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  1. 帅的一匹

    Jan 1 2014: Hong Kong Rises - Thousands march against Chinese government.

    Why you don't ask direct election when UK ruled your land? Do you think CCP will allow a anti-cnetral goverment HongKongnese to become the leader? You don't have to pay a penny to central goverment for taxation, and you want more? If you don't like mainlander, just get the **** off away from...
  2. 帅的一匹

    Type 052D DDG News & Discussions

    PLA navy shall have at least thirty 052D in its inventory. What a beauty!
  3. 帅的一匹

    Chinese Carrier Battle Group

    It is just the begining.......
  4. 帅的一匹

    China top 10 weapon systems of year 2013

    Will Pakistan navy consider 052D in the future, It could could carry cruise missile to take out land target. Searching 365 targets and attack 12 of them simultaneously. You shall change your concept sticking to single engine fighter, you need deep strike bombers to deter your enemy threat. The...
  5. 帅的一匹

    Indian tea tastes success in China

    I will try some and tell you how I feel later.
  6. 帅的一匹

    India Airforce in 2020,

    What about PAKFA?
  7. 帅的一匹

    Jan 1 2014: Hong Kong Rises - Thousands march against Chinese government.

    Non of your business, get your dirty hands off my country.
  8. 帅的一匹

    Jan 1 2014: Hong Kong Rises - Thousands march against Chinese government.

    Only thousand? Far below my estimation. Central government has the final decision right to appoint Hong Kong leader.
  9. 帅的一匹

    China top 10 weapon systems of year 2013

    JH7 is the most cost effective bomber aMong them, it provide 10 tons payload and the Jh7B has 1700 KM combat radius(reduced weight due to use of composite material and mount refueling probe). J16 is a typical fighter bombers, which means it could serVe as bomber and fighter. I think J16 is the...
  10. 帅的一匹

    China top 10 weapon systems of year 2013

    You don't have to hide when you know win for sure, it's about confidence. The less you show off muscle, the more your enemy will push forward policy.
  11. 帅的一匹

    China top 10 weapon systems of year 2013

    They can't topple China in military way, dirty tricks are always prefered.
  12. 帅的一匹

    China is building large landing helicopter assault ships

    Good suggestion, but We have subs too........
  13. 帅的一匹

    China is building large landing helicopter assault ships

    I heard that 40000 tons LHD project might be halted. Dick measering has no sense.
  14. 帅的一匹

    Xinjiang Province: News & Discussions

    according to the one-child policy, i can only have 1 kid. pathetic! Those minority could have three and they still complain...................
  15. 帅的一匹

    Xinjiang Province: News & Discussions

    Just killing some brtual terrorists attacked policestation, what's your problem? You shall let Maoist kill Indian policemen wantonly.............. Hipocrisy at most! Human right is no important than national security, just take Snowden case for reference. look at India, they have same...
  16. 帅的一匹

    China is building large landing helicopter assault ships

    Seems you have very high standard evlauating Chinese weapon system, what about yours? Type 055 destroyer will carry 2 Z20 navy version at one time.
  17. 帅的一匹

    China top 10 weapon systems of year 2013

    J16 has 12 tons max payload and 1500 KM combat radius(3900Km ferry range). Compatible with YJ12 anti ship missile, it is called carrier killer. I can smell those treason bitch 10 miles away. Their soul had been sold to devil.
  18. 帅的一匹

    China top 10 weapon systems of year 2013

    Still a troll, get out my thread.
  19. 帅的一匹

    J10C completed maiden flight test at today's afternoon 1:50PM

    To be honest, the canards on EF is only for decoration purpose. I think you are not professional enough to comment Chinese engineers design. We have subtle way to figure problems out.
  20. 帅的一匹

    J10C completed maiden flight test at today's afternoon 1:50PM

    Too early to say anything about J10C's performance.
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