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  1. rcrmj

    Vietnam Joins Anti-China Coalition

    i know i know old man``for many times you have bragged like a 3 years-old kid that how in grasp your masters are in dealing with China, so please when can we see the so-called 'action' to bring down China, as in reality China and Russia is the only two countries constantly showing you the middle...
  2. rcrmj

    Vietnam Joins Anti-China Coalition

    you should really inform whoever is in charge of U.S military, coz China is catching up fast in every fields, and dont give a fluck about your bully, so its imminent that the 'supeiror' and 'tough' american army should attack the 'Beijing roast duck' NOW! or never
  3. rcrmj

    Vietnam Joins Anti-China Coalition

    more like forming a club with those who have a big 'L' on their forehead, a place for consolation of their inferior complexity
  4. rcrmj

    India suffered 1,874 casualties without fighting a war

    kid, inviting others to visit India is not a wise option for those people who are living in the real world...many of my suppliers are in India and I visit there many times over the years``` but your white wannabe media keeps brainwashing you lot about 'fake' Chinese economy data, is rather...
  5. rcrmj

    Vietnam Joins Anti-China Coalition

    never bord to see primitive indians dancing around delusive news to entertain themselves from the pain of being the laughing stock of the world.
  6. rcrmj

    Vietnam Joins Anti-China Coalition

    because inferior creature can do nothing about anything but calling for help and the world's only bully U.S likes to bully inferior creatures
  7. rcrmj

    Cinese 052D destroyer trials...

    it costs around $1 billion per ship, which does not include the missiles and maintenance costs...but this is not the major obstacle, the main thing is that the demand of advanced Agies destoryer from PLAN is far out stretching our current production capacity, besides when 12 052D order is set...
  8. rcrmj

    T-LORAMIDS Tender | Updates & Discussion

    Chinese Agies destroyers 052C/D and 12,000 ton destoryer 055 are all packed with HQ-9 not S-300 (HQ-9 is more electronically advanced, user friendly, longer range and better accuracy than S-300) if the bid is carried without any prejudice HQ-9 will win for no question
  9. rcrmj

    India suffered 1,874 casualties without fighting a war

    when the policy is dictated by illusion, ego and ignorance, this is bound to happen. Indian army is no more than a group of untrained campers provided with free meals (their major incentive to escape starvation)
  10. rcrmj

    Economic crisis in India 2013 | ALL Updates & News

    and not to mention all of those rather ambitious plans will end up with xxx% over budget and xx years of delay
  11. rcrmj

    Is China's Space Program Shaping a Celestial Empire?

    CPC 'programded' brain is far better than genetically mentally handicappd Indian brain, proven by many scientific researches, and you should indeed take the the credit of being most primitive country, not those irrelevant high tech stuff which is an incompatible field of discipline to the the...
  12. rcrmj

    Fifth Of India's Underwater Fleet Out Of Action

    supurised you asked for 'education' which is serioulsy lack in India as the case of PDF is full of clueless Indian delusion and empty brags http://www3.weforum.org/docs/WEF_GlobalCompetitivenessReport_2012-13.pdf have a nice read of this paper (as i mentioned this to members of PDF...
  13. rcrmj

    Fifth Of India's Underwater Fleet Out Of Action

    why there are still so many clueless Indians saying this and that about that useless metal stud? its nothing but an assembly of foreign parts with foreign equipment and hardware according to an Italian blueprint. how long will take for those illusive Indians to know the primitiveness of their...
  14. rcrmj

    Taiwan lets Koreans enter Taiwan visa-free, but not mainlanders from China

    ok, this is how you Indians looking at mirrors :cheesy:? make sure you don't use your left hand, just in case your funny face will be covered with your own excrements
  15. rcrmj

    Images suggest China's first carrier under construction

    that's the only thing that can make them feel better now, can you blame them? just say 'nice' things back to them`` if you know what I mean:azn:
  16. rcrmj

    Images suggest China's first carrier under construction

    i still prefer cjdby```their mods are bada$$, zero tolerance for troll
  17. rcrmj

    Fifth Of India's Underwater Fleet Out Of Action

    have you ever find an indian who is not neither living in the past nor illusive future?:D
  18. rcrmj

    Chandrayaan 2 update : Mission pushed back , India to go alone

    lol, without foreign direct tech and hardware support, I'd reckon it wont be any moon launch before 2020
  19. rcrmj

    Role of china

    unlikely scenario, but hypothetically, it depends on who gives the 'first shoot', no matter what China will do her own part in supporting Pakistan, but sending our own troops are very unlikely, unless IA does anything stupid along our borders, then its a perfect excuse for us to give India 21st...
  20. rcrmj

    India, China set to ink border pact to prevent face-off

    it seems that few Pakistanis are killing some clowns around the Pakistan and india boarders nowadays, and the india's feudal government doesn't do anything, and once you started 'drilling' your first barrel of oil from SCS then you can come back to do usual smelly indian boastings ok?
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