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  1. Speeder 2

    J-10C Maiden Flight

    Silent Dragon?
  2. Speeder 2

    Riots in Singapore

    Whenever their number is small, overseas Indians just shut up. Whenver their number is increasing, the first thing Indians do is to elect ethnic Indian politicians (In the US .e.g. 2 enthic Indian senetors and 1 law-making congressman - who btw just publicly spoke against the US in the...
  3. Speeder 2

    Z-20 Utility Helicopter News & Discussions

    try drive H-20 instead, no traffic light, guaranteed. :rofl:
  4. Speeder 2

    Z-20 Utility Helicopter News & Discussions

    ^^^ When you think sh@t, say sh@t, and do sh@t in harmony, it's called happyness --- Mahatma Gandhi No wonder Indians are in such a happy state . :rap:
  5. Speeder 2

    11 things you didn't know about India's LCA fighter jet

    13. foreign design, foreign engines, foreign radar, foreign avionics, foreign weaponaries, with 30 years just made an empty shell which still has a permanent problem of overweight. :rofl:
  6. Speeder 2

    World N.o3, Chinese leave footprints on the Moon !

    It's an achievement to be prund of :tup: :china:, particularly in the sense that all those things in the photos, all equipments and all tiny pieces as small as nails, along with all operations (except the none-mission-critical but important assistance from deep space tracking radars of ESA)...
  7. Speeder 2

    China’s Chang’e-3 Moon Rover Descends to Lower Orbit Sets Up Historic Soft Landing

    Source? it's not that hard, you just have to think a little: 1. to track things in space, you need BIG and high quality telescopes, in different locations of the world, and some deep-space sats/telescope, too. 2. China has the biggest new telescope in Asia, and many remote sensing sats in high...
  8. Speeder 2

    China’s Chang’e-3 Moon Rover Descends to Lower Orbit Sets Up Historic Soft Landing

    I think they're too conservative and wasted some very good chances of experimenting new things. :hitwall: This actually is the 1st time humans put a digital information-age-enabled technolgies on the Moon. the US and Soviets missions were quite dulling and primitive in terms of high tech- we...
  9. Speeder 2

    China’s Chang’e-3 Moon Rover Descends to Lower Orbit Sets Up Historic Soft Landing

    I just watched cctv English live broadcast. Great! It's different from Russian landing 37 yrs ago, as Russian one was a bit primitive (of course advanced at a time though) - like a "hard" landing with a cusion. The Chinese one was controlled automated freefall until it reached 4 metres above...
  10. Speeder 2

    Shanghai tops global school tests, UK 'stagnates'

    Why TIME? Perhaps you want to know who is the chief editor of TIME? A well-known anti-China Indian, Oh sorry, an American, :rofl: , promoted by CNN to such a senior position through kinda of Confirmative Action. I've been closely followed this PISA soup opera of smearing China campaign. Even...
  11. Speeder 2

    Shanghai tops global school tests, UK 'stagnates'

    How you Indians are supposed to comprehend higher dimensions, even with google translator? :rofl: In retrospect, actually Zhejiang won 2009 PISA. Its scores were closely 2nd (r.g. its maths was 598, only 2 pts shy of shanghai's 600), but unlike Shanghai, it was biased against during the...
  12. Speeder 2

    Shanghai tops global school tests, UK 'stagnates'

    I guess jiangsu province took the 2012 PISA no. 1
  13. Speeder 2

    Shanghai tops global school tests, UK 'stagnates'

    Zhejiang's 2013 PISA scores are out!! :lol: It outscored Shanghai! To copy/paste a comment from Time: " There are some latest results leaking from Chinese media. Zhejiang, a rich province neighboring shanghai, participated PISA 2012 and achieved quite good results (570 in reading, 623 in...
  14. Speeder 2

    History of Vietnam or What do you want to know about Vietnam?

    the typical inferiority complex: for the entire history living in between an imperial China that has been at orders of magnitude more powerful and an occasionally deadly threat such as Japan makes Koreans defensive.
  15. Speeder 2

    Shanghai tops global school tests, UK 'stagnates'

    Anyone has China's internal Gaokao provincial rankings on Maths & Sciences? of any year. the more the better.
  16. Speeder 2

    Shanghai tops global school tests, UK 'stagnates'

    I just checked the scores again. I can't emphasise more that Vietnam rocks this time. It scored just like Germany on all fields. The result makes me look at Vietnam in a new light. I''d consider Vietnam as 0.7 East Asian country since now. btw, doesn't 73th-placed knowledge supa powa want to...
  17. Speeder 2

    Shanghai tops global school tests, UK 'stagnates'

    TXS! Pls keep us updated if you hear anything new in the future about the scores of these 12 provinces in PISA 2012.
  18. Speeder 2

    Shanghai tops global school tests, UK 'stagnates'

    Thanks. Do you know when? What's the source btw?
  19. Speeder 2

    Shanghai tops global school tests, UK 'stagnates'

    I think that Viet Nam had a stellar performace. It is quite astonishing. It ranks global top 8 in science, well ahead all major Western economies except the Finns! It outdone Canada, Australia, Austria in Maths! Statistically speaking Viet Nam's mean Maths score is the same as that of...
  20. Speeder 2

    Shanghai tops global school tests, UK 'stagnates'

    The question is mhow many Chinese provinces can score better than Shanghai? Can anyone shed some light on this? I'd like to see the scores , leaked or not, of all 12 Chinese provinces tested.
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