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  1. rcrmj

    India's 2nd air craft carrier would be, of Catobar Type.

    this is how a funny indian delusion starts```in this case, a clueless article based on zero reality :D
  2. rcrmj

    China's Communist Party and its more than two-million-man army aren't suppo

    i was a playful kid when in 80s``how old could this article be if it were 'true'?60s? 70s? did we even have videos in China around that time`? hehe`` western propaganda always treat their readers as sort of gulible half-growns but anyways this is how they keep people being prejudice about China
  3. rcrmj

    Should INDIA rethink on MMRCA when Chinese buy SU-35

    big fishes and senior members from CD and various Chinese defence forums said it clearly that the reason China buys Su-35 is not becuase its advancement or 'stopping gap' speculations``` Sino-Russia relationship had been on a cold plate for a decade when Wen and Dmitry Medvedev were in...
  4. rcrmj

    Should INDIA rethink on MMRCA when Chinese buy SU-35

    we are only buying for non military purpose and 24 of them```if PLAAF thought 35 was a serious stuff the No. would be 240 of them instead of 24```
  5. rcrmj

    China's Communist Party and its more than two-million-man army aren't suppo

    lol```the extend of western propaganda`` when did they ban home video console games?? we grew up with them in late 70s up to 80s```and when 90s coming,kids from cities started playing computer games and hand set games`` and do you believe that? :D
  6. rcrmj

    China ready to protect Sri Lanka: President Xi Jinping

    you got this part right```well, at the end day they are indians``:no:
  7. rcrmj

    China ready to protect Sri Lanka: President Xi Jinping

    the champion of mentalmasturbation``lol, what a group of p@thet1c people:lol:
  8. rcrmj

    China ready to protect Sri Lanka: President Xi Jinping

    the difference is the primitive indian cant do anything to assist those South China sea clowns``your factor driven society neither has any economical influences or high tech capabilities to assist them``` besides, even they wanted india there, but they know your symbolic trait of being lazy and...
  9. rcrmj

    F-60 / J-31 stealth fighter aircraft for Pakistan Air Force?

    not in our life time india is at the bottom of the weapon supply chain``more than 70% of weaponaries are imported and the bigger proportion of the remaining 30% are assemblies of imported parts`` their troublesome LCA, Arjun or any other 'domestic' projects tell very well about their true...
  10. rcrmj

    F-60 / J-31 stealth fighter aircraft for Pakistan Air Force?

    turkish 5th gen plan is no more than a fairytale``it does not have much experiences of developing modern combat aircraft in fields of areodynamics, avionices, composite material techs, radars, airframe design, air-born weapons, fly-control system and system integration techs, it has almost next...
  11. rcrmj

    India Responds To The Gwadar Port Transfer

    hehe you are very funny`and clueless
  12. rcrmj

    North Korean Stand Off With the US & S.Korea: News and Updates

    China does not want N.K to have nukes and delivery capability as much as the U.S, Japan and S.K nukes in morons' hands are the worst thing we can have in any cases. and N.K is out of control of China````it is time for China to clean this $hit up that we left untended for decades
  13. rcrmj

    India ridiculed at BRICS

    you dont need to read into this```it was for that jack$$$
  14. rcrmj

    India ridiculed at BRICS

    no opposed to Somalia```coz those barefoot mobs have more international exposure than joke india and afterwards the Chinese 'cleaner' dumped left-overs to indian garbage collectors to ship back to feed hunders of million slumdogs```and you are included`
  15. rcrmj

    A PLAAF Su-27UBK crashed during training, landed on beach and two pilots ki

    it is said that the two pilots were trying to crash-land this craft on the beach, unfortunately it was not successful````!
  16. rcrmj

    A PLAAF Su-27UBK crashed during training, landed on beach and two pilots ki

    A PLAAF Su-27UBK crashed during training, landed on beach and two pilots were killed (one drillmaster and one new pilot). ¾Ý·ÖÎö×¹»úΪUBKÐͽÌÁ·»ú£¬¿ÉÄÜÕýÔÚѵÁ·ÖÐÖгöÊÂÁË£¬£¬£¬£¬-¿Õ¾ü°æ-³¬¼¶´ó±¾Óª¾üÊÂÂÛ̳-×î¾ßÓ°ÏìÁ¦¾üÊÂÂÛ̳ - this accident was happened just few hours ago in Jinang military...
  17. rcrmj

    China's software industry revenue touches $311 billion

    this is the entire amount generated by the domestic sales`
  18. rcrmj

    India readies hi-tech naval base to keep eye on China

    brits agree with that very indeed``
  19. rcrmj

    20 Xinjiang Separatists Sentenced by China

    a fine piece of western propaganda, how subtle how 'balanced' view``!
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