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  1. rcrmj

    Type 055 DDG News & Discussions

    i can only tell you that I formed my view on 055 based on rational analysis on various articles. but no doubt, capability wise 055 will be at the top league world wide, neither Europ nor Russia will have anything close to that for at least 2 decades
  2. rcrmj

    Type 055 DDG News & Discussions

    there is nothing to be disappoint about, laser weapon and rail guns are nothing but your hot dreams, it will take much longer time to have them ready for practical deployment. and it has nothing to do with innovation or patents, you are too simple and naive about defense industry 055 is a...
  3. rcrmj

    Type 055 DDG News & Discussions

    055 wont be as futuristic as DDG1000, and it wont be equipped with laser gun nor nuclear propulsion```it is going to use all mature design, techs and systems (90% are known to the public or used on current PLAN warships) its VSL modular has neither 96 nor more than 128 there might be one...
  4. rcrmj

    China, Rome, and the United States

    you mean that monkey was sent into space by a Russian capsule in 50s? yeah```real pride
  5. rcrmj

    SAC FC-31 Stealth Fighter: News & Discussions

    ws-13 will be in mass production in 2016, so it is very likely to be a WS-13
  6. rcrmj

    Chengdu J-20 5th Generation Aircraft News & Discussions

    in 2016 J-20 will be equipped with F-22 alike 2 dimensional thrust vectoring engine nozzles, `` and it will end all speculations on when, how and what engine will be used on J-20````its WS-15 with 2 dimensional TV nozzles p.s WS-13 will be in mass production in 2016 too``
  7. rcrmj

    China’s J-25 ‘Ghost Bird’ Stealth Fighter Better than US F-22

    this is how a rumor got spread```guys`this is utter nonsense and the CG is dull
  8. rcrmj

    China seizes more than 10,000 illegal guns in crackdown

    no, its summer time now here in China```but hope spring will ever come to that jungle monkey land to the South
  9. rcrmj

    China, Rome, and the United States

    let me answer that with another question``why human and monkey genetically so close but so so different? a monkey theory, cantonese is a dialect not a language (there are hundreds of dialects in China)``haha, your stupidity and ignorance``please come again about your monkey theory on languages?
  10. rcrmj

    China Economy Forum

    a paper tiger will always $hit on a paper monkey, that's a reality
  11. rcrmj

    India, Russia may build supercomputer to rival China's Tianhe-2

    the russian is digging another whole waiting for those clueless indians to jump in again``and again``lol
  12. rcrmj

    China’s bullet trains facilitate market integration and mitigate the cost of megacity growth

    who you want to fool? low skilled viets workers are getting what they are worth for, indeed there are many chinese workers in vietnam but most of them are technicians who are the core assets of any projects in vietnam and gets paid much higher than low skilled and clumsy viets there are no tie1...
  13. rcrmj

    The Great Game Changer: Belt and Road Intiative (BRI; OBOR)

    in the world stage you need a partner who can get things done and has strong economical, technological and political power```well, as it goes, there is no permanent friend but permanent interests``` anyhow, a monkey is good for nothing but entertainment during ease time..
  14. rcrmj

    China’s bullet trains facilitate market integration and mitigate the cost of megacity growth

    then you are really clueless about your country, too much vietcon propaganda in your brain i guess,, this is how much they get paid in reality kid` Samsung facilities in vietnam are nothing close to reality but your vietcong's face project to entice more foreign money to fulfill their...
  15. rcrmj

    China’s bullet trains facilitate market integration and mitigate the cost of megacity growth

    kid, China is not primitive vietnam where most people cant even afford your sluggish turtle rail, my cousin pays $100/mon for their factory workers in vietnam, and they are considered to be high income in Hanoi... a 300KM distance HSR travel costs you from 150RMB-250RMB probably half of your...
  16. rcrmj

    Will Chinese Smartphones Surpass Established Brands in Sales?

    i got a vivo X1, and got a vivo X3 for my wife, it costs around $600, and she really likes the camera and the slick looks
  17. rcrmj

    Second batch of J-10B

    this is not J-10C, please dont spread groundless rumors around,
  18. rcrmj

    Putin approved the sale of C-400 to China

    Su-35 is nothing like it is bragged but a flanker with outdated PESA and avionic with massive imported western small parts``` its holy deadliness can only making sense on their adverts
  19. rcrmj

    Indian Media: The Formidable Second Aircarft Carrier of China.

    your previous post said , and I replied that there is no such thing called the first batch, and you need to understand that 001 and 002 projects are two different project, 001/001A are of based on Varyag‘s hull and 002 is indigenous in terms of everything`` your previous post said , and I...
  20. rcrmj

    Indian Media: The Formidable Second Aircarft Carrier of China.

    im not talking about Chinese ship building capability, im simply saying that there are going to be only one 001A which is the 'liaoning' upgrade version, and the third carrier is going to be the indigenous one
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