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  1. rcrmj

    Joint Chinese-Russian Naval Drills Begin in Shanghai

    lol 2 random people buying stuff in vietnam, and the vietcong can make a propaganda out of it``` :lol:really, they do treat viets like those hyperactive Primate in the zoos why you are wasting time to explain to that thing```just play with him,:lol:
  2. rcrmj

    Joint Chinese-Russian Naval Drills Begin in Shanghai

    i reckon few vietcongs are beating their chest now, as their 'old master' Russia never said anything to make them feel big before the audience``lol
  3. rcrmj

    Why India Will Soon Outpace China

    these joke Indian predictions cooked based on nothing solid but hot delusion, based on Indian's lying and cheating culture, it'd be extremely lucky if your real GDP will be 60% of your fudged $1.8 trillion fantasy``get it curry boy?
  4. rcrmj

    Has India missed the manufacturing boat?

    infra - No skilled labour - No tech know-how - No working ethic - No gov efficiency - No comparative advantage - No extreme corruption - Yes so to sum up, yes you have missed
  5. rcrmj

    Why India Will Soon Outpace China

    usual clueless and ignorant Indians delusion, yes China's figures dont show the real picture of what we have, but the result is in direct opposite position, that is we heavily understate our GDP. unlike the primitive factor driven economy India, and whose figures are also fraudulent...
  6. rcrmj

    China : Bloody riots due to the government in favor of big corporation, without care about People

    funny```this little vietcong monkey keeps mocking China's internal riots and politics``yet that monkey kingdom is ruled by ruthless gorillas that tossing and stripping in front of China for the means of few spare ribs from our lips ` and those miserable little monkeys have to wade through their...
  7. rcrmj

    The challenges facing India’s Navy (from IHS Jane's Defense)

    factor driven economy, primitive technology know-how, backward manufacturing sector, no highly skilled technician and sluggish politicians````so it doesn't take an Einstein to figure out why
  8. rcrmj

    T-LORAMIDS Tender | Updates & Discussion

    the advancement of Chinese SAM capability is way beyond Russians understanding of ours``HQ-16 and HQ-9 are just beginning of our air defence capability`` 实拍中国红旗-9防空导弹震撼发射二连击_在线视频观看_土豆视频 实拍 中国红旗-9 《FD-2000》 防空导导弹 震撼发射 二连击 the first missile had a direct hit, and the second one chased the debris...
  9. rcrmj

    Chengdu J-20 5th Generation Aircraft News & Discussions

    well``dont take my words for granted, these are my understandings of certain infos`` let me flash back their original words (close)`` regarding 4th gen stealth figher's engine (he didnt specify whether it was for J-20 or for project 310)```'到16年某个二维喷口会出来' and '还有某中推也要大力推广了'
  10. rcrmj

    Learning More About China’s New Massive Warship Plan (055 Cruiser)

    its not a cruiser``its a destroyer!
  11. rcrmj

    Here Come...China's Drones

    if thats how other describe you in real life then i understand your basement mentality``` so how many 'scratches' your mom had to conceive you? dont tell me she told you all the 'details'? ```what a weird family``lol, now no myth about where the basement mentality of yours came from``
  12. rcrmj

    Type 055 DDG News & Discussions

    and yes indeed, but this equilibrium is hard for fanboys to understand 21st century is about intelligence, computer, precision and fast reaction, and thats why USAN tossed 500 VLS S21 project off into thin air, and now we have 80 tubes DDG1000, and thats why Soviet style was ditched by PLA's...
  13. rcrmj

    Type 055 DDG News & Discussions

    and this 'quality' seems not working quite well in 21st century, hence PLA has thrown Soviet weapon system and ideology into garbage bin
  14. rcrmj

    China to overtake U.S. economy this year, World Bank says

    the big number will always seems great since we have the population base, only the incapable will have a tiny number with such massive base when we have nice ranking in 'per capital criteria' then its time to boogie
  15. rcrmj

    Type 055 DDG News & Discussions

    having more missiles doesnt equal to fire power, its 21st century not like the years of World Wars, where the seas were ruled by titans with massive tubes and 'ejaculating' at each other
  16. rcrmj

    Type 055 DDG News & Discussions

    never taking those generals or experts, from TV, words seriously, most of them dont know lots of things``` the real deals are those who often popped up on defense forums irregularly, and gave vague infos about certain area of achievement, that you need to develop a special reading techniques in...
  17. rcrmj

    Type 055 DDG News & Discussions

    it is speculated, most likely to be 112 (i 'guessed')
  18. rcrmj

    SAC FC-31 Stealth Fighter: News & Discussions

    no not yet, since things about ws-17 are quite blurry atm.... as far as i know, ws-15 and ws-13 is going to be another mark after ws-10, and the outcome is going to be massive!
  19. rcrmj

    Russian Cars are superior to German Cars

    ````what a barging! at least triple for a used 525i here, and $85,000 + for a brand new one
  20. rcrmj

    Russian Cars are superior to German Cars

    yet, Russian roads are fully packed with German cars````well, at the end of day, russia $ucks at civilian industry how much it costs in your country?
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