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  1. M

    Turkic speaking countries might create free trade zone

    The truth is historically in Central Asia it was more like mostly Mongoloid males and part Mongoloid men wmating with mostly Caucasoid women and Turanid women. If we include the fact that ancient Turks had 47% Caucasoid Y-DNA and 27% Caucasoid mtDNA like Altay people. The history of Turks are...
  2. M

    Turkic speaking countries might create free trade zone

    Central Asians Turks Mongolian paternal Y-DNA is actually more common than maternal mtDNA. However. at the same Siberian mtDNA in Turks are much higher than Siberian Y-DNA Q, N. Even some of the Central Asian Turks including Turkish with R1a are derived from part Mongoloid men with R1a...
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