junk-10s seriously." Really? Good thing China have super jet fighters that are more powerful than S-27, su-30 and Junk-10s! Japan scrambles eight fighter jets to intercept Chinese plane...
  19. GCTom

    Iran nuclear deal reached

    Warmongers Lost. Diplomacy and Peace win.
  20. GCTom

    China's 'Sharp Sword' stealth drone makes maiden flight

    EU Drone and American Drone Looks Just Like Each Other, How Weird <a href="imgur: the simple image sharer"><img src="http://i.imgur.com/erqHd7Z.jpg" title="Hosted by imgur.com" /></a> Let me try to link again. :) well, that didn't work either. Anyway, EU's Neuron Drone look like...
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