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  1. M

    British didn't colonize Hong Kong People

    Speak? almost all of us can Write? they haven't given us the priveledge
  2. M

    British didn't colonize Hong Kong People

    Any opinion? Do you still think it's correct to say Hong Kong people were colonized by British? I just find it so strange to make claims about being colonized when they basically immigrated there to be ruled under british law and government
  3. M

    British didn't colonize Hong Kong People

    I'm Indian Hong Konger myself and plenty of times some Hong Kong people say they were colonized but this does not make sense whatsoever if you read it's history. For example this is what it said. " The British empire first colonized the empty Hong Kong Island in 1842, however it was in 1898...
  4. M

    History of Vietnam or What do you want to know about Vietnam?

    The N and Q in Vietnam could have came from Chinese migrants from the north who also migrated there but it is also unlikely they have anything to do with them because south Chinese lack Q while north Chinese was invaded and conquered by Turkic groups
  5. M

    History of Vietnam or What do you want to know about Vietnam?

    You can talk about how C3 is few samples but this isn't just about C3 and O2b Siberian admixture includes Q which is prevelant in Turkic invaders and some mongolic groups. Yet again in north Chinese from 2- 10% Both north and south but higher on the north. Cantonese are like a mixture...
  6. M

    History of Vietnam or What do you want to know about Vietnam?

    Why the hell do you still keep posting that same genetic graph? what the difference does it make if they were recently assimilated or not? all North chinese samples have heavy admixture that are similar to modern Mongolians/Manchus
  7. M

    History of Vietnam or What do you want to know about Vietnam?

    You don't have the brains to understand 6-12% on male side C3 and in some freaking cities and provinces of Han Chinese on the north is 18 - 23% and this is not including maternal line which is 5 - 10% There is Manchus O2b in north Chinese 3-6% Add them all So a total of 15-28% with some going...
  8. M

    History of Vietnam or What do you want to know about Vietnam?

    100 million Cantonese. 60% are Han Chinese from paternal while maternal is 20%
  9. M

    Founder of China : Cantonese - Hakka

    Well I read on many article saying Shanghainese and Wu dialects are slowly disappearing. If you don't do something you be just like many Indian languages " 780 languages spoken in India, 250 died out in last 50 years' .... children in India are fed with a language which is different from their...
  10. M

    Founder of China : Cantonese - Hakka

    It would have been far better if we had migrated to Malaysia because of some of our culture and traditions are similar. Indians in Singapore and HK get discriminated too often in the job market. Indians/Pakistani being terrorists, smelly people are too often shown in Hong Kong comedy movies and...
  11. M

    Founder of China : Cantonese - Hakka

    Well I can't say that India is anything better, I can say that we are worse because are government still treats some low caste groups as worthless, even the demand for water is sometimes not given. However since Hong Kong were raised with western values and is famous international city, huge...
  12. M

    Founder of China : Cantonese - Hakka

    We also experienced extreme racism from the British white devils in India, Pakistan. They took the best food and took our best houses to live in while starving many Indians to death and living on the street.
  13. M

    Founder of China : Cantonese - Hakka

    Tell me why than this happens often....even among all my families who lived Hong Kong who all understands cantonese had experienced discrimination, they listened to the Hong Kong people in bus and trains making fun of their skin color? I once sat next to a Hong Kong guy and he immediately...
  14. M

    Founder of China : Cantonese - Hakka

    That's b.s man. They respect White and Koreans/Japanese but they can't respect dark skin people.
  15. M

    Founder of China : Cantonese - Hakka

    Hong Kong people bullying Indians/Pakistani minorities. Such attitude had not change because the HK racist media allows it. [DOUBLEPOST=1384657351][/DOUBLEPOST
  16. M

    Founder of China : Cantonese - Hakka

    The capital city of India is delhi and this is city ruled by Brahmin we have the highest standard of living among all Indian groups this is because we are the highest society. I also read world famous trading port city was in Guangzhou? they even won the Asia football club. By the way, how come...
  17. M

    Founder of China : Cantonese - Hakka

    However their racist attitude are still prevelant even though many are friendly
  18. M

    Founder of China : Cantonese - Hakka

    These fanime and rat diseases originated and spread from Hong Kong but the british with ships brought it to India. Political impact in colonial India Directions for searchers, Pune plague of 1897 Plague came to British India in 1896, most likely from Hong Kong where the epidemic had been...
  19. M

    Founder of China : Cantonese - Hakka

    Yeah I realized how stupid Hong Kong people are. They still say they want to be back with British while for Indian/Pakistan this was a huge humiliation we lost millions of life to fanime also because of Hong Kong who brought diseases which killed 100 million of Indians. They are losers who look...
  20. M

    Founder of China : Cantonese - Hakka

    There was a time I really hate Hong Kong people because they keep making fun of my skin color even though is considered one of the lightest among Indians. Hong Kong people are freaking racists!
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