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  1. rcrmj

    India's crazy deficit, when it will explode?

    lol its good that you are not from China``because every time I quoted facts from WB, IMF, PCT and Thomson Reuters and they say those are Chinese 'propaganda'`` lol those clueless indians play delusion at grandiose scale
  2. rcrmj

    Gwadar: Can India Checkmate China? – Analysis

    thanks, the same to you too`````
  3. rcrmj

    Gwadar: Can India Checkmate China? – Analysis

    lol to those delusional indians```people asking China to build ports because we have the capability and everyone wants to do trading with China`````and what can india offer?
  4. rcrmj

    Which countries are the most forward thinking? See it visualised

    maybe forward thinking on how to waste money or how many wifes gonna have??
  5. rcrmj

    DF-41 is back on the road!!

    please elaborate, or you are just being clueless
  6. rcrmj

    DF-41 is back on the road!!

    Did Russia ever shoot down a ballistic missile without a nuke head? Kid study the difference between mid course and terminal interception, and level of technological requirement form them first then come to talk..
  7. rcrmj

    Z-10 & Z-19 Combat Helicopter News & Discussion

    Any military powers prefer their domestic weapons, so external influences on the battle outcome can be minimised. Besides this is the symbol of a country's military might, there is no single military power that is built on foreign weapons
  8. rcrmj

    Z-10 & Z-19 Combat Helicopter News & Discussion

    this video is about WZ-10 'escorting' few transport helis to droop some paratroopers``after that recieved reinforcement call from other units (being f*cked by enemy tanks), but when moved to that 'enemy' location the tanks were gone```so they have to 'search' the 'enemy' tanks by the equipments...
  9. rcrmj

    In 7 years, the China story’s over

    An tipical ignorant and brainwashed Indian who has never been out the slums.. Indians average labour cost is much cheaper than the cheapest ones in China..fact (my Indian leather suppliers factory, visiting quite often) Indian has the world biggest child labour force, and China is one of those...
  10. rcrmj

    In 7 years, the China story’s over

    give you a dollar for every 'ghost city' you can find in China, and at the end day you get one dollar but give you a dollar for every disgusting city you find in India, and you become a millioniar```thats the reality kid, you have mental magnet for stupid western propaganda stuff``well`you know...
  11. rcrmj

    Do you have any questions about China?

    which uni did you go to in the U.K``I was there for long time :P and gotta say, fish & chips red lips are all i can say about cuisin culture in the U.K
  12. rcrmj

    Do you have any questions about China?

    I do not think Chinese food is confined by a certain 'dish', like spaghetti bolognese, Yorkshire Puttin, American apple pie and etc``` like a very simple plate like egg fried rice tastes very different if it is cooked in China or other countries...if you want to experience the real deal...
  13. rcrmj

    How India can overtake China in the battle for higher education and economi

    those are already there, and the population is sure thing```all my bets are on India side`lol and what are the outcomes of better eduaction? -more skilled labour and graduates, so factories and companies like to hire, efficiency driven economy sets to become the biggest economy in few years...
  14. rcrmj

    ‘Indian history was distorted by the British’

    all the reputitive Indian 'history' researches and books were done by whites, what does this say? it says India has no proper written history but loads of legends and fairytales`` a frenchman's conspiracy gives such hype to those ego thursty indians``
  15. rcrmj

    AMCA configuration in final stages

    lol a high school project can make much better model than this cr*p did by Indians``` india cannot make airborn AESA/PESA radar for fighter jets, cant make airborn weapons, cant make advanced aivonics. cant even make turbojet engine, and cant even design basic areodynamics, and now day dreaming...
  16. rcrmj

    India urges China to ensure dams don't harm its interests

    building more facilities for people to take piss or $hit ``? do you know nowadays there is one word that is redefined because of indians? its called delusion
  17. rcrmj

    You Think the Air in Beijing Is Bad? Try New Delhi

    because your owner told you its 'not' smog in India...who doesnt know Indians like to find funny excuses but that only works for less educated and simpleton indians````the whole city smell foul as soon as i step out the air plane every single time in India
  18. rcrmj

    Pakistan approves Gwadar port transfer to China

    Let me give it a try to translate these Chinese forum posts regarding this issue (the first line is users name and address, so I skip that) 老孙家的小女&#20799...
  19. rcrmj

    Vietnamese pour into S China amid labor shortage

    dont worry, viets wont be left out, as we have too many illegal viets here in China and breath the same air we breath
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