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  1. M

    Founder of China : Cantonese - Hakka

    Who is he? Brahmin is what made modern Indian history although the Gujarati have contributed significantly cultural independence to India even Gandhi was from Gujarati. The father of modern China was Sun Yat sen a Hakka or a Hakka-Cantonese. If it weren't for him it wouldn't have succeeded...
  2. M

    Founder of China : Cantonese - Hakka

    My father is from the Brahmin although my mother is a mixture of Brahmin and high caste Tamil nadu Brahmin descent, so both side of my heritage are superior. The first prime minister of India was Brahmin and the people who let made the India independent movement successful was also Brahmin...
  3. M

    Founder of China : Cantonese - Hakka

    Without the great Hakka leader Sun Yat sen there will be no new founding of modern China.And without the Cantonese revolution, finance and without Hong Kong there would never be such thing in the first place. Does anyone agree? Without them no modern china no xinhai revolution. Chinese will...
  4. M

    DNA of all ethnic Chinese ( from history of military invasions ) Mandarin , Cantonese , Hakka

    That is why I say north Chinese have heavy siberian DNA
  5. M

    DNA of all ethnic Chinese ( from history of military invasions ) Mandarin , Cantonese , Hakka

    However the Chinese with O2b came from the Manchus, Jin
  6. M

    DNA of all ethnic Chinese ( from history of military invasions ) Mandarin , Cantonese , Hakka

    I doubt it, it's historically in places where the Manchus were had been but it has been detected in some samples of Han Chinese from Beijing (Jin 2003),Xi'an (1/34, Kim 2011), Jiangsu (Lu 2008), Wuhan (1/160),[1] and South China outside of Jiangsu, Anhui, Zhejiang, and Shanghai (1/65) It's...
  7. M

    DNA of all ethnic Chinese ( from history of military invasions ) Mandarin , Cantonese , Hakka

    Than there is O2b1 and O2b too which is around 1.5 to 3%
  8. M

    DNA of all ethnic Chinese ( from history of military invasions ) Mandarin , Cantonese , Hakka

    Umm..... what is there to be surprised? you can do the same to any language wikipedia. Just click on " translate this page " and you can read it زبان پنجابی - ویکی‌پدیا، دانشنامهٔ آزاد
  9. M

    DNA of all ethnic Chinese ( from history of military invasions ) Mandarin , Cantonese , Hakka

    You wish it did but the truth is Liaoning han have 22.5% C3 and The frequency of Haplogroup C-M217 in samples of Han Chinese from various areas has ranged from 0% (0/27 Han from Guangxi) to 23.5% (8/34 Han from Xi'an[14]), with the frequency of this haplogroup in several studies' pools of all...
  10. M

    History of Vietnam or What do you want to know about Vietnam?

    Yes I did, how else would I know what the heck was written? it's very easy to do. And no, every Malaysian have Indian blood but from 5-20%
  11. M

    DNA of all ethnic Chinese ( from history of military invasions ) Mandarin , Cantonese , Hakka

    You obviously a big fool if you think Y-DNA Mongolian (properly also from Xianbei, Jin dynasty, Khitan) C3 which reaches 6 -22.5% in North Chinese have no influence or mtDNA mongolians, Jin dynasty, Xianbei
  12. M

    History of Vietnam or What do you want to know about Vietnam?

    That is what it says when I used google translator to edit the wikipedia in English. Although Malaysians are genetically are genetically Southeast Asian race they also have 10-20% Indian/South Asian blood from both maternal and paternal.
  13. M

    History of Vietnam or What do you want to know about Vietnam?

    I didn't edit shit, there was a argument between Hong Kong people and Chinese on another forum so I went to check it out. Than there was this argument between Cantonese vs Mandarin, both of them talk of themselves as if they were distinct races. So I went to check it and found out it says...
  14. M

    History of Vietnam or What do you want to know about Vietnam?

    South Chinese are mixture of North Han and Southern ethnic minorities. Cantonese are basically no different to Southern Chinese in the same way Southern Indians from India all have heavy North Indian admixture from paternal lines ( aside from the low caste )
  15. M

    DNA of all ethnic Chinese ( from history of military invasions ) Mandarin , Cantonese , Hakka

    Exactly they are different. However why do you suppose their is 3x to 6x more Siberian component in North Chinese than SOUTH?
  16. M

    History of Vietnam or What do you want to know about Vietnam?

    You know what I find funny is that even your own Chinese wiki editted that Cantonese are malaysians or baiyue not han ------> 廣府民系 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
  17. M

    DNA of all ethnic Chinese ( from history of military invasions ) Mandarin , Cantonese , Hakka

    Genetic components of Han Chinese. Yellow = represents East Asian Brown = represents southeast asian But think of if this way. Because the component of East Asian is very similar to Siberian that is why they are in the same color. Do you honestly think that after so much invasion from Altaic...
  18. M

    DNA of all ethnic Chinese ( from history of military invasions ) Mandarin , Cantonese , Hakka

    Not epic failed. Mongolians are closely related with Buryats, Tungustic tribes, Mongolic tribes who predominate the Siberian component which is different. Koreans, Manchus, Japanese are closer to Siberian component the difference is they also have high East Asian admixture. North Chinese are...
  19. M

    DNA of all ethnic Chinese ( from history of military invasions ) Mandarin , Cantonese , Hakka

    Well it proves that military invasions and migrants did exist and contributed to their modern DNA. This proves with claims Siberian admixture aka as mongolian admixture. North Chinese have the highest from 6 - 12% sometimes even 22-30% South Chinese lowest from 2-5% sometimes 9%
  20. M

    DNA of all ethnic Chinese ( from history of military invasions ) Mandarin , Cantonese , Hakka

    《中国人种源头分布一览表》_如皋老乡会_人文_西祠胡同 Translation 《中国人种源头分布一览表》 中华文明探源工程初步结果----DNA数据 北吴(包括苏南、上海、杭州湾两岸)人父系:汉血统65%,苗瑶族O3d血统10%,棕色人种C血统5%,越人O1血统20%; 北吴人母系:越人50%,棕色人种5%,苗瑶族20%,汉人25%。 南吴(不包括苏南、上海、杭州湾两岸)人父系:汉血统40%,苗瑶族(主要是畲族)O3d血统10%,棕色人种C血统10%,越人O1血统40%; 南吴人母系:越人60%,棕色人种10%,苗瑶族10%,汉人20%。...
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