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  1. rcrmj

    India | Preparing for a 'two front war' against China & Pakistan.

    primitive Indian with clueless policy, there can be no sanity coming from them. when 90% people 'enjoy' living in that incoherent slums with disease, random sexual assault, no education, no clean water, no social justice and those people are imprisoned from modern civilized world yearning...
  2. rcrmj

    Fights, bites, protests at China's national 'Olympics'

    I've been following the event for a bit and its a disgrace, money money is all they after``!
  3. rcrmj

    Xiaomi 3 released! Let's have a quick preview

    I have officially switched my smart phones to domestic brands... I started using I-phone 1 when it just got released in the U.K and 3 years later switched to HTC, Blackberry and Sumsang.. but this year when I moved back to China, I was shocked by the fact that domestic brands like vivo...
  4. rcrmj

    Chinese Weapon Exports

    that 'free' media makes the mass uneducated people gullible and ignorant. 'at least' becomes a reality-run-away phase that is so popular among Indians, whenever delusional Indians got confronted with reality and common sense
  5. rcrmj

    Chinese Weapon Exports

    economy is the last thing indian can use to brag to others, not even to some least developed countries, when the exchange rate is adjusted, you highly inflated economy will go back to its real size. the collapsing of India is not a dream but an event in developing
  6. rcrmj

    How India got screwed by U.S for the fall of rupee

    after the financial crisis China's industrial output is 126% of America's and China's high tech exports are more than Germany, Japan and France combined together and the during the very same period, India's economy actually shrunk in nominal term and its Rupee enjoys the sensation of...
  7. rcrmj

    Northeast India seeks secession from India and integration into China

    there is no country called India historically to begin with, if not for the brits, so it is inevitable that country will break up in pieces, unless the brits are invited back to rule that primitive and incoherent slums. especially when the 'shining' india delusion is bursting, plus its...
  8. rcrmj

    Philippines says China asked Aquino to scrap visit

    as if he has precious time for recreational and meaningful things in his pathetic life, lol
  9. rcrmj

    Uighur Activist Accuses China of Covering Up Xinjiang Killings

    81 IQ lives to its expectation. post 41 asked why Pakistani members didnt bother to give RIP to those killed Uighurs, and i replied bascialy meaning; no one would give any sympathy to terrorists, as those Ulghurs were terrorists, same as those Mumbai attackers`` is it too hard for your 81 IQ...
  10. rcrmj

    Uighur Activist Accuses China of Covering Up Xinjiang Killings

    81 IQ really cant get a simple question, doesnt it?
  11. rcrmj

    China's human rights situation is getting worse, says US official

    what about 5 million kids let starved to death, and probably 10 millions people are beaten and killed for ethical, political and cultural purpose in India every year? 500,000 seems minimal to those staggering numbers from India annually ``! do Indians even know what is the basic human...
  12. rcrmj

    China's human rights situation is getting worse, says US official

    well, indian care very much how their white masters think```they need their masters to lead the bashing wagon so they can have a sensational free ride
  13. rcrmj

    Mumbai to Shanghai, a distant dream

    this shows the level of intellectual capability of ordinary indian. their political systems are vastly different, every country they have their own form of rulling and governing systems, the so called democracy is just a lose term derived from ancient greeks even North Korea calls itself...
  14. rcrmj

    Uighur Activist Accuses China of Covering Up Xinjiang Killings

    is that what you've been told what happened? lol.. indian
  15. rcrmj

    Mumbai to Shanghai, a distant dream

    feudal society is what best suits india atm, it has nothing to do with democracy uncivilized chaotic no female rights world biggest un-norished population absolute social and political power enjoyed by high caste worst level of poverty etc... i guess these are the characters of...
  16. rcrmj

    Mumbai to Shanghai, a distant dream

    thats why Indian are treated as some sort of jokes in the world, and yet they dont know about it``
  17. rcrmj

    Uighur Activist Accuses China of Covering Up Xinjiang Killings

    lol, yeah sure, intellectually handicapped indians are surelly incapable of understanding how others think about the primitive India other than those Gandi family's propaganda $hit. btw you can keep those dalia's dogs as long as you want, as those scums are no different from those Taliban...
  18. rcrmj

    Uighur Activist Accuses China of Covering Up Xinjiang Killings

    its even sader for Indians, if you ask for job, the govt makes you to earn $1.5 perday, if you ask for education, they make you intellectually handicapped, if you ask for food, they make you un-nourished, if you ask for hygiene, they make the whole country a $hit hole, if a woman (from any age)...
  19. rcrmj

    Uighur Activist Accuses China of Covering Up Xinjiang Killings

    being an Indian you have no other options but other than inferior complexity and white wannabe mentality, so here you have two 'options'```damn, we Chinese envy you !!
  20. rcrmj

    India suffered 1,874 casualties without fighting a war

    for the sake of what? making fun of India? lol, do i have to, i mean seriously? you guys are doing it by yourselves. nonsense is for someone who doesnt know the difference between a totally controlled exchange rate and a means of giving certain rooms for its fluctuation (a useful tool to deal...
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