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  1. N

    India's Two-Front War Plans

    Don't be an idiot global firepower, where north korea and egypt are stronger then most western countries ?
  2. N

    India's Two-Front War Plans

    incorrect you lost way more then 1000 it the same no arab country wants to give out how much they lost you defiantly way more then 1000 unless saudi arabia was a secert superpower and managed to kill over 10,000 egyptians in yemen ?
  3. N

    India's Two-Front War Plans

    lol don't get to high on emotions now Pakistan needs peace with india now to get it back on track so pakistan india are on the correct path however the sri lanka issue is due to with the tamils and sri lanka is capable now of handling on it's own.
  4. N

    India's Two-Front War Plans

    Well yes PLAAF can defend china, but pakistan will have to be defensive not to mention it's fighting a taliban insurgency so they will need to get rid of that and get their economy on track however India could very much take alot of land from pakistan the internal weakness in pakistan but it on...
  5. N

    India's Two-Front War Plans

    100,000 + of Saudis, Jordanians and Yemeni it was simply to prove the saudis cannot fight in modern wars this as well with the houthis your troops even with the most advanced weaponry were paper tigers.
  6. N

    India's Two-Front War Plans

    lol I was being called pro India on the threads i've proven Pakistan couldn't match India, and India cannot match china it's simple, India war with pakistan will be offensive and war with China will be defensive simple.
  7. N

    India's Two-Front War Plans

    Why chinese citizen ? China has every advantage over India just as india has advantage over pakistan. but if you have noting else to say you have offered noting. if you cannot face it fine. it is yours you have been proven wrong on every point you have given saudis lost more then 100,000 soldiers.
  8. N

    India's Two-Front War Plans

    Saudi egypt war in north yemen it also played a part in egypts loss in the 6 day war due to material and men fighting saudi arabia. North Yemen Civil War (1962-1970)
  9. N

    India's Two-Front War Plans

    didn't you say india would get into tibet ? well yes the supply and logistics were the biggest factor currently now it's in china's favor however the chinese are smarter then pakistan and won't do a kargil.
  10. N

    India's Two-Front War Plans

    It depends on the cities i've edited my, also if you know china built thousands of underground cities due to Nuclear war with the USSR on which they almost did, in many of it's cities.
  11. N

    India's Two-Front War Plans

    Syria, Egypt Jordan, are they not arab, also remember the war you fought with egypt ? Egyptians killed 100,000 Saudis, Jordanians and other Yemenis loyal to you in there.
  12. N

    India's Two-Front War Plans

    3-4 with fallout but also depending on how power it is it may take more.
  13. N

    India's Two-Front War Plans

    It depends , china has all the advantages the issue of the tibetians siding china has planned for that with a counter han population change overnight. not to mention tanks in tibet are really hard it's going to be just soldiers in that situation both air and land is going to be used. India has...
  14. N

    India's Two-Front War Plans

    lol the israeli's destroyed the arab air forces not to mention had Israeli agents in high positions of power in the arab countries, israel intelligence and planning. lol did you hear about the israeli agent that almost made it to becoming the leader of syria he told all the Syrians artillery to...
  15. N

    India's Two-Front War Plans

    India current nuclear arsenal isn't enough to take out all major Chinese cities maybe 3-4, china's on the other hand are can. http://www.defence.pk/forums/chinese-defence/107079-chinas-294-megatons-thermonuclear-deterrence.html
  16. N

    India's Two-Front War Plans

    Israel carried about strikes to wipe out the arab air forces not to mention got it's intelligence agents in Damascus, Cairo. so your going to start with a pre emtive strike and destroy the PLAAF airforce in tibet ? and also intelligence agents in china ? if you actually know about the 1973 or...
  17. N

    India's Two-Front War Plans

    get off the high horse it's going to take more then days but years man internet warriors have no idea nor info on any it in actual war what will happen.
  18. N

    India's Two-Front War Plans

    The problem with the Indo-China borders is logistics and infrastructure which is in Chinese advantage but the the logistics is what makes the war a nightmare. there are chinese military engineers in pakistani kashmir it depends on what the situation is but unlikely another war for kashmir.
  19. N

    India's Two-Front War Plans

    hey tell that to the chinese i'm justing giving what the situation is like. it's unlikely they be moved by the stance.
  20. N

    India's Two-Front War Plans

    lol hate to tell you this but with pakistani's getting pro iran the saudis are going to start barking they wanted pakistan to drop the pipeline with iran and funding anti shiism in pakistan.
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