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  1. Determined Tiger

    Vietnam-China: Better ties hold key to South China Sea disputes

    I have my work and life to take care of not like your online warrior viets, who stationing here and remain that so called ""battle of the keyboard"....you just bite your tail a big bite! :guns: Yes, our leaders and your leaders are working on the issues and our leaders had made your leaders to...
  2. Determined Tiger

    Vietnam-China: Better ties hold key to South China Sea disputes

    Vietnam took almost 90% of all the dispute water in the south China sea this time and trying to suck the resources as much as they could out there! In the vietnamese eyes, they don't give a damn care what vietnam's neighbors though, all is vietnam interests only, if not then that must be...
  3. Determined Tiger

    Vietnam-China: Better ties hold key to South China Sea disputes

    In fact nobody give a damn care what your vietnamese though, you are in frustrated and desperate after being pushed hard to the narrow corner, now you voice down and have to sit back to talk with China is the obvious sigh of your loosing the game! Also don't pretend yourself so powerful and...
  4. Determined Tiger

    Pacific Ocean has ample space for China and the US, said China's Xi

    Pacific Ocean is where the two big bosses playing its political game and the tiny foolish noobs being played like a chests! yes you know who i am talking about!
  5. Determined Tiger

    Vietnam-China: Better ties hold key to South China Sea disputes

    you must feel shame when saying that as if you are too innocent! who is really the "unreasonable" and "ridiculous" fool when claiming itself the whole south China sea? who signed the agreement with China on Spratly and Paracels islands and now deny it at any cost? That must be your...
  6. Determined Tiger

    In Latin America, Chinese cars are gaining buyers

    Chinese brands, with their low prices, are selling like hot cakes as Latin America's consumer class expands amid rising incomes. Reporting from Lima, Peru, and Bogota, Colombia — At first, Lima taxi driver Mario Segura was disgusted by the thought of buying a Chinese-made car. He had...
  7. Determined Tiger

    China has huge naval advantage to others in S. China Sea

    No need to explain anymore, this clownish movie just prove the korean low self esteem!!!
  8. Determined Tiger

    Korean navy building a $6 billion dedicated Anti-China naval fleet by 2016

    By your clownish childish logic, I could say: If North Korea could sink your most modern war ships so easily, the PLAN could sink your whole puny nation deep into to the ocean not a too heavy job!!!
  9. Determined Tiger

    Hong Kong women protest against mainland mothers

    Why I have to answer your god damn clownish question??? Why anyone saying something positive to China will be blame a Chinese??? Why anything from your god damn korea or vietnam is always right but China??? Why only korean and vietnamese boys here are viewed nice in people eyes but not the...
  10. Determined Tiger

    Korean navy building a $6 billion dedicated Anti-China naval fleet by 2016

    Yeah righttt, if south korea navy so powerful then we couldn't hear what so called "cheonan incident" which made the "superior" country so shame to the World!!!
  11. Determined Tiger

    Hong Kong women protest against mainland mothers

    Why you always pick and post the negative news about China and draw it up as if everything so terrible??? Is that make your feel less inferior complex!!!??? There are thousand of your fellow korean are now living and working illegally in Kong Kong, China and Taiwan, the locals people don't...
  12. Determined Tiger

    Sri Lanka won’t share territorial waters with India

    Sri Lanha does have dignity!!! Respect!!!
  13. Determined Tiger

    Philippines & China agree to hold regular talks on Spratlys

    Wow, great weapons, we are so surprised!!! Anymore???
  14. Determined Tiger

    Philippines & China agree to hold regular talks on Spratlys

    I afraid what? What the hell is related to me? You mad?
  15. Determined Tiger

    Philippines & China agree to hold regular talks on Spratlys

    No I don't have time to to do clownish job as that so called Chi Pheo! Fake pic, this must be in Ukraine or somewhere in East Europe, why clownish viets trolls brag that as if yours????
  16. Determined Tiger

    Philippines & China agree to hold regular talks on Spratlys

    Communist Vietnam critizes Communist China about Democracy and Human rights??????? OMG What a God damn hilarious!!!
  17. Determined Tiger

    China warns US on Asia military strategy

    Obviously, gambit's accusation on China is a flame bait trolling, nothing is reasonable value in that, so please stop spreading that garbage propaganda, you make your "father" USA looks so ugly in people eyes!
  18. Determined Tiger

    China warns US on Asia military strategy

    You have any proofs to prove your point here??? Your self claim you are a middle-age man but act like a 5 years old kid!!! Who trust you!? If declared yourself an American native born then just stick with your father land, don't put your nose into others business as if you care so much for...
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