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  1. N

    Was Ataturk spy for British against Ottoman Empire?

    I don't really know I will put a saudi flag up since I plan on going to hajj soon. I only put african flag up do to indians accusing me of being african.
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    Korea as Number One

    They don't identity themselves as Americans ? if we apply what you said then mexicans would be americans, cubans would be americans every country near the usa would be americans, this is not reality sir.
  3. N

    Was Ataturk spy for British against Ottoman Empire?

    Mosa I have offered to put aside our past differences lets not live in the past now would muslims brothers say this ? :help: It seems more like people people wanted a dying ship to survive.
  4. N

    Korea as Number One

    Puerto Rico enjoys status quo. Canadians will not join the USA. You gave an excuse for more Illegals to come to the US Mexico's is neither the 53rd.
  5. N

    Was Ataturk spy for British against Ottoman Empire?

    Ottoman Empire was going to die anyway the first world war was one of the few last nails in the coffin.
  6. N

    Was Ataturk spy for British against Ottoman Empire?

    I blame Ataturk for the current Kurdish problem now the kurds are still fantasizing about Kurdistan they have succeeded in Northern Iraq, Syria is their next move, turkey policies have also been a cause to this as well. Mosa my friend lets have a brand new start ? I'm a whole new person I...
  7. N

    Was Ataturk spy for British against Ottoman Empire?

    My apologies sir I did not mean it like that, I was merely like speaking on my views.
  8. N

    Was Ataturk spy for British against Ottoman Empire?

    All jokes aside lets keep this a civil discussion now ok ? this thread started by raptor this guy is crazy for the ottoman empire which was already dying anyway. ottoman empire would have collapsed sooner or later indeed the sick man or europe and the expulsion of the turks by the slavs and...
  9. N

    Was Ataturk spy for British against Ottoman Empire?

    no one there i'll stick around here, these conspiracies in the muslim countries are funny. but in all truth ataturk started a pan turk movement that is really dangerous to russia, china, central asia, iran.
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    Was Ataturk spy for British against Ottoman Empire?

    Arabs cannot defeat Israel. the best thing now is to focus on their countries.
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    BGB on alert on Myanmar border

    What does their economy have to do with this ? your military is weaker thats fact.
  12. N

    Was Ataturk spy for British against Ottoman Empire?

    Mosa my brother it's been a while how do you do ? no needs for words like that muslims don't say that to other muslims. Kemal Mustafa also created a dangerous pan turk movement this threatens to destabilize central asia, xinjiang, russia, iran. Mustafa himself started one of the worst...
  13. N

    Was Ataturk spy for British against Ottoman Empire?

    These conspiracies by turks is amazing I can see the more religious turks and the secular turks It shows what turkey state is in behind all the big cities the real turkey still has many shanty towns and has a Kurdish insurgency. kemal no doubt overthrew a backwater system however at the price...
  14. N

    BGB on alert on Myanmar border

    I only troll when it's necessary I give the truth if you want to know my origin and identity why don't you pm not everyone telling the truth on Bangladesh is indian I have no reason to object the north indian states get Independence but Chittagong should get it as well. Myanmar would beat...
  15. N

    BGB on alert on Myanmar border

    This is correct bangladeshi's are still living in 1971 Myanmar is simply to important due to it's resources and location, God willing Chittagong will be from the occupation of bangladesh. Must you always run to conclusion ? I'm not a copt I'm muslim I can't help it if I tell the truth...
  16. N

    Aliens to come to Earth to enslave and eat humans

    isro2222 I have downloaded all the mp3 things now what am I suppose to do ? well waiting :coffee:
  17. N

    BGB on alert on Myanmar border

    when chittagong is back with myanmar you can be bhai's. there is noting to troll about bangladesh is indeed a banana republic that is kept up by india the only war they won was with india's help we could possibly see bangladesh collapse in a war with myanmar.
  18. N

    Panetta declares ''undeclared'' war with Pakistan

    If Panetta was as serious as he says he is the B-52 would be used rather then drones.
  19. N

    Indian believers swallow live fish as asthma cure

    this and cow piss soft drinks are a killer.
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