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  1. Speeder 2

    Shanghai tops global school tests, UK 'stagnates'

    Shanghai tops global school tests, UK 'stagnates', Supa powa "off the all charts" :lol:
  2. Speeder 2

    PLA Launches Fourth Type 052d 'chinese Aegis' Destroyer

    Thailand has had a good relationship with China for probably 1,000 years already. The current Thai Princess is half-Chinese. All Thai post ww2 Prime Ministers have been ethnic Chinese. That's why IMO China has no issue with offering 054A to Thailand.
  3. Speeder 2

    China deploys fighter jets to patrol new air defence zone

    but you don't have a watch, neither IQ i guess.
  4. Speeder 2

    OECD Predicts China #1 Economy by 2016

    :rofl: Your re-tard-ation is further proved by such a post. Your example shows that the US H1B1 Visa requirements have worked, that not any average Indian is qualified to immigrate to the US as he/she feels like. Roughly those who qualify to go to the US - the Indian Americans, have avg IQ of...
  5. Speeder 2

    China establishes air-defence zone over East China Sea

    this air defence zone is a strategic move marking the start of new era, spelling out that china is ready to take down japan if being forced. yeah, just like that. at the end of the day, meaning 1 or 2 decades from now, the uncle sam will back off from the region and concede to the sinosphere.
  6. Speeder 2

    Why Western criticism of India’s Mars mission is blatant racism

    The OP article( from Balaji Viswanathan of Firstpost) is retarded and hyopcritical , 2-in-1 ! Balaji Viswanathan is so quick pulling out the Race Card to cover the bullcrap underneath, while his reasoning is full of strawmen and hypocrisies. 1. The thing hasn't reached Mars yet. In fact it...
  7. Speeder 2

    Shenzhen's new airport looks like something out of a sci-fi movie

    The terminal looks fine. No need to make every architecture traditional Chinese style. I think some of the best Chinese culture that must be preserved can be found in clothings such as Hanfu. Instead of changing the terminla style into sort of forbidden city temples, all of the shop keepers...
  8. Speeder 2

    Lenovo's smartphone, tablet sales rise over 100%

    Gaming is not very big here in europe. Huawei P6 is targeting at a diff segment. One of my friends got it. She's in her 30s working for an insurance firm.
  9. Speeder 2


    WOW, coming out so fast? Not long ago it;s rumored that China was building a supersonic stealth bomber to cover the 2nd island chain (Guan, Diego Garcia, Darwin/AUS). Is that H-18?
  10. Speeder 2

    Lenovo's smartphone, tablet sales rise over 100%

    I think Huawei is better positioned than Lenovo on innovation front. Huawei just set up its european B2B operation centre in the IT park at outskirt of Amsterdam. It´s great to see the presence of Chinese high tech firm here in Holland. It is the first one. it´s gonna kick ar$e of local telco...
  11. Speeder 2

    Lenovo's smartphone, tablet sales rise over 100%

    Sorry, but aren't Huawei Acend P6 and Xiaomi Mi3 even better, on smartphones I mean.
  12. Speeder 2

    Will Mars mission propel India ahead of China in space race?

    My life? :rofl: My life is infinitely better than you call centre lot I can assure you. "Indian " Space Programme? what a joke. What do they do? painting? using our donated funds? Technologically , India's mission of shooting a rocket (licenced old Soviet iPSLV) into sky is just like what...
  13. Speeder 2

    Will Mars mission propel India ahead of China in space race?

    You lying Indian! When your ISRO's shallow primitive buffons issue statements related to the mission, they are all bragging India's tech might, blah, blah, supapowa, 4th country in the world... blah blah, without mentioning a single word of NASA. What a bloody disgrace of people you are! On...
  14. Speeder 2

    Will Mars mission propel India ahead of China in space race?

    and paint right. NASA is like a guy with his own workable model ( refers to remote control and tracking system). So the more data pass thru his model ( which Indian mission is providing one more set of data, good and/or bad), the more practices he will have on his model, the more experienced he...
  15. Speeder 2

    Will Mars mission propel India ahead of China in space race?

    That part will be done by remote tracking & control of NASA. What do you think "the co-op" for? Now you should know why India's is so cheap( apart from labout cost). Ruskies, ESA and NASA will handle the expansive and most difficult parts of the mission.
  16. Speeder 2

    Latest ISRO video of the Mangalyaan Mars mission

    75-million-quid-mission you said? What a waste! If they send 75 million, or even half of it, to my bank account, I can personally guarantee ISRO with concrete proof that there is neither water nor indoor-plumbing technology on China's UAV. Absolutely zero! :disagree:
  17. Speeder 2

    Expansion essential to make UN security council credible: India

    The easiest way to get India right is to think of sub-sahara Africa (SSA): 1. India is made of 34 or so tribes glued together; Sub-Sahara Africa (SSA) has several dozens countries as well- they have a club called Africa Union. 2. India has 1 billion+ population and fast growing; SSA has 1...
  18. Speeder 2

    Let’s get this very clear. India is definitely a Third World country

    22) failing PISA tests. - it sould be bottom of the list in PISA AND chickened out ever since. To be totally honest, you seem to have missed 3 though. If I may, 28) back-stabbing whenever given a chance 29) disloyal 30) lying to the teeth, as natural as breathing
  19. Speeder 2

    Q&A: China's restive far west

    Acutally Uyghur was formed much, but much later. I read somewhere it has history in the region for just 600 years max -from Yuan Dynasty or even later, compared to 2,000 years settlement of the Han Chinese. Moreover, it's the red Soviet who coined the name "Uyghurs" in about 1922.
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